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Error on analytics tables update


Hi Devs,

This could still be under development, not really sure, but just starting
to take a look at the analytics stuff and ran into this.

Caused by: org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException:
StatementCallback; SQL [insert into analytics_temp_2010
daysno, value) select
as double precision) * ps.daysno as daysxvalue, ps.daysno as daysno,
cast(dv.value as double precision) as value from datavalue dv left join
_dataelementgroupsetstructure degs on dv.dataelementid=degs.dataelementid
left join _organisationunitgroupsetstructure ougs on
dv.sourceid=ougs.organisationunitid left join _orgunitstructure ous on
dv.sourceid=ous.organisationunitid left join _periodstructure ps on
dv.periodid=ps.periodid left join dataelement de on
dv.dataelementid=de.dataelementid left join categoryoptioncombo co on
dv.categoryoptioncomboid=co.categoryoptioncomboid left join period pe on
dv.periodid=pe.periodid where de.valuetype='int' and pe.startdate >=
'2010-01-01' and pe.startdate <= '2010-12-31'and dv.value is not null and
dv.value != '']; ERROR: invalid input syntax for type double precision:
"true"; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR:
invalid input syntax for type double precision: "true"

In this case, it looks like we have some invalid data in the database and
the  SELECT query does not seem to work as intended.

Use of regular expressions may be required in order to filter out the
invalid data

such as

SELECT .... from datavalue .... and dv.value ~('^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$')

This is obviously Postgresql syntax, and will only match valid integers.

Of course, the underlying problem is bad data in the database, but not sure
if we need to cater to that here.


Follow ups