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Message #22345
[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 10723: Fixed up some translations in case-entry module. Removed some en_GB translation files, we are not...
revno: 10723
committer: Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Tue 2013-04-30 14:08:42 +0200
Fixed up some translations in case-entry module. Removed some en_GB translation files, we are not using them since en_GB is the fallback locale.
Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/caseentry/i18n_module.properties'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/caseentry/i18n_module.properties 2013-04-24 09:20:40 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/caseentry/i18n_module.properties 2013-04-30 12:08:42 +0000
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
date_of_edit=Date of edit
anonymous_events=Single Event Without Registration
anonymous_events_management=Single event without registration management
-intro_anonymous_events=Register single events without registration. The data to register is defined by a single event without registration program.
+intro_anonymous_events=Capture anonymous information about single events. View and search for existing events using various criteria.
create_new_event=Create new event
delete_current_event=Deleted current event
delete_event_success=Deleted event successfully
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
no_compulsary_data_elements = No compulsory data elements
single_event_with_registration = Single Event With Registration
show_data_entry = Show data entry
-intro_single_event_with_registration = The data to register is defined by a single event with registration program
+intro_single_event_with_registration = Capture information about single events linked to identified persons. View and search for existing events.
remove_empty_events = Remove empty events
true_value = true
false_value = false
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
events_completed = Events completed
statistical_program = Program Statistics
statistical_program_report = Program statistics
-intro_statistical_program = Program statistics on program performance, e.g. drop-out rates, how many completed every month/year - counts/percentages etc
+intro_statistical_program = View program statistics on program performance, like drop-out rates and how many people completed every month.
percent_completed = Percent Completed
percent_incomplete = Percent Incomplete
percent_Scheduled = Percent scheduled
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
marked = Marked
user_name = User name
program_stage_completeness = Program Stage Completeness
-intro_program_stage_completeness = Monitor completeness of events by program
+intro_program_stage_completeness = Monitor the completeness of events and produce completeness reports for each program.
program_stage_completeness_form = Program stage completeness
number_of_events = Number of events
followup = Follow-up
=== removed file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/caseentry/i18n_module_en_GB.properties'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/caseentry/i18n_module_en_GB.properties 2013-04-08 03:08:04 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-caseentry/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/caseentry/i18n_module_en_GB.properties 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-back_to_search=Back to search
-back_to_registration=Back to registration
-back_to_relationship=Back to relationship
-program_stages_history_plan=Program stages history/plan
-scheduled_for=Scheduled for
-list_all_patients=List All Persons
-program_summary=Program Summary
-data_entry=Data entry
-please_select_a_program=Please select a program
-records_of=Records of
-please_choose_a_valid_start_end_date=Please choose a valid start and end date combination
-report_generation_failed=Report generation failed
-start_date=Start date
-end_date=End date
-orgunit_boundary= Organisation unit boundary
-invalid_date=Invalid date
-report_date=Report date
-due_date=Due date
-sort_by=Sort by
-no_value=Please select
-provided_elsewhere=Provided elsewhere
-fixed_attributes=Fixed attributes
-dynamic_attributes=Dynamic attributes
-enrolled_in_program=Enrolled in programs
-saving_value_failed_status_code=Saving value failed with status code
-saving_value_failed_error_code=Saving value failed with error code
-value_must_integer=Value must be an integer
-searching_patient_failed=Searching person failed
-select_value=Select value
-registration_date=Date of registration
-full_name=Full name
-available_data_elements=Available data elements
-selected_data_elements=Selected data elements
-program_stage=Program stage
-specify_a_search_criteria=Please specify your search criteria
-patient_identifier=Person identifier
-date_of_birth=Date of birth
-search_by_name_identifier=Search by name or identifier
-search_result_matching_the_search_criteria=Result matches the search criteria
-registering_unit=Registering unit
-program_summary_report=Program summary report
-intro_program_summary=View the summary report to get an overview of the services provided for a program.
-other_facility=Private facility
-error_required_field=Please enter value for all data element in red color
-complete_confirm_message=Are you sure this event is completed?
-dataset_list=Data set list
-multiple_individual_records=Multiple Individual Records
-manual_person_aggregation=Manual Person Aggregation
-intro_manual_person_aggregation=Generate routine data values from patient data by month (or other intervals if desired) and organisation unit.
-value_must_number=Value must be an number
-value_must_positive_integer=Value must be a positive integer
-value_must_negative_integer=Value must be a negative integer
-please_select=Please select
-children_only=Children Only
-no_aggregate_date_values_are_added_or_update_in_all_facilities=No aggregate data values are added or updated in all facilities
-no_aggregate_date_values_are_added_or_update_in_other_facilities=No aggregate data values are added or updated in other facilities
-date_less_incident_date=This date is less then the incident date
-person_aggregation=Person Aggregation
-please_specify_an_orgunit=Please specify an organisation unit
-please_select_to_date_greater_or_equals_to_from_date=Please select to-date later or equal to from-date
-violate_validation=Violating validation
-dob_type=DOB type
-intro_multiple_individual_records=Enter data for multiple program stages and persons for a program. The entry screen gives an overview of the stage status.
-is_null=is null
-data_value=data value
-successful_validation=The data entry screen successfully passed validation
-unsuccessful_validation=The data entry screen has validation errors, please correct these before proceeding
-the_following_dataelements_are_in_predefined_validate_rules=The following data elements are in pre-define validation rules
-validation_result=Validation Result
-run_validation=Run validation
-please_select_village=Please select village
-select_sorting_attribute=Select a specified attribute / all
-no_result_found=No result found
-hierachy_orgunit=Hierarchy organisation unit
-view_patient_chart=View patient chart
-generate_patient_chart=Generate patient chart
-patient_chart_management=Patient chart management
-intro_find_and_add_person=Register, edit and search information about persons. View person dashboard and manage relationships and programs.
-select_relationship=Select relationship
-please_select_a_representative=Please select a representative
-confirm_delete_relationship=Are you sure you want to delete relationship?
-the_relationship_already_exists=The relationship already exists - choose a different relationship or partner
-please_select_partner=Please select relationship partner
-assign_relationship=Assign relationship
-result_matching_the_search_criteria=Result matching the search criteria
-adding_new_relationship_for=Adding new relationship for
-manage_relationship=Relationship management
-relationship_already_exists=Relationship already exists
-date_of_incident=Date of incident
-date_of_enrollment=Date of enrollment
-program_management=Program management
-patient_registered=Person registered
-patient_details=Person details
-enrolled_in_program=Enrolled in programs
-update_patient=Edit profile
-search_by_name_identifier=Search by name or identifier
-add_new_patient=Register new person
-patient_identifier=Person identifier
-system_identifier=System generated identifier
-patient_management=Person management
-patient_duplicate=Person duplicate
-edit_this_patient=Edit profile of this person
-check_duplicate=Check duplicate
-patient_identifiers=Person identifiers
-patient_attributes=Person attributes
-duplicate_warning=We found some persons who have the same information. You can choose to continue creating this person or choose one of existing persons.
-create_new_patient=Continue register this person
-no_duplicate_found=No duplicate person found
-patient_system_id=System generated ID
-identifier_duplicate=Person identifier duplicate
-has_guardian=Has guardian/care-taker
-add_new_person=Add new person
-search_existing_person=Search existing person
-search_by=Search by
-search_value=Search value
-add_person_successfully=Add person successfully
-please_select_relationshipType=Please select relationship type
-please_choose_representative_for_this_under_age_patient=Please choose representative for this under age person
-please_choose_relationshipType_for_this_under_age_patient=Please choose relationship type for this under age person
-dateOfEnrollmentDescription=Date of enrollment description
-dateOfIncidentDescription=Date of incident description
-child_representative=Child's representative
-total_result=Total number of results
-add_new_relationship_for=Add new relationship for
-sort_by=Sort by
-please_verify_birthday=Please verify the birthday
-have_to_be_greater_or_equals_to=have to be greater or equals to
-no_patients_found=No patients found
-please_enter_a_valid_full_name=Please enter a valid full name
-program_unenrollment=Program un-enrollment
-death_date=Death date
-is_dead=Is dead
-search_result=Search result
-date_invalid=The date is invalid
-date_less_incident=The date is less than date of incident
-search_by_program=Search by program
-list_patients_by_program=List persons by program
-program_unenrollment_management=Program un-enrollment management
-enrol_success=Person enrolled successfully
-duplicated_patient_list=Duplicated patient list
-specfiy_birth_date_or_age=Specify birth date or age
-update_this_patient=Update this person
-search_patients=Search persons
-confirm_delete_patient=Are you sure you permanently want to delete this person and all related data?
-please_enter_a_valid_birth_date=Please enter a valid date of birth
-relationship_management=Relationship management
-save_success=Saved successfully
-yes_and_attribute=Yes and inherit attribute
-relationship_type=Relationship type
-identifier_type=Person identifier type
-choose_this_person=Choose this person
-format_date=Format date
-specify_search_criteria=Please specify search criteria
-patient_profile=Person profile
-other_details=Other details
-register_event=Register event
-add_dependent=Add dependent
-edit_profile=Edit profile
-case_aggregation_result=Person aggregation result
-aggregate_details=Aggregate details
-show_details=Show details
-representative_info=Representative's information
-relationship_for=Relationship for
-date_of_edit=Date of edit
-anonymous_events=Single Event Without Registration
-anonymous_events_management=Single event without registration management
-intro_anonymous_events=Register single events without registration. The data to register is defined by a single event without registration program.
-create_new_event=Create new event
-delete_current_event=Deleted current event
-delete_event_success=Deleted event successfully
-please_enter_report_date=Please enter report date
-comfirm_delete_event=All data values in an event will be deleted when the event is deleted. Are you sure you want to delete the event ?
-registered_by_orgunit=Registered by facility
-event_information=Event information
-history_events=History events
-patient_could_not_be_enrolled_due_to_following_enrollment_criteria=The person could not be enrolled due to the following enrollment criteria
-before_current_date=Before current date
-before_or_equals_to_current_date=Before or equals to current date
-after_current_date=After current date
-after_or_equals_to_current_date=After or equals to current date
-before_due_date=Before due date
-before_or_equals_to_due_date=Before or equals to due date
-after_due_date=After due date
-after_or_equals_to_due_date=After or equals to due date
-leftSide=Left side
-rightSide=Right side
-in_range_due_date_plus_or_minus=In range due date +/-
-activity_planning=Visit Schedule
-intro_activity_planning=Visit Schedule provides for the user at a facility or in an area a list of upcoming visits to better plan for daily/weekly activities.
-back_to_main_menu=Back to main menu
-show_all_items=Show all items
-see_history_plan=See history / plan
-use_data_from_level=Use data from level(s)
-saved = Saved
-save_selected_values = Save selected values
-save_all_values = Save all values
-intro_tabular_report= Interactive reporting tool for person data with dynamic filters for each person attribute and data element.
-tabular_report = Tabular Report
-true = Yes
-false = No
-data = Data
-get_report_as_xls=Download as Excel
-get_report_as_pdf=Download as PDF
-set_complete_status = Set complete status
-orgunit_provided_service = Organisation unit provided service
-syntax_error_in_search_value = Syntax error is in search value
-remove_selected_data_elements = Please remove selected data elements to select other program stage. Do you want to remove them?
-add_selected = Add selected
-program_enrollment = Program enrollment
-date_of_enrollment=Date of enrollment
-date_of_incident=Date of incident
-patient_details_and_history = Person details and history
-selected = Selected
-orgunit = Organisation unit
-add_all = Add all
-report_unit = Report unit
-order_by_orgunit = Order by organisation unit
-order_by_report_date = Order by report date
-clear = Clear
-selected_orgunit_no_have_any_child = Selected organisation unit no have any child
-age_of_patient_must_be_less_or_equals_to_100 = Age of person must be less or equal to 100 years
-data_element = Data element
-include_parent_orgunits_starting_from_level = Include parent organisation units starting from (level)
-level = Level
-please_fill_out_only_one_of_these_fields = Please fill only one of these fields
-age_year = Age (years)
-create = Create
-enroll_for = Enroll for
-identifier_and_attribute = Identifier/Attribute
-unenrollment = Un-enrollment
-modify_due_date_or_visit_date = Modify due/visit dates
-data_entry_screen = Data entry screen
-unenrol_success = Person un-enrolled successfully
-enrolled_for = Enrolled for
-selected_boundary = Selected (boundary)
-regular_program = Regular program
-please_select_a_program_stage = Please select a program stage
-available_identifier_types = Available identifier types
-selected_identifier_types = Selected identifier types
-show_hierachy_from_level = Show hierarchy from level
-attribute = Attribute
-download = Download
-xls = XLS
-show_hide_settings = Show/hide settings
-page = Page
-et_no_data = No data returned from server
-et_no_dataelement = Please select at least one data element
-em_no_orgunits = Please select an organisation unit
-em_no_program_stage = Please select a program stage
-em_no_data_element = Please select a data element
-reset = Reset
-no = No
-options = Options
-firstName = First name
-middleName = Middle name
-lastName = Last name
-gender = Gender
-birthDate = Date of birth
-phoneNumber = Mobile phone number
-deathdate = Death date
-registrationDate = Date of registration
-report = Report
-et_no_program = Please select one program
-asc = ASC
-desc = DESC
-show_hide_columns = Show / Hide columns
-favorites = Favorites
-manage_favorites = Manage favorites
-update = Update
-et_no_programs = Please select a program
-last_updated = Last updated
-rename_favorite=Rename favorite
-delete_favorite=Delete favorite
-are_you_sure=Are you sure?
-loading = Loading
-save_favorite = Save favorite
-search_in_all_facilities = Search in all facilities
-identifiers_and_attributes = Identifiers and Attributes
-first_name = First name
-middle_name = Middle name
-last_name = Last name
-confirmation = Confirmation
-data_entry_form = Data entry form
-view = View
-start_date_must_be_less_then_or_equals_to_end_date = Start date must be less than or equal to end date
-is_not_valid = is not valid
-the_date_is_not_valid = The date is not valid
-before = Before
-after = After
-on = On
-clear_filter = Clear filter
-show_filter = Advanced filtering
-events = Events
-orgunit_groups = Groups
-not_empty = The value must be not empty
-seach_available_patient = Search available person
-set_as_representative = Set as representative
-set_as_representative_and_copy_attributes_for_the_person = Set as representative and copy attributes for the person
-is_not_representative = Is not representative?
-save_all = Save all
-list_all_events = List all events
-search_events_by_dataelements = Search events by data elements
-specify_data_element = Please specify a data element
-Search = Search
-no_patient_enrolled_the_program = No person enrolled the program
-complete_and_add_new_event = Complete & Add new
-no_compulsary_data_elements = No compulsory data elements
-single_event_with_registration = Single Event With Registration
-show_data_entry = Show data entry
-intro_single_event_with_registration = The data to register is defined by a single event with registration program
-remove_empty_events = Remove empty events
-true_value = true
-false_value = false
-patients = persons
-saving = Saving
-renaming = Renaming
-deleting = Deleting
-color_quick_help = Color quick help
-color = Color
-what_do_colors_mean = What do colors mean?
-completed_stages = Stage is completed
-data_entered_and_uncompleted_stages = Stage is incomplete but has registered data
-coming_stages = Stage is scheduled in future
-stages_open_but_no_data_entered = Stage is overdue and incomplete
-stages_skipped = Stages is skipped
-value_is_invalid = Value is invalid
-value_is_valid = Value is valid
-complete_confirm_message=Are you sure that you want to mark as completed for this program ?
-incomplete_confirm_message = Are you sure that you want to complete/quick for this program ?
-reenrollment_confirm_message = Are you sure that you want to re-enroll this program ?
-incomplete = Incomplete
-remove_empty_events_success = Removed empty events successfully
-confirm_remove_empty_events = Are you sure you want to remove empty events?
-please_select_relationship_type = Please select a relationship type
-please_select_a_patient_for_setting_relationship = Please select a person for setting relationship
-enter_age_in_years = Enter age in years
-add_and_continue = Add and continue
-tracking = Tracking
-program_tracking = Program Tracking
-intro_program_tracking = Support the work practices around tracking persons within a health program that have not shown up for a scheduled visit.
-sms_reminder_list = SMS reminder list
-patient_did_not_register_a_phone_number = The person did not register a phone number
-date = Date
-sms_message_details = SMS message details
-message = Message
-sent_message_to = Sent message to
-send_message = Send message
-patient_dashboard = Person dashboard
-completed_programs = Completed programs
-active_programs = Active programs
-completed = Completed
-create_event_success = Create event successfully.
-overdue = Overdue
-scheduled_in_future = Scheduled in future
-sent_message_success = Sent message successfully
-post_comment = Post comment
-comments = Comments
-no_sms_service_available = No Sms service available
-due_date_from_to = Due date (from-to)
-no_phone_number = No phone number
-no_comment = No comment
-please_select_program_stage = Please select program stage
-comment_added = Comment added
-enroll_program = Enroll into program
-comments_and_sms_message = Comments and messages
-no_message = No message
-program_reports = Program reports
-show_hide_content = Show/Hide content
-completed_date = Completed date
-find_and_add_person = Find/Add Person
-identifiers_and_attributes = Identifiers/Attributes
-at = at
-on_date = on
-no_records = No records
-show_hide_event_flow = Show/Hide event flow
-show_hide_more = Show/Hide more ...
-reschedule_and_set_status = Reschedule and set status
-tracking_history = Tracking history
-status = Status
-skipped = Skipped
-unknown = Unknown
-health_worker = Health staff
-please_select_criteria = Please select criteria
-sender = Sender
-activity_plan = Visit Schedule
-intro_activity_plan=View the visit schedule to get an overview of outstanding, pending and completed visits.
-show_events_since = Show events since
-show_events_up_to = Show events up to
-show_activity_list = Show Event List
-one_day = 1 day
-three_days = 3 days
-one_week = 1 week
-one_month = 1 month
-remove_this_event = Remove this event
-overdue_scheduled = Overdue/Scheduled
-scheduled_overdue_incomplete = Scheduled/Overdue/Incomplete
-relationships = Relationships
-no_program_available_for_enrollment = No program is available for enrollment
-reschedule = Re-schedule
-the_date_is_scheduled = The date is scheduled
-move_to_dashboard_of = Move to dashboard of
-management = Management
-change_location = Change location
-visitor = Visitor
-history = History
-use_calendar = Use calendar
-export_xls = Export XLS
-stage_skipped = Stage is skipped
-location = Location
-some_data_element_not_exist = Some data elements not exist
-of = of
-failed_to_get_events = Failed to get events. Please generate resource tables before from Maintenance > Data Administration > Resource Table.
-single_event_with_registration_management = Single event with registration management
-multiple_individual_records_management = Multiple individual records management
-manual_person_aggregation_form = Manual person aggregation
-events = events
-left_value = Left value
-right_value = Right value
-validation_rule = Validation rule
-specify_a_date = Please specify a date
-clear_all = Clear all
-show_all = Show all
-you_have_active_filters = You have active filters
-back_to_event_list = Back to event list
-add_and_register_new = Add & Register new
-events_completed = Events completed
-statistical_program = Program Statistics
-statistical_program_report = Program statistics
-intro_statistical_program = Program statistics on program performance, e.g. drop-out rates, how many completed every month/year - counts/percentages etc
-percent_completed = Percent Completed
-percent_incomplete = Percent Incomplete
-percent_Scheduled = Percent scheduled
-percent_overdue = Percent Overdue
-scheduled = Scheduled
-start = Start
-total_persons_enrolled=Total number of persons enrolled
-value = Value
-filter_in_section = Filter in section
-report_type = Report type
-case_based_report = Case-based report
-aggregated_report = Aggregate report
-aggregate_type = Aggregate type
-group_by = Group by
-report_option = Report option
-select_type = Select type
-period_type = Period type
-limit_records = Limit records
-avg = Avg
-period = Period
-relative_periods = Relative periods
-months = Months
-last_month = Last month
-last_3_months = Last 3 months
-last_12_months = Last 12 months
-quarters = Quarters
-last_quarter = Last quarter
-last_4_quarters = Last 4 quarters
-six_months = Six-months
-last_six_month = Last six-month
-last_two_six_month = Last 2 six months
-years = Years
-this_year = This years
-last_year = Last year
-last_5_years = Last 5 years
-fixed_periods = Fixed periods
-report_option = Report options
-data_element_name = Data element name
-value = Value
-em_no_dataelement = Please select a data element
-em_no_period = Please select a period
-period_range = Date range
-position = Position
-pdf = PDF
-csv = CSV
-rows = Rows
-columns = Columns
-filters = Filters
-filter_value = Filter value
-filter_values = Filter values
-fill_filter_values_for_all_selected_data_elements = Please fill filter values for all selected data elements
-data_filter = Data filters
-show_hide_filter_values = Show/hide filter values
-use_completed_events = Use completed events
-date_period_range = Date period range
-select_from_date = Select from date
-select_to_date = Select to date
-user_orgunit = User organisation unit
-user_orgunit_children = User organisation unit chilren
-auto_select_orgunit_by = Auto-select organisation units by
-like = LIKE
-in = IN
-select_all_children = Select all children
-total = Total
-confirm_delete_date_range_list=Are you sure you want to delete date range list?
-invalid_position = There are 10 positions supported, include : \n 1. Orgunit: Rows; Period: Rows; Data: Filters \n 2. Orgunit: Rows; Period: Columns; Data: Filters \n 3. Orgunit: Rows; Period: Filters; Data: Filters \n 4. Orgunit: Rows; Period: Filters; Data: Columns \n 5. Orgunit: Columns; Period: Rows; Data: Filters \n 6. Orgunit: Columns; Period: Filters; Data: Rows \n 7. Orgunit: Filters; Period: Rows; Data: Filters \n 8. Orgunit: Filters; Period: Rows; Data: Columns \n 9. Orgunit: Filters; Period: Columns; Data: Rows \n 10. Orgunit: Filters; Period: Filters; Data: Rows
-please_select_one_position_for_row = Please select one position for row
-please_select_one_position_for_filter = Please select one position for filtering
-select_a_dataelement_for_sum_avg_operator = Please select a data element for sum/avg operator
-runing_validation_rules = Validation rules are being processed, please wait
-program_enrollment = Program enrollment
-sum_avg_of = Sum/Avg of
-filter = Filter
-multiple_periods_selected_as_filter = Multiple periods selected as filter. The first one is being used.
-multiple_orgunits_selected_as_filter = Multiple organisation units selected as filter. The first one is being used.
-accessed_module = Accessed module
-sms = SMS
-reenrol_success = Re-enroll successfully
-longitude = Longitude
-latitude = Latitude
-enter_a_value_less_than_or_equal_to_180 = Please enter a value less than or equal to 180.
-enter_a_value_greater_than_or_equal_to_nagetive_180 = Please enter a value greater than or equal to -180.
-enter_a_value_less_than_or_equal_to_90 = Please enter a value less than or equal to 90.
-enter_a_value_greater_than_or_equal_to_nagetive_90 = Please enter a value greater than or equal to -90.
-enter_values_for_longitude_and_latitude_fields = Please enter values for both longitude and latitude fields.
-enter_a_valid_number = Please enter a valid number.
-enter_a_number = Enter a number
-for = For
-date_scheduled = Date scheduled
-visit_schedule_form = Visit schedule
-missing_patient_attribute = Missing person attribute
-missing_patient_identifier_type = Missing patient identifier type
-advanced_search = Advanced search
-insert_a_report_date = Please enter a report date.
-insert_a_due_date = Please enter a due date.
-view_all = View all
-scheduled_visits = Scheduled Visits
-today = Today
-last_7_days = Last 7 days
-last_30_days = Last 30 days
-program_overview = Program overview
-total_new_enrollments_in_this_period = Total new enrollments in this period
-total_programs_completed_in_this_period = Total programs completed in this period
-total_programs_discontinued_unenrollments = Total programs discontinued (un-enrollments)
-average_number_of_stages_for_complete_programs = Average number of stages for complete programs
-summary_by_stage = Summary by stage
-visits_scheduled_all = Visits scheduled (All)
-visits_done = Visits done (#)
-visits_done_percent = Visits done (%)
-forms_completed = Forms completed (#)
-forms_completed_percent = Forms completed (%)
-visits_overdue = Visits overdue (#)
-visits_overdue_percent = Visits overdue (%)
-program_stages = Program stages
-aggregate_and_save = Aggregate and Save
-preview = Preview
-confirm_data_values_aggregated_saved_into_database_directly = Are you sure you want to save data values aggregated into database directly ?
-aggregate_successfully = Aggregate successfully
-complete_quit = Complete/Quit
-re_enrol = Re-enroll
-overwrite = Overwrite
-remove_confirm_message=Are you sure you want to delete program enrollment?
-weeks = Weeks
-last_week = Last week
-last_4_weeks = Last 4 weeks
-last_12_weeks = Last 12 weeks
-favorite_name = Favorite name
-create_new_favorite = Create new favorite
-add_new = Add new
-search_for_favorites = Search for favorites
-prev = Prev
-next = Next
-confirm_delete_favorite = Are you sure you want to delete favorite ?
-in = IN
-home = Home
\ No newline at end of file
=== removed file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-importexport/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/importexport/i18n_module_en_GB.properties'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-importexport/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/importexport/i18n_module_en_GB.properties 2013-04-16 12:11:55 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-importexport/src/main/resources/org/hisp/dhis/importexport/i18n_module_en_GB.properties 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-#Resource generated by I18n Resource Editor
-#Fri Apr 12 16:11:01 GMT 2013
-DHIS14_xml_import=DHIS 1.4 XML Import
-importing_concepts=Importing concepts
-indicator_group_sets=Indicator group sets
-importing_olap_urls=Importing OLAP URLs
-so_far_this_year=So far this year
-indicator_group_set=Indicator group set
-data_dictionary=Data dictionary
-datavalues=Data values
-updates_only=Updates only
-importing_indicator_group_members=Importing indicator group members
-export_process_done=Export process done
-indicator_group=Indicator group
-data_source=Data source
-xls_metadata_export=XLS Metadata Export
-move_selected=Move selected
-DHIS14_detailed_metadata_export=DHIS 1.4 Detailed Metadata Export
-intro_DHIS14_file_import=Do an import from an Access data file. DHIS 1.4 is the predecessor of DHIS 2.
-DHIS14_file_import=DHIS 1.4 File Import
-intro_DHIS14_metadata_export=Do an export of meta-data or dimensional data describing the facts. DHIS 1.4 is the predecessor of DHIS 2.
-imported_meta_data=Imported meta data
-data_element_group_set=Data element group set
-importing_data_element_category_members=Importing data element category members
-hide_legend=Hide legend
-organisation_unit=Organisation unit
-yes_empty_database=Yes (empty database)
-discard_all=Discard all
-match_to_existing=Match to existing
-organisation_unit_levels=Organisation unit levels
-vertical_labels=Vertical labels
-last_6_to_9_months=Last 6 to 9 months
-importing_indicator_groups=Importing indicator groups
-specify_file=Please specify a file
-data_file_is_not_valid=Data file is not valid
-importing_complete_data_set_registrations=Importing complete data set registrations
-select_enddate=Please select an end date
-process_failed=Process failed - See log for details
-data_set_completed_on=Data set completed on
-importing_organisation_unit_group_set_members=Importing organisation unit group set members
-intro_data_export=Export data values. This is the regular export function which exports data to the DHIS 2 exchange format called DXF.
-do_periods=Crosstab periods
-existing_record_check=Existing record check
-intro_xls_metadata_export=Excel Spreadsheet (XLS) is a commonly used spreadsheet file format from Microsoft.
-exporting_data_for_indicators=Exporting data for indicators
-importing_routine_data_values=Importing routine data values
-add_route=Add route
-metadata_export=Metadata Export
-skip_check_fast=Skip check (fast)
-intro_export_to_other_systems=Export data and meta data to formats such as PDF, Excel and DHIS 1.4.
-existing_object=Existing object
-dhis14_file_configuration=DHIS 1.4 File Configuration
-importing_data_set_source_associations=Importing data set source associations
-available_datasets=Available Datasets
-importing_on_change_periods=Importing on-change periods
-organisation_units=Organisation units
-exporting_data_for_data_elements=Exporting data for data elements
-calculated_data_element=Calculated data element
-horizontal_plot_orientation=Horizontal plot orientation
-organisation_unit_group=Organisation unit group
-no_current_file=No current file
-intro_xml_data_import=Import data values on the DXF XML format which is used for data exchange by DHIS and other software.
-importing_data_element_category_options=Importing data element category options
-data_element_id_scheme=Data element ID scheme
-last_9_to_12_months=Last 9 to 12 months
-intro_integration_configuration=Configure and upload flexible routes for automated integration with other systems.
-error_data_elements_with_different_period_types=There are data elements registered for data sets with different period types, please go to data integrity checks for more information and then correct this before exporting
-importing_data_dictionary_data_elements=Importing data dictionary data elements
-new_and_updates=New and Updates
-do_category_option_combos=Crosstab category option combos
-intro_metadata_export=Export meta data to the DHIS 2 exchange format. Meta meta implies data elements and other objects describing the data.
-importing_indicators=Importing indicators
-select_one_or_more_object_types=Please select one or more object types
-importing_constants=Importing constants
-importing_organisation_unit_groups=Importing organisation unit groups
-include_datavalues=Include data values
-importing_data_set_members=Importing data set members
-report_table=Report table
-last_updated=Last updated
-detailed_metadata_export=Detailed Metadata Export
-skip_check_matching=Skip check for matching data values
-view_all=View all
-selected_datasets=Selected Datasets
-intro_csv_data_import=Import data values on the CSV format which is used for data exchange by DHIS and other third-party software.
-reporting_month=Reporting month
-importing_aggregated_data_values=Importing aggregated data values
-no_conflicts_found=No conflicts found
-importing_organisation_unit_relationships=Importing organisation unit relationships
-intro_detailed_metadata_export=Do a detailed meta data export of data elements and indicators to the DHIS 2 exchange format.
-importing_data_element_group_members=Importing data element group members
-selected_indicators=Selected Indicators
-set_configuration=Please set the configuration in order for the import to work properly
-import_preview=Import Preview
-new_only=New only
-new_object=New object
-importing_data_element_groups=Importing data element groups
-metadata_import=Meta-Data Import
-check_safe_recommended=Check (safe + recommended)
-meta_data_import=Meta-Data Import
-importing_data_values=Importing data values
-hide_advanced_options=Hide advanced options
-aggregated_data=Aggregated data
-data_element_group_sets=Data element group sets
-discard_update=Discard update
-intro_DHIS14_xml_import=Do an import from an XML based format. DHIS 1.4 is the predecessor of DHIS 2.
-intro_import=This is the regular import function which imports data from the DHIS 2 exchange format called DXF.
-DHIS14_metadata_export=DHIS 1.4 Metadata Export
-datavalue=Data Value
-dataelement=Data element
-unique_constraint_violations=Unique constraint violations
-import_analysis=Import analysis
-available_data_elements=Available Data Elements
-xml_data_import=XML Data Import
-intro_metadata_import=Import meta-data like data elements and organisation units using the standard DHIS 2 exchange format called DXF 2.
-importing_organisation_unit_group_sets=Importing organistaion unit group sets
-last_6_months=Last 6 months
-new_no_updates=New ( No Updates )
-DHIS14_data_export=DHIS 1.4 Data Export
-no_import_process_running=No import process running
-importing_indicator_types=Importing indicator types
-table_name=Table name
-generate_data=Generate data
-import_process_failed=Import process failed - See log for details
-csv_data_import=CSV Data Import
-import_summary=Import summary
-non_existing_data_element_identifiers=Non-existing data element identifiers
-period_type=Period Type
-discard_selected=Discard selected
-validation_rule=Validation rule
-last_3_to_6_months=Last 3 to 6 months
-importing_organisation_units=Importing organisation units
-importing_data_dictionary_indicators=Importing data dictionary indicators
-data_element=Data element
-process_completed=Process completed
-file_type_not_allowed=File type not allowed
-organisation_unit_groups=Organisation unit groups
-intro_dhis14_import=Import data from DHIS 1.4 installations. DHIS 1.4 is the predecessor of DHIS 2.
-show_advanced_options=Show advanced options
-current_import_file=Current import file
-importing_dataset_data_entry_form_association=Importing data set data entry form associations
-validation_rules=Validation rules
-importing_data_element_categories=Importing data element categories
-data_element_groups=Data element groups
-importing_organisation_unit_structures=Importing organisation unit structures
-select_none=Select none
-organisation_unit_with_children=Organisation unit with children
-dhis14_import=DHIS 1.4 import
-move_all=Move all
-remove_all=Remove all
-last_12_months=Last 12 months
-importing_organisation_unit_group_members=Importing organisation unit group members
-data_element_group=Data element group
-data_sets=Data sets
-data_dictionaries=Data dictionaries
-integration_configuration=Integration Configuration
-last_3_months=Last 3 months
-organisation_unit_group_sets=Organisation unit group sets
-select_organisation_unit=Please select at least one organisation unit
-importing_calculated_data_elements=Importing calculated data elements
-organisation_unit_level=Organisation unit level
-export_as_xml=Export as XML
-use_existing_data=Use existing data
-no_item_to_match=Sorry, there is no any selected item to match
-process_started=Process started
-individual_months_this_year=Individual months this year
-data_export=Data Export
-report_tables=Report tables
-importing_periods=Importing periods
-importing_meta_data=Importing meta data
-remove_selected=Remove selected
-importing_data_set_organisation_unit_associations=Importing data set organisation unit associations
-export_as_csv=Export as CSV
-last_12_individual_months=Last 12 individual months
-importing_data_dictionaries=Importing data dictionaries
-last_updated_leave_blank_for_all=Last updated (Leave blank for all)
-importing_data_element_category_combos=Importing data element category combos
-dxf2_metadata_export=MetaData Export
-pdf_metadata_export=PDF Metadata Export
-intro_dhis14_file_configuration=Set the configuration for the DHIS 1.4 file import process, such as the location of the data file.
-organisationunit=Organisation unit
-organisation_unit_group_set=Organisation unit group set
-intro_DHIS14_data_export=Do an export of data values or facts. DHIS 1.4 is the predecessor of DHIS 2.
-importing_organisation_unit_hierarchy=Importing organisation unit hierarchy
-importing_organisation_unit_levels=Importing organisation unit levels
-importing_data_elements=Importing data elements
-importing_semi_permanent_data_values=Importing semi-permanent data values
-import_count=Import count
-importing_data_element_category_combo_members=Importing data element category combo members
-selected_data_elements=Selected Data Elements
-import_process_done=Import successful
-import_process_not_initialized=Import process not initialized
-importing_validation_rules=Importing validation rules
-more_options=More options
-accept_incoming_records=Accept incoming records
-importing_data_element_category_option_combos=Importing data element category option combos
-importing_previewed_data=Importing previewed data
-importing_aggregated_indicator_values=Importing aggregated indicator values
-import_all=Import all
-importing_data_sets=Importing data sets
-importing_report_tables=Importing report tables
-intro_DHIS14_detailed_metadata_export=Do an export of an detailed selection of meta-data. DHIS 1.4 is the predecessor of DHIS 2.
-routine_data_contains_values_out_of_range=Routine data values out of range (2^31) exist
-importing_previewed_meta_data=Importing previewed meta data
-semi_permanent_data_contains_values_out_of_range=Semi-permanent data value out of range (2^31) exist
-select_datasets=Please select at least one dataset
-regular_data=Regular data
-compare_to_existing=Compare to existing
-indicator_groups=Indicator groups
-intro_pdf_metadata_export=Portable Document Format (PDF) is a commonly used file format for document exchange.
-select_startdate=Please select a start date
-available_indicators=Available Indicators
-create_new_route=Create new route
-individual_quarters_this_year=Individual quarters this year
-existing_objects=Existing objects
-no_data_values_found=No data values found
-data_import=Data Import
-export_to_other_systems=Export to other systems
-org_unit_id_scheme=Org unit ID scheme
-do_indicators=Do indicators
-import_process_started=Import process started
-organisation_unit_only=Organisation unit only
-data_type=Data typemain
-dxf2_metadata_import=MetaData Import
-data_elements=Data elements
-dry_run=Dry run