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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 10125: minor fix - LWUIT handler


revno: 10125
committer: Lai <lai.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2013-03-11 10:39:47 +0700
  minor fix - LWUIT handler


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/model/OrgUnits.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/model/OrgUnits.java	2013-02-25 06:32:56 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/model/OrgUnits.java	2013-03-11 03:39:47 +0000
@@ -87,17 +87,14 @@
         if ( this.getClientVersion().equals( DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT ) )
             this.serializeVersion2_8( dataOutputStream );
-            System.out.println("2.8");
         else if ( this.getClientVersion().equals( DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_NINE ) )
             this.serializeVersion2_9( dataOutputStream );
-            System.out.println("2.9");
             this.serializeVersion2_10( dataOutputStream );
-            System.out.println("2.10");

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/service/ActivityReportingServiceImpl.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/service/ActivityReportingServiceImpl.java	2013-03-08 10:17:23 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/service/ActivityReportingServiceImpl.java	2013-03-11 03:39:47 +0000
@@ -972,7 +972,21 @@
-            programStageInstance.setCompleted( true );
+            programStageInstance.setCompleted ( true );
+            // check if any compulsory value is null
+            for ( int i = 0; i < dataElements.size(); i++ )
+            {
+                if ( dataElements.get( i ).isCompulsory() == true  )
+                {
+                    if ( dataElements.get( i ).getValue().equals( "" ) )
+                    {
+                        programStageInstance.setCompleted( false );
+                        //break;
+                        throw NotAllowedException.INVALID_PROGRAM_STAGE;        
+                    }
+                }
+            }
             programStageInstanceService.updateProgramStageInstance( programStageInstance );
             return PROGRAM_STAGE_UPLOADED;

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/controller/MobileClientController.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/controller/MobileClientController.java	2013-03-09 02:24:46 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/controller/MobileClientController.java	2013-03-11 03:39:47 +0000
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@
         orgUnits.setClientVersion( version );
         return orgUnits;
-    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{version}/" )
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{version}/LWUIT" )
     public OrgUnits getOrgUnitsForUserLWUIT( HttpServletRequest request, @PathVariable String version )
         throws NotAllowedException

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/controller/MobileOrganisationUnitController.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/controller/MobileOrganisationUnitController.java	2013-03-09 02:24:46 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api-mobile/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/api/mobile/controller/MobileOrganisationUnitController.java	2013-03-11 03:39:47 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.ActivityReportingService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.FacilityReportingService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.IProgramService;
@@ -18,17 +17,13 @@
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.DataStreamSerializable;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.MobileModel;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.ModelList;
-import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.PatientAttribute;
+import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.LWUITmodel.Patient;
+import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.LWUITmodel.ProgramStage;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.SMSCode;
 import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.SMSCommand;
-import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.LWUITmodel.Patient;
-import org.hisp.dhis.api.mobile.model.LWUITmodel.ProgramStage;
 import org.hisp.dhis.i18n.I18nService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnitService;
-import org.hisp.dhis.patient.PatientAttributeService;
-import org.hisp.dhis.patient.PatientIdentifierType;
-import org.hisp.dhis.patient.PatientIdentifierTypeService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.patient.PatientService;
 import org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCommandService;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
@@ -41,330 +36,260 @@
 import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
-@RequestMapping(value = "/mobile")
-public class MobileOrganisationUnitController extends AbstractMobileController {
-	private static final String ACTIVITY_REPORT_UPLOADED = "activity_report_uploaded";
-	private static final String DATASET_REPORT_UPLOADED = "dataset_report_uploaded";
-	private static final String PROGRAM_STAGE_UPLOADED = "program_stage_uploaded";
-	private static final String PATIENT_REGISTERED = "patient_registered";
-	@Autowired
-	private ActivityReportingService activityReportingService;
-	@Autowired
-	private IProgramService programService;
-	@Autowired
-	private FacilityReportingService facilityReportingService;
-	@Autowired
-	private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
-	@Autowired
-	private I18nService i18nService;
-	@Autowired
-	private PatientService patientService;
-	@Autowired
-	private SMSCommandService smsCommandService;
-	private PatientIdentifierTypeService patientIdentifierTypeService;
-	public PatientIdentifierTypeService getPatientIdentifierTypeService() {
-		return patientIdentifierTypeService;
-	}
-	public void setPatientIdentifierTypeService(
-			PatientIdentifierTypeService patientIdentifierTypeService) {
-		this.patientIdentifierTypeService = patientIdentifierTypeService;
-	}
-	private Collection<PatientIdentifierType> patientIdentifierTypes;
-	public Collection<PatientIdentifierType> getPatientIdentifierTypes() {
-		return patientIdentifierTypes;
-	}
-	public void setPatientIdentifierTypes(
-			Collection<PatientIdentifierType> patientIdentifierTypes) {
-		this.patientIdentifierTypes = patientIdentifierTypes;
-	}
-	private Collection<PatientAttribute> patientAttributes;
-	public Collection<PatientAttribute> getPatientAttributes() {
-		return patientAttributes;
-	}
-	public void setPatientAttributes(
-			Collection<PatientAttribute> patientAttributes) {
-		this.patientAttributes = patientAttributes;
-	}
-	private PatientAttributeService patientAttributeService;
-	public PatientAttributeService getPatientAttributeService() {
-		return patientAttributeService;
-	}
-	public void setPatientAttributeService(
-			PatientAttributeService patientAttributeService) {
-		this.patientAttributeService = patientAttributeService;
-	}
-	// For client version 2.8 and lower
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "orgUnits/{id}/all")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public MobileModel getAllDataForOrgUnit2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale) {
-		MobileModel mobileModel = new MobileModel();
-		mobileModel.setClientVersion(DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT);
-		OrganisationUnit unit = getUnit(id);
-		mobileModel.setActivityPlan(activityReportingService
-				.getCurrentActivityPlan(unit, locale));
-		mobileModel.setPrograms(programService.getPrograms(unit, locale));
-		mobileModel.setDatasets(facilityReportingService
-				.getMobileDataSetsForUnit(unit, locale));
-		mobileModel.setServerCurrentDate(new Date());
-		mobileModel.setLocales(getLocalStrings(i18nService
-				.getAvailableLocales()));
-		return mobileModel;
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/updateDataSets")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public DataSetList checkUpdatedDataSet2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestBody DataSetList dataSetList,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale) {
-		DataSetList returnList = facilityReportingService.getUpdatedDataSet(
-				dataSetList, getUnit(id), locale);
-		returnList.setClientVersion(DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT);
-		return returnList;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Save a facility report for unit
-	 * 
-	 * @param dataSetValue
-	 *            - the report to save
-	 * @throws NotAllowedException
-	 *             if the {@link DataSetValue} is invalid
-	 */
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/dataSets")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public String saveDataSetValues2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestBody DataSetValue dataSetValue) throws NotAllowedException {
-		facilityReportingService.saveDataSetValues(getUnit(id), dataSetValue);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Save activity report for unit
-	 * 
-	 * @param activityValue
-	 *            - the report to save
-	 * @throws NotAllowedException
-	 *             if the {@link ActivityValue activity value} is invalid
-	 */
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/activities")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public String saveActivityReport2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestBody ActivityValue activityValue)
-			throws NotAllowedException {
-		// FIXME set the last argument to 0 to fix compilation error
-		activityReportingService.saveActivityReport(getUnit(id), activityValue,
-				0);
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/activitiyplan")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public MobileModel updatePrograms2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale,
-			@RequestBody ModelList programsFromClient) {
-		MobileModel model = new MobileModel();
-		model.setClientVersion(DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT);
-		model.setPrograms(programService.updateProgram(programsFromClient,
-				locale, getUnit(id)));
-		model.setActivityPlan(activityReportingService.getCurrentActivityPlan(
-				getUnit(id), locale));
-		model.setServerCurrentDate(new Date());
-		return model;
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "orgUnits/{id}/search")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public ActivityPlan search2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("identifier") String identifier)
-			throws NotAllowedException {
-		ActivityPlan activityPlan = activityReportingService
-				.getActivitiesByIdentifier(identifier);
-		;
-		activityPlan.setClientVersion(DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT);
-		return activityPlan;
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "orgUnits/{id}/changeLanguageDataSet")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public DataSetList changeLanguageDataSet2_8(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale) {
-		return facilityReportingService.getDataSetsForLocale(getUnit(id),
-				locale);
-	}
-	// For client version 2.9 and higher
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/all")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public MobileModel getAllDataForOrgUnit(@PathVariable String clientVersion,
-			@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale) {
-		MobileModel mobileModel = new MobileModel();
-		mobileModel.setClientVersion(clientVersion);
-		OrganisationUnit unit = getUnit(id);
-		mobileModel.setActivityPlan(activityReportingService
-				.getCurrentActivityPlan(unit, locale));
-		mobileModel.setPrograms(programService.getPrograms(unit, locale));
-		mobileModel.setDatasets(facilityReportingService
-				.getMobileDataSetsForUnit(unit, locale));
-		mobileModel.setServerCurrentDate(new Date());
-		mobileModel.setLocales(getLocalStrings(i18nService
-				.getAvailableLocales()));
-		mobileModel.setSmsCommands(this.getMobileSMSCommands(smsCommandService
-				.getSMSCommands()));
-		return mobileModel;
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/updateDataSets")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public DataSetList checkUpdatedDataSet(@PathVariable String clientVersion,
-			@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody DataSetList dataSetList,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale) {
-		DataSetList returnList = facilityReportingService.getUpdatedDataSet(
-				dataSetList, getUnit(id), locale);
-		returnList.setClientVersion(clientVersion);
-		return returnList;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Save a facility report for unit
-	 * 
-	 * @param dataSetValue
-	 *            - the report to save
-	 * @throws NotAllowedException
-	 *             if the {@link DataSetValue} is invalid
-	 */
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/dataSets")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public String saveDataSetValues(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestBody DataSetValue dataSetValue) throws NotAllowedException {
-		facilityReportingService.saveDataSetValues(getUnit(id), dataSetValue);
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/activitiyplan")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public MobileModel updatePrograms(@PathVariable String clientVersion,
-			@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale,
-			@RequestBody ModelList programsFromClient) {
-		MobileModel model = new MobileModel();
-		model.setClientVersion(clientVersion);
-		model.setPrograms(programService.updateProgram(programsFromClient,
-				locale, getUnit(id)));
-		model.setActivityPlan(activityReportingService.getCurrentActivityPlan(
-				getUnit(id), locale));
-		model.setServerCurrentDate(new Date());
-		return model;
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/search")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public ActivityPlan search(@PathVariable String clientVersion,
-			@PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader("identifier") String identifier)
-			throws NotAllowedException {
-		ActivityPlan activityPlan = activityReportingService
-				.getActivitiesByIdentifier(identifier);
-		activityPlan.setClientVersion(clientVersion);
-		return activityPlan;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Save a facility report for unit
-	 * 
-	 * @param dataSetValue
-	 *            - the report to save
-	 * @throws NotAllowedException
-	 *             if the {@link DataSetValue} is invalid
-	 */
-	// @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value =
-	// "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/dataSets" )
-	// @ResponseBody
-	// public String saveDataSetValues( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody
-	// DataSetValue dataSetValue )
-	// throws NotAllowedException
-	// {
-	// facilityReportingService.saveDataSetValues( getUnit( id ),
-	// dataSetValue
-	// );
-	// }
-	/**
-	 * Save activity report for unit
-	 * 
-	 * @param activityValue
-	 *            - the report to save
-	 * @throws NotAllowedException
-	 *             if the {@link ActivityValue activity value} is invalid
-	 */
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/activities")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public String saveActivityReport(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestBody ActivityValue activityValue)
-			throws NotAllowedException {
-		// FIXME set the last argument to 0 to fix compilation error
-		activityReportingService.saveActivityReport(getUnit(id), activityValue,
-				0);
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/changeLanguageDataSet")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public DataSetList changeLanguageDataSet(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("accept-language") String locale) {
-		return facilityReportingService.getDataSetsForLocale(getUnit(id),
-				locale);
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/updateContactForMobile")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public Contact updateContactForMobile() {
-		return facilityReportingService.updateContactForMobile();
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/findPatient")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public Patient findPatientByName(@PathVariable int id,
-			@RequestHeader("name") String fullName) throws NotAllowedException {
-		return activityReportingService.findPatient(fullName, id);
-	}
-	@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/uploadProgramStage" )
+@RequestMapping( value = "/mobile" )
+public class MobileOrganisationUnitController
+    extends AbstractMobileController
+    private static final String ACTIVITY_REPORT_UPLOADED = "activity_report_uploaded";
+    private static final String DATASET_REPORT_UPLOADED = "dataset_report_uploaded";
+    @Autowired
+    private ActivityReportingService activityReportingService;
+    @Autowired
+    private IProgramService programService;
+    @Autowired
+    private FacilityReportingService facilityReportingService;
+    @Autowired
+    private OrganisationUnitService organisationUnitService;
+    @Autowired
+    private I18nService i18nService;
+    @Autowired
+    private PatientService patientService;
+    @Autowired
+    private SMSCommandService smsCommandService;
+    // For client version 2.8 and lower
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "orgUnits/{id}/all" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public MobileModel getAllDataForOrgUnit2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale )
+    {
+        MobileModel mobileModel = new MobileModel();
+        mobileModel.setClientVersion( DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT );
+        OrganisationUnit unit = getUnit( id );
+        mobileModel.setActivityPlan( activityReportingService.getCurrentActivityPlan( unit, locale ) );
+        mobileModel.setPrograms( programService.getPrograms( unit, locale ) );
+        mobileModel.setDatasets( facilityReportingService.getMobileDataSetsForUnit( unit, locale ) );
+        mobileModel.setServerCurrentDate( new Date() );
+        mobileModel.setLocales( getLocalStrings( i18nService.getAvailableLocales() ) );
+        return mobileModel;
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/updateDataSets" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public DataSetList checkUpdatedDataSet2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody DataSetList dataSetList,
+        @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale )
+    {
+        DataSetList returnList = facilityReportingService.getUpdatedDataSet( dataSetList, getUnit( id ), locale );
+        returnList.setClientVersion( DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT );
+        return returnList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save a facility report for unit
+     * 
+     * @param dataSetValue - the report to save
+     * @throws NotAllowedException if the {@link DataSetValue} is invalid
+     */
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/dataSets" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public String saveDataSetValues2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody DataSetValue dataSetValue )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        facilityReportingService.saveDataSetValues( getUnit( id ), dataSetValue );
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save activity report for unit
+     * 
+     * @param activityValue - the report to save
+     * @throws NotAllowedException if the {@link ActivityValue activity value}
+     *         is invalid
+     */
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/activities" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public String saveActivityReport2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody ActivityValue activityValue )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        // FIXME set the last argument to 0 to fix compilation error
+        activityReportingService.saveActivityReport( getUnit( id ), activityValue, 0 );
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "orgUnits/{id}/activitiyplan" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public MobileModel updatePrograms2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale,
+        @RequestBody ModelList programsFromClient )
+    {
+        MobileModel model = new MobileModel();
+        model.setClientVersion( DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT );
+        model.setPrograms( programService.updateProgram( programsFromClient, locale, getUnit( id ) ) );
+        model.setActivityPlan( activityReportingService.getCurrentActivityPlan( getUnit( id ), locale ) );
+        model.setServerCurrentDate( new Date() );
+        return model;
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "orgUnits/{id}/search" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public ActivityPlan search2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "identifier" ) String identifier )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        ActivityPlan activityPlan = activityReportingService.getActivitiesByIdentifier( identifier );
+        ;
+        activityPlan.setClientVersion( DataStreamSerializable.TWO_POINT_EIGHT );
+        return activityPlan;
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "orgUnits/{id}/changeLanguageDataSet" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public DataSetList changeLanguageDataSet2_8( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale )
+    {
+        return facilityReportingService.getDataSetsForLocale( getUnit( id ), locale );
+    }
+    // For client version 2.9 and higher
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/all" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public MobileModel getAllDataForOrgUnit( @PathVariable String clientVersion, @PathVariable int id,
+        @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale )
+    {
+        MobileModel mobileModel = new MobileModel();
+        mobileModel.setClientVersion( clientVersion );
+        OrganisationUnit unit = getUnit( id );
+        mobileModel.setActivityPlan( activityReportingService.getCurrentActivityPlan( unit, locale ) );
+        mobileModel.setPrograms( programService.getPrograms( unit, locale ) );
+        mobileModel.setDatasets( facilityReportingService.getMobileDataSetsForUnit( unit, locale ) );
+        mobileModel.setServerCurrentDate( new Date() );
+        mobileModel.setLocales( getLocalStrings( i18nService.getAvailableLocales() ) );
+        mobileModel.setSmsCommands( this.getMobileSMSCommands( smsCommandService.getSMSCommands() ) );
+        return mobileModel;
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/updateDataSets" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public DataSetList checkUpdatedDataSet( @PathVariable String clientVersion, @PathVariable int id,
+        @RequestBody DataSetList dataSetList, @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale )
+    {
+        DataSetList returnList = facilityReportingService.getUpdatedDataSet( dataSetList, getUnit( id ), locale );
+        returnList.setClientVersion( clientVersion );
+        return returnList;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save a facility report for unit
+     * 
+     * @param dataSetValue - the report to save
+     * @throws NotAllowedException if the {@link DataSetValue} is invalid
+     */
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/dataSets" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public String saveDataSetValues( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody DataSetValue dataSetValue )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        facilityReportingService.saveDataSetValues( getUnit( id ), dataSetValue );
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/activitiyplan" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public MobileModel updatePrograms( @PathVariable String clientVersion, @PathVariable int id,
+        @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale, @RequestBody ModelList programsFromClient )
+    {
+        MobileModel model = new MobileModel();
+        model.setClientVersion( clientVersion );
+        model.setPrograms( programService.updateProgram( programsFromClient, locale, getUnit( id ) ) );
+        model.setActivityPlan( activityReportingService.getCurrentActivityPlan( getUnit( id ), locale ) );
+        model.setServerCurrentDate( new Date() );
+        return model;
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/search" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public ActivityPlan search( @PathVariable String clientVersion, @PathVariable int id,
+        @RequestHeader( "identifier" ) String identifier )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        ActivityPlan activityPlan = activityReportingService.getActivitiesByIdentifier( identifier );
+        activityPlan.setClientVersion( clientVersion );
+        return activityPlan;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save a facility report for unit
+     * 
+     * @param dataSetValue - the report to save
+     * @throws NotAllowedException if the {@link DataSetValue} is invalid
+     */
+    // @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value =
+    // "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/dataSets" )
+    // @ResponseBody
+    // public String saveDataSetValues( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody
+    // DataSetValue dataSetValue )
+    // throws NotAllowedException
+    // {
+    // facilityReportingService.saveDataSetValues( getUnit( id ), dataSetValue
+    // );
+    // }
+    /**
+     * Save activity report for unit
+     * 
+     * @param activityValue - the report to save
+     * @throws NotAllowedException if the {@link ActivityValue activity value}
+     *         is invalid
+     */
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/activities" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public String saveActivityReport( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody ActivityValue activityValue )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        // FIXME set the last argument to 0 to fix compilation error
+        activityReportingService.saveActivityReport( getUnit( id ), activityValue, 0 );
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/changeLanguageDataSet" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public DataSetList changeLanguageDataSet( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "accept-language" ) String locale )
+    {
+        return facilityReportingService.getDataSetsForLocale( getUnit( id ), locale );
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/updateContactForMobile" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public Contact updateContactForMobile()
+    {
+        return facilityReportingService.updateContactForMobile();
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/LWUIT/orgUnits/{id}/findPatient" )
+    @ResponseBody
+    public Patient findPatientByName( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "name" ) String fullName )
+        throws NotAllowedException
+    {
+        return activityReportingService.findPatient( fullName, id );
+    }
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/LWUIT/orgUnits/{id}/uploadProgramStage" )
     public String saveProgramStage( @PathVariable int id, @RequestBody ProgramStage programStage )
         throws NotAllowedException
         return activityReportingService.saveProgramStage( programStage );
-	@RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/enrollProgram" )
+    @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "{clientVersion}/LWUIT/orgUnits/{id}/enrollProgram" )
     public Patient enrollProgram( @PathVariable int id, @RequestHeader( "enrollInfo" ) String enrollInfo )
         throws NotAllowedException
@@ -372,92 +297,53 @@
         return activityReportingService.enrollProgram( enrollInfo, id );
-	// Supportive methods
-	private Collection<String> getLocalStrings(Collection<Locale> locales) {
-		if (locales == null || locales.isEmpty()) {
-			return null;
-		}
-		Collection<String> localeStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
-		for (Locale locale : locales) {
-			localeStrings.add(locale.getLanguage() + "-" + locale.getCountry());
-		}
-		return localeStrings;
-	}
-	private List<SMSCommand> getMobileSMSCommands(
-			Collection<org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCommand> normalSMSCommands) {
-		List<SMSCommand> smsCommands = new ArrayList<SMSCommand>();
-		for (org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCommand normalSMSCommand : normalSMSCommands) {
-			SMSCommand mobileSMSCommand = new SMSCommand();
-			List<SMSCode> smsCodes = new ArrayList<SMSCode>();
-			mobileSMSCommand.setParserType(normalSMSCommand.getParserType()
-					.name());
-			mobileSMSCommand.setCodeSeparator(normalSMSCommand
-					.getCodeSeparator());
-			mobileSMSCommand
-					.setDataSetId(normalSMSCommand.getDataset().getId());
-			mobileSMSCommand.setSeparator(normalSMSCommand.getSeparator());
-			for (org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCode normalSMSCode : normalSMSCommand
-					.getCodes()) {
-				SMSCode smsCode = new SMSCode();
-				smsCode.setCode(normalSMSCode.getCode());
-				smsCode.setDataElementId(normalSMSCode.getDataElement().getId());
-				smsCode.setOptionId(normalSMSCode.getId());
-				smsCodes.add(smsCode);
-			}
-			smsCommands.add(mobileSMSCommand);
-		}
-		return smsCommands;
-	}
-	private OrganisationUnit getUnit(int id) {
-		return organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit(id);
-	}
-	@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "{clientVersion}/orgUnits/{id}/registerPerson")
-	@ResponseBody
-	public String savePatient(@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody Patient patient) {
-		org.hisp.dhis.patient.Patient patientWeb = new org.hisp.dhis.patient.Patient();
-		int startIndex = patient.getFirstName().indexOf(' ');
-		int endIndex = patient.getFirstName().lastIndexOf(' ');
-		String firstName = patient.getFirstName().toString();
-		String middleName = "";
-		String lastName = "";
-		if (patient.getFirstName().indexOf(' ') != -1) {
-			firstName = patient.getFirstName().substring(0, startIndex);
-			if (startIndex == endIndex) {
-				middleName = "";
-				lastName = patient.getFirstName().substring(startIndex + 1,
-						patient.getFirstName().length());
-			} else {
-				middleName = patient.getFirstName().substring(startIndex + 1,
-						endIndex);
-				lastName = patient.getFirstName().substring(endIndex + 1,
-						patient.getFirstName().length());
-			}
-		}
-		patientWeb.setFirstName(firstName);
-		patientWeb.setMiddleName(middleName);
-		patientWeb.setLastName(lastName);
-		patientWeb.setGender(patient.getGender());
-		patientWeb.setDobType(patient.getDobType());
-		patientWeb.setPhoneNumber(patient.getPhoneNumber());
-		patientWeb.setOrganisationUnit(organisationUnitService
-				.getOrganisationUnit(id));
-		patientService.savePatient(patientWeb);
-	}
+    // Supportive methods
+    private Collection<String> getLocalStrings( Collection<Locale> locales )
+    {
+        if ( locales == null || locales.isEmpty() )
+        {
+            return null;
+        }
+        Collection<String> localeStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
+        for ( Locale locale : locales )
+        {
+            localeStrings.add( locale.getLanguage() + "-" + locale.getCountry() );
+        }
+        return localeStrings;
+    }
+    private List<SMSCommand> getMobileSMSCommands( Collection<org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCommand> normalSMSCommands )
+    {
+        List<SMSCommand> smsCommands = new ArrayList<SMSCommand>();
+        for ( org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCommand normalSMSCommand : normalSMSCommands )
+        {
+            SMSCommand mobileSMSCommand = new SMSCommand();
+            List<SMSCode> smsCodes = new ArrayList<SMSCode>();
+            mobileSMSCommand.setParserType( normalSMSCommand.getParserType().name() );
+            mobileSMSCommand.setCodeSeparator( normalSMSCommand.getCodeSeparator() );
+            mobileSMSCommand.setDataSetId( normalSMSCommand.getDataset().getId() );
+            mobileSMSCommand.setSeparator( normalSMSCommand.getSeparator() );
+            for ( org.hisp.dhis.smscommand.SMSCode normalSMSCode : normalSMSCommand.getCodes() )
+            {
+                SMSCode smsCode = new SMSCode();
+                smsCode.setCode( normalSMSCode.getCode() );
+                smsCode.setDataElementId( normalSMSCode.getDataElement().getId() );
+                smsCode.setOptionId( normalSMSCode.getOptionId());
+                smsCodes.add( smsCode );
+            }
+            mobileSMSCommand.setSmsCodes( smsCodes );
+            smsCommands.add( mobileSMSCommand );
+        }
+        return smsCommands;
+    }
+    private OrganisationUnit getUnit( int id )
+    {
+        return organisationUnitService.getOrganisationUnit( id );
+    }