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Message #22419
Re: [Dhis2-users] Tabular Report in Tracker Draws a Blank Page
On 5 May 2013 11:50, Ola Hodne Titlestad <olati@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi John,
> This seems to be the same problem that I came across on Friday:
> - Tabular report does not load when the user has more than one orgunit.
> This bug has now been fixed in both 2.11 and trunk.
> Try this temporary fix:
> 1) Edit your user and make sure only one orgunit is assigned (e.g the root
> or one province or one district, or one clinic..)
> 2) Log out and log in again
> 3) Open tabular report
> If this doesn't work you could try to log out, clear browser cache and log
> i again.
> We will try to fix this bug as soon as possible and backport to 2.11.
> Another issue related to Tabular Reports is that it depends on the
> resource table _orgunitstructure to produce the tabular reports (with
> orgunit hierarchies).
> If you haven't enabled Scheduling (which automatically re-generates the
> resource tables every night before doing all the aggregations) you must
> generate this table manually:
> 1) go to Maintenance->Data administration->Resource Tables, then click on
> Select All followed by Generate Tables.
> Hope this helps.
> Ola
> --------
> ----------------------------------
> Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
> Department of Informatics
> University of Oslo
> Mobile: +47 48069736
> Home address: Eftasåsen 68, 0687 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps link<https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Eftas%C3%A5sen+68,+0687+Oslo,+Norge&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=59.893855,10.785116&sspn=0.222842,0.585709&oq=eftas%C3%A5sen+68,+0687+Oslo,+&t=h&hnear=Eftas%C3%A5sen+68,+%C3%98stensj%C3%B8,+0687+Oslo,+Norway&z=16>
> On 5 May 2013 09:56, John Ojo <jnojo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Ola,
>> I have set up the tracker system, have enrolled ten (10) participants and
>> entered data for each of them. The data entered is based on the personal
>> attributes for each participant as well as data elements created to capture
>> details of each training event.
>> I tried to see a report of these trainings for the participants by
>> selecting Tabular Report in the Individual Records module but this always
>> draws a (white) blank page. The text in the address box of the page reads:
>> http://localhost:8082/dhis-web-caseentry/app/index.html.
>> Please, is there something I need to do before I can see the tabular
>> reports?
>> Thank you.
>> John
>> <http://www.corridor-sida.org/>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* John Ojo <jnojo@xxxxxxxxx>
>> *To:* Ola Hodne Titlestad <olati@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Cc:* dhis1-users <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; DHIS developers <
>> dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:58 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-users] [Dhis2-devs] Help with Tracker
>> Sorry Ola, I missed out the question you posed:
>> "I'd like to know a bit more about the kind of functionality you want out
>> of this system, the outputs, how you will use the data. That can help you
>> choose how to structure the transactional data (stages, data elements,
>> option sets, attributes etc, orgunits)."
>> You are right. My aim is to monitor the training of multiple health
>> workers over time and get information of what training they have been
>> through and where and when this took place.
>> John
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Ola Hodne Titlestad <olati@xxxxxxxxxx>
>> *To:* John Ojo <jnojo@xxxxxxxxx>
>> *Cc:* dhis1-users <dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; DHIS developers <
>> dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:24 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Dhis2-devs] Help with Tracker
>> Hi John,
>> Very good questions.
>> First I'd like to recommend reading the documentation and use case
>> descriptions for Tracker here:
>> http://dhis2.org/tracker
>> That can help to better understand how Tracker can be implemented to
>> support various use cases.
>> Your case is not there, but it is a bit similar to use case 4.
>> I'd like to know a bit more about the kind of functionality you want out
>> of this system, the outputs, how you will use the data.
>> That can help you choose how to structure the transactional data (stages,
>> data elements, option sets, attributes etc, orgunits).
>> It sounds like your major use case is to monitor the training of multiple
>> health workers over time and get information of what training they have
>> been through and where and when this took place.
>> For that use case I think you are right in picking the multiple event
>> with registration type of program. You want to follow individuals over time
>> and add more data at different points in time, and for this you'll need to
>> register persons and store the training data as multiple events (program
>> stage instances in the data model).
>> The next question is how you organise the data collection. What data will
>> be collected for the different types of training events? It sounds almost
>> like you could use the same data entry form for all of them since you are
>> collecting "type of training / level", "first time or repeat", "location".
>> Since you will capture the same type of data for all training events you
>> don't need more than one program stage ("event type") for this program. BUt
>> you'll need to repeat this stage for every training a person goes through,
>> so you need to make this stage a repeatable stage. There is a
>> property/option called "Repeatable" in the "Add/Edit Program Stage" UI that
>> you need to enable. Then you need to define the data elements you will
>> collect and for those data elements that need pre-defined values (e.g.
>> "first time", "repeat") you need to define option sets and options (in
>> Maintenance->Data Administration->Option Set).
>> The type of training could be a data element, maybe with the name "Level
>> of capacity building" or "Training component", and you link it to an Option
>> Set "training levels" with options "Capacity building 1", "Capacity
>> building 2" etc. If all these are known when you set up the system then
>> fine. If you need to add more later you can always add a new option to that
>> option set. Be careful in editing existing options when you already have
>> started collecting data since these options are stored directly as values
>> (strings) in the patientdatavalue table and not as a code referencing the
>> option value, so editing might give you inconsistent data (unless you
>> update existing data values as well...).
>> You can follow a similar approach for the "repeat/first time" data
>> element and option set.
>> For the date of the training event I would use the date captured for the
>> program stage instance (the event). A program stage instance will always
>> have a report date, which is the date we use when doing aggregation queries
>> on the transactional data. So no need to create a data element for the
>> date/time dimension.
>> Location is more of a discussion point. Obviously you can store the
>> location of an event as part of the orgunit that stores the data. Every
>> event will have an organisation unit attached to it, so from there you'll
>> get location. If you have events that take place outside your orgunit
>> hierarchy then you have a few options. You can capture geo coordinates of
>> the events by enabling the property "Capture coordinates" in the
>> Add/Edit Program Stage UI. That would give you exact locations of each
>> event and the possibility of showing these on a map (not yet supported in
>> the DHIS 2 GIS module, but will come later). You could of course also
>> create data elements and option sets for locations, if you have a short
>> list of locations. The country I would definitely do through the orgunit
>> hierarchy. If the health workers are organised under local administrative
>> office (e.g. provinces, districts) you could add these as orgunits as well.
>> But the training might take place outside these offices of course.
>> Depending on how you'll use this location data in your data analysis and
>> how your health workers are organised geographically you can find the best
>> approach among the three location possibilities; 1) orgunits, 2) event
>> coordinates, and 3) data elements.
>> The Program's "Incidence date description" is used when you enrol a
>> person into the program. It is the start date of the program, so in your
>> case it could be "Enrolment date" or "Date of first training", depending on
>> what dates you want to store.
>> In Program Stage there are many properties related to how the
>> stages/events are scheduled. You can try the different options and see how
>> it plays out when you enrol a person or complete data entry for a stage. In
>> your case I assume that you would like to create a stage (a training event)
>> when you enrol a person into the program. So you can tick "Auto-generate
>> event". If you used "Date of first training" as incidence date" then the
>> scheduled date for your first training event should be that same date, so
>> you leave "Scheduled days from start" to '0'.
>> This will create a training event automatically when you enrol a new
>> person and with the date you put for incidence date.
>> If you want to always schedule a new training event after finishing data
>> entry for the previous you can tick "Display generate event box after
>> completed", and if not you untick that option.
>> Description of report date. The first thing the user must fill in during
>> data entry is the date of the event. Exactly what that date refers to
>> various from use case to use case so we have made it configurable. This
>> field is a label that will be displayed in the data entry screen to replace
>> "Report Date". I would use "Date of training" or "Start date of training"
>> in your case.
>> Regarding person attributes and demographics I think it is entirely up to
>> you and your data needs to decide what you need. If you don't need more
>> than the default then no need to add anything, and if you need more you
>> create new attributes. The rule here is that the attributes to not change
>> for every training event, they are stable. If you want to capture data for
>> a variable that changes for every event then it should rather be collected
>> as a data element and not as a person attribute. Person attributes are
>> filled in on enrolment. and they can be updated in the person dashboard.
>> Hope this was useful. Let us know if you have any other questions. When
>> you get this program up and running it would be good to add it as a new use
>> case description on http://dhis2.org/tracker so that others can learn
>> from it as well.
>> Ola
>> ---------
>> ----------------------------------
>> Ola Hodne Titlestad (Mr)
>> Department of Informatics
>> University of Oslo
>> Mobile: +47 48069736
>> Home address: Eftasåsen 68, 0687 Oslo, Norway. Googlemaps link<https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Eftas%C3%A5sen+68,+0687+Oslo,+Norge&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sll=59.893855,10.785116&sspn=0.222842,0.585709&oq=eftas%C3%A5sen+68,+0687+Oslo,+&t=h&hnear=Eftas%C3%A5sen+68,+%C3%98stensj%C3%B8,+0687+Oslo,+Norway&z=16>
>> On 24 April 2013 07:56, John Ojo <jnojo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello All,****
>> This is my first time to use the DHIS2 Tracker and would appreciate your
>> kind support to help me move quickly.****
>> I have read chapter 24 of the DHIS2 manual and things are still not very
>> clear yet in my head.
>> I want to use DHIS2 version 2.11 to track certain health workers. These
>> health workers live in different countries and provide health services in
>> the country in which they live. My project provides capacity building to
>> the health workers from time to time depending on when a need for capacity
>> building is identified (the periodicity of the capacity building events
>> therefore, does not follow predefined regular intervals such as we may have
>> in for e.g. ANC visits or immunization programs).****
>> The capacity building activities are: CapBuild_1, CapBuild_2, CapBuild_3,
>> CapBuild_4, CapBuild_5, etc.****
>> Now, for each health worker, I want to be able to track (i.e. a list
>> showing):****
>> All the capacity building activities received by the health worker and
>> each capacity building activity showing when (i.e. the date) the capacity
>> building activity took place, what capacity building was given (i.e.
>> whether CapBuild_1, CapBuild_2, CapBuild_3, etc.), where (i.e. country and
>> town) the capacity building took place and whether that capacity building
>> was first time or a repeat for the health worker.****
>> Please I will need help with the following:****
>> 1. 1. What category options (option set) would be appropriate for me
>> to create in this scenario?****
>> ** **
>> 2. 2. What data elements would I need to create to be able to
>> capture the capacity building activity data?****
>> ** **
>> 3. 3. Apart from biodata information (e.g. name, age, sex, ID
>> number) of each health worker, what additional demographic information
>> should I create as attributes for the health worker?****
>> ** **
>> 4. 4. I have decided to set up the program as “Multiple events with
>> registration”. Is this appropriate for my scenario? What would be an
>> appropriate “Description of incident date”?****
>> ** **
>> 5. 5. What are the possible “Different Stages” that would be most
>> appropriate that I should create for my scenario?****
>> ** **
>> 6. 6. When creating the Different Stages of the Program, what would
>> be most appropriate for the following:****
>> ** **
>> a. Name:****
>> b. Schedule days from start:****
>> c. Auto-generate event****
>> d. Description of report date****
>> ** **
>> 7. 7. Please what should I do next after creating the different stages?
>> ****
>> Thanking you in advance for your time in helping me with this very long
>> list of questions.****
>> Best regards,****
>> John****
>> *John Ojo MD, FMCPH
>> *
>> Pretoria, South Africa.
>> Mobile: +27 795 469 129
>> Skype: Johnojo
>> Email: jnojo@xxxxxxxxx <jno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> <http://www.corridor-sida.org/>
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