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[Branch ~dhis2-documenters/dhis2/dhis2-docbook-docs] Rev 799: Docs for dashboards web api resource
revno: 799
committer: Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2-docbook-docs
timestamp: Tue 2013-09-10 15:32:28 +0200
Docs for dashboards web api resource
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=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_implementation_guide_installation.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_implementation_guide_installation.xml 2013-09-01 20:15:45 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_implementation_guide_installation.xml 2013-09-10 13:32:28 +0000
@@ -221,7 +221,12 @@
<title>Enabling SSL on nginx</title>
- <para>In order to improve security it is recommended to configure the server running DHIS to communicate with clients over an encrypted connection and to identify itself to clients using a trusted certificate. This can be achieved through SSL which is an cryptographic communication protocol running on top of TCP/IP.</para>
+ <para>In order to improve security it is recommended to configure the server running DHIS to
+ communicate with clients over an encrypted connection and to identify itself to clients
+ using a trusted certificate. This can be achieved through SSL which is an cryptographic
+ communication protocol running on top of TCP/IP. First, install the required <emphasis
+ role="italic">openssl</emphasis> library:</para>
+ <screen>sudo apt-get install openssl</screen>
<para>To configure nginx to use SSL you will need a proper SSL certificate from an SSL provider. The cost of a certificate varies a lot depending on encryption strength. An affordable certificate from <ulink url="http://www.rapidsslonline.com">Rapid SSL Online</ulink> should serve most purposes. To generate the CSR (certificate signing request) you can invoke the command below. When you are prompted for the <emphasis role="italic">Common Name</emphasis>, enter the fully qualified domain name for the site you are securing.</para>
<screen>openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.csr</screen>
<para>When you have received your certificate files (.pem or .crt) you will need to place it
=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_web_api.xml'
--- src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_web_api.xml 2013-09-04 13:58:59 +0000
+++ src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_web_api.xml 2013-09-10 13:32:28 +0000
@@ -1412,6 +1412,208 @@
+ <title>Dashboard</title>
+ <para>The dashboard is designed to give you an overview of multiple analytical items like maps,
+ charts, pivot tables and reports which together can provide a comprehensive overview of your
+ data. Dashboards are available in the Web API through the <emphasis role="italic"
+ >dashboards</emphasis> resource. A dashboard contains a list of dashboard <emphasis
+ role="italic">items</emphasis>. An item can represent a single resource, like a chart, map
+ or report table, or represent a list of links to analytical resources, like reports,
+ resources, tabular reports and users. A dashboard item can contain up to eight links.
+ Typically, a dashboard client could choose to visualize the single-object items directly in a
+ user interface, while rendering the multi-object items as clickable links. </para>
+ <section>
+ <title>Browsing dashboards</title>
+ <para>To get a list of your dashboards with basic information including identifier, name and
+ link in JSON format you can make a <emphasis role="italic">GET</emphasis> request to the
+ following URL:</para>
+ <screen>/api/dashboards.json</screen>
+ <para>The dashboards resource will provide a list of dashboards. Remember that the dashboard
+ object is shared so the list will be affected by the currently authenticated user. You can
+ retrieve more information about a specific dashboard by following its link, similar to
+ this:</para>
+ <screen>api/dashboards/vQFhmLJU5sK.json</screen>
+ <para>A dashboard contains information like name and creation date and an array of dashboard
+ items. The response in JSON format will look something like this (access and user attributes
+ omitted for
+ brevity):<screen>{
+ "name": "Antenatal Care",
+ "created": "2013-09-08T20:55:58.060+0000",
+ "items": [{
+ "created": "2013-09-09T18:28:37.813+0000",
+ "chart": {
+ "name": "ANC: Visits by facility type",
+ "created": "2013-05-30T09:58:42.023+0000",
+ "href": "http://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/charts/iRCGbznvyG8",
+ "id": "iRCGbznvyG8"
+ },
+ "map": null,
+ "reportTable": null,
+ "type": "chart",
+ "contentCount": 1,
+ "id": "FeQp4qJ63M8"
+ },
+ {
+ "created": "2013-09-08T21:00:07.266+0000",
+ "user": null,
+ "chart": null,
+ "map": null,
+ "reportTable": null,
+ "reports": [{
+ "name": "ANC: 1st Visit Cumulative Chart",
+ "created": "2012-11-13T13:49:45.007+0000",
+ "href": "http://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/reports/Kvg1AhYHM8Q",
+ "id": "Kvg1AhYHM8Q"
+ }, {
+ "name": "ANC: Coverages This Year",
+ "created": "2012-11-13T13:52:01.630+0000",
+ "href": "http://apps.dhis2.org/demo/api/reports/qYVNH1wkZR0",
+ "id": "qYVNH1wkZR0"
+ }],
+ "type": "reports",
+ "contentCount": 2,
+ "id": "AWUUWkPzops"
+ }]
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Searching dashboards</title>
+ <para>When setting a dashboard it is convenient from a consumer point of view to be able to
+ search for various analytical resources using the <emphasis role="italic"
+ >/dashboards/q</emphasis> resource. This resource lets you search for matches on the name
+ property of the following objects: charts, maps, report tables, users, reports and
+ resources. You can do a search by making a <emphasis role="italic">GET</emphasis> request on
+ the following resource URL pattern, where my-query should be replaced by the preferred
+ search query:</para>
+ <screen>api/dashboards/q/my-query.json</screen>
+ <para>JSON and XML response formats are currently supported. The response in JSON format will
+ contain references to matching resources and counts of how many matches were found in total
+ and for each type of resource. It will look similar to this:</para>
+ <screen>{
+ "charts": [{
+ "name": "ANC: 1-3 dropout rate Yearly",
+ "id": "LW0O27b7TdD"
+ }, {
+ "name": "ANC: 1 and 3 coverage Yearly",
+ "id": "UlfTKWZWV4u"
+ }, {
+ "name": "ANC: 1st and 3rd trends Monthly",
+ "id": "gnROK20DfAA"
+ }],
+ "maps": [{
+ "name": "ANC: 1st visit at facility (fixed) 2013",
+ "id": "YOEGBvxjAY0"
+ }, {
+ "name": "ANC: 3rd visit coverage 2012 by district",
+ "id": "ytkZY3ChM6J"
+ }],
+ "reportTables": [{
+ "name": "ANC: ANC 1 Visits Cumulative Numbers",
+ "id": "tWg9OiyV7mu"
+ }],
+ "reports": [{
+ "name": "ANC: 1st Visit Cumulative Chart",
+ "id": "Kvg1AhYHM8Q"
+ }, {
+ "name": "ANC: Coverages This Year",
+ "id": "qYVNH1wkZR0"
+ }],
+ "searchCount": 8,
+ "chartCount": 3,
+ "mapCount": 2,
+ "reportTableCount": 1,
+ "reportCount": 2,
+ "userCount": 0,
+ "patientTabularReportCount": 0,
+ "resourceCount": 0
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Creating, updating and removing dashboards</title>
+ <para>Creating, updating and deleting dashboards follow standard REST semantics. In order to
+ create a new dashboard you can make a <emphasis role="italic">POST</emphasis> request to the
+ <emphasis role="italic">/api/dashboards</emphasis> resource. From a consumer perspective
+ it might be convenient to first create a dashboard and later add items to it. JSON and XML
+ formats are supported for the request payload. To create a dashboard with the name "My
+ dashboard" you can use a payload in JSON like this:</para>
+ <screen>{
+ "name": "My dashboard"
+ <para>To update, e.g. rename, a dashboard, you can make a <emphasis role="italic"
+ >PUT</emphasis> request with a similar request payload the same api/dasboards
+ resource.</para>
+ <para>To remove a dashboard, you can make a <emphasis role="italic">DELETE</emphasis> request
+ to the specific dashboard resource similar to this:</para>
+ <screen>api/dashboards/vQFhmLJU5sK.json</screen>
+ </section>
+ <section>
+ <title>Adding, moving and removing dashboard items and content</title>
+ <para>In order to add dashboard items a consumer can use the <emphasis role="italic"
+ >/api/dashboards/<dashboard-id>/items/content</emphasis> resource, where
+ <dashboard-id> should be replaced by the relevant dashboard identifier. The request must
+ use the <emphasis role="italic">POST</emphasis> method. The URL syntax and parameters are
+ described in detail in the following table.</para>
+ <table frame="all">
+ <title>Items content parameters</title>
+ <tgroup cols="3">
+ <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
+ <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="2.32*"/>
+ <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.86*"/>
+ <thead>
+ <row>
+ <entry>Query parameter</entry>
+ <entry>Description</entry>
+ <entry>Options</entry>
+ </row>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <row>
+ <entry>type</entry>
+ <entry>Type of the resource to be represented by the dashboard item</entry>
+ <entry>chart | map | reportTable | users | reports | reportTables | resources |
+ patientTabularReports</entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+ <entry>id</entry>
+ <entry>Identifier of the resource to be represented by the dashboard item</entry>
+ <entry>Resource identifier</entry>
+ </row>
+ </tbody>
+ </tgroup>
+ </table>
+ <para>A <emphasis role="italic">POST</emphasis> request URL for adding a chart to a specific
+ dashboard could look like this, where the last id query parameter value is the chart
+ resource identifier:</para>
+ <screen>/api/dashboards/vQFhmLJU5sK/items/content?type=chart&id=LW0O27b7TdD</screen>
+ <para>When adding resource of type map, chart and report table, the API will create and add a
+ new item to the dashboard. When adding a resource of type users, reports, report tables and
+ resources, the API will try to add the resource to an existing dashboard item of the same
+ type. If no item of same type or no item of same type with less than eight resources
+ associated with it exists, the API will create a new dashboard item and the resource to
+ it.</para>
+ <para>In order to move a dashboard item to a new position within the list of items in a
+ dashboard, a consumer can make a <emphasis role="italic">POST</emphasis> request to the
+ following resource URL, where <dashboard-id> should be replaced by the identifier of the
+ dashboard, <item-id> should be replaced by the identifier of the dashboard item and
+ <index> should be replaced by the new position of the item in the dashboard, where the
+ index is
+ zero-based:<screen>/api/dashboards/<dashboard-id>/items/<item-id>/position/<index></screen></para>
+ <para>To remove a dashboard item completely from a specific dashboard a consumer can make a
+ <emphasis role="italic">DELETE</emphasis> request to the below resource URL, where
+ <dashboard-id> should be replaced by the identifier of the dashboard and <item-id>
+ should be replaced by the identifier of the dashboard item. The dashboard item identifiers
+ can be retrieved through a GET request to the dashboard resource URL.</para>
+ <screen>/api/dashboards/<dashboard-id>/items/<item-id></screen>
+ <para>To remove a specific content resource within a dashboard item a consumer can make a
+ <emphasis role="italic">DELETE</emphasis> request to the below resource URL, where
+ <content-resource-id> should be replaced by the identifier of a resource associated with
+ the dasboard item; e.g. the identifier of a report or a user. For instance, this can be used
+ to remove a single report from a dashboard item of type reports, as opposed to removing the
+ dashboard item completely:</para>
+ <screen>/api/dashboards/<dashboard-id>/items/<item-id>/content/<content-resource-id></screen>
+ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section>
<para>To access analytical, aggregated data in DHIS 2 you can work with the <emphasis role="italic">analytics</emphasis> resource. The analytics resource is powerful as it lets
you query and retrieve data aggregated along all available data dimensions. For instance, you