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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 12557: (PT) Plugin, work in progress.


Merge authors:
  Jan Henrik Øverland (janhenrik-overland)
revno: 12557 [merge]
committer: Jan Henrik Overland <janhenrik.overland@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Thu 2013-10-10 13:50:29 +0200
  (PT) Plugin, work in progress.


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
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=== added file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/plugin/table.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/plugin/table.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/plugin/table.js	2013-10-10 11:49:54 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2870 @@
+Ext.onReady( function() {
+	// ext config
+	Ext.Ajax.method = 'GET';
+	// pt	
+	PT = {
+		core: {
+			instances: []
+		},		
+		i18n: {},		
+		isDebug: false,		
+		isSessionStorage: 'sessionStorage' in window && window['sessionStorage'] !== null
+	};
+	// CORE
+	PT.core.getInstance = function(init) {
+        var conf = {},
+            util = {},
+            api = {},
+            service = {},
+            engine = {},
+            dimConf;
+		// conf
+		(function() {
+			conf.finals = {
+				url: {
+					path_module: '/dhis-web-pivot/',
+					path_api: '/api/',
+					path_commons: '/dhis-web-commons-ajax-json/',
+					data_get: 'chartValues.json',
+					indicator_get: 'indicatorGroups/',
+					indicator_getall: 'indicators.json?paging=false&links=false',
+					indicatorgroup_get: 'indicatorGroups.json?paging=false&links=false',
+					dataelement_get: 'dataElementGroups/',
+					dataelement_getall: 'dataElements.json?paging=false&links=false',
+					dataelementgroup_get: 'dataElementGroups.json?paging=false&links=false',
+					dataset_get: 'dataSets.json?paging=false&links=false',
+					organisationunit_getbygroup: 'getOrganisationUnitPathsByGroup.action',
+					organisationunit_getbylevel: 'getOrganisationUnitPathsByLevel.action',
+					organisationunit_getbyids: 'getOrganisationUnitPaths.action',
+					organisationunitgroup_getall: 'organisationUnitGroups.json?paging=false&links=false',
+					organisationunitgroupset_get: 'getOrganisationUnitGroupSetsMinified.action',
+					organisationunitlevel_getall: 'organisationUnitLevels.json?paging=false&links=false&viewClass=detailed',
+					organisationunitchildren_get: 'getOrganisationUnitChildren.action',
+					favorite_addorupdate: 'addOrUpdateChart.action',
+					favorite_addorupdatesystem: 'addOrUpdateSystemChart.action',
+					favorite_updatename: 'updateChartName.action',
+					favorite_get: 'charts/',
+					favorite_getall: 'getSystemAndCurrentUserCharts.action',
+					favorite_delete: 'deleteCharts.action'
+				},
+				dimension: {
+					data: {
+						value: 'data',
+						name: PT.i18n.data,
+						dimensionName: 'dx',
+						objectName: 'dx',
+						warning: {
+							filter: '...'//PT.i18n.wm_multiple_filter_ind_de
+						}
+					},
+					category: {
+						name: PT.i18n.categories,
+						dimensionName: 'co',
+						objectName: 'co',
+					},
+					indicator: {
+						value: 'indicators',
+						name: PT.i18n.indicators,
+						dimensionName: 'dx',
+						objectName: 'in'
+					},
+					dataElement: {
+						value: 'dataElements',
+						name: PT.i18n.data_elements,
+						dimensionName: 'dx',
+						objectName: 'de'
+					},
+					operand: {
+						value: 'operand',
+						name: 'Operand',
+						dimensionName: 'dx',
+						objectName: 'dc'
+					},
+					dataSet: {
+						value: 'dataSets',
+						name: PT.i18n.data_sets,
+						dimensionName: 'dx',
+						objectName: 'ds'
+					},
+					period: {
+						value: 'period',
+						name: PT.i18n.periods,
+						dimensionName: 'pe',
+						objectName: 'pe'
+					},
+					fixedPeriod: {
+						value: 'periods'
+					},
+					relativePeriod: {
+						value: 'relativePeriods'
+					},
+					organisationUnit: {
+						value: 'organisationUnits',
+						name: PT.i18n.organisation_units,
+						dimensionName: 'ou',
+						objectName: 'ou'
+					},
+					dimension: {
+						value: 'dimension'
+						//objectName: 'di'
+					},
+					value: {
+						value: 'value'
+					}
+				},
+				root: {
+					id: 'root'
+				}
+			};
+			dimConf = conf.finals.dimension;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap = {};
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.data.objectName] = dimConf.data;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.indicator.objectName] = dimConf.indicator;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.dataElement.objectName] = dimConf.dataElement;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.operand.objectName] = dimConf.operand;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.dataSet.objectName] = dimConf.dataSet;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.category.objectName] = dimConf.category;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.period.objectName] = dimConf.period;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.organisationUnit.objectName] = dimConf.organisationUnit;
+			dimConf.objectNameMap[dimConf.dimension.objectName] = dimConf.dimension;
+			conf.period = {
+				relativePeriods: {
+					'LAST_WEEK': 1,
+					'LAST_4_WEEKS': 4,
+					'LAST_12_WEEKS': 12,
+					'LAST_MONTH': 1,
+					'LAST_3_MONTHS': 3,
+					'LAST_BIMONTH': 1,
+					'LAST_6_BIMONTHS': 6,
+					'LAST_12_MONTHS': 12,
+					'LAST_QUARTER': 1,
+					'LAST_4_QUARTERS': 4,
+					'LAST_SIX_MONTH': 1,
+					'LAST_2_SIXMONTHS': 2,
+					'THIS_YEAR': 1,
+					'LAST_YEAR': 1,
+					'LAST_5_YEARS': 5
+				},
+				relativePeriodValueKeys: {
+					'LAST_WEEK': 'lastWeek',
+					'LAST_4_WEEKS': 'last4Weeks',
+					'LAST_12_WEEKS': 'last12Weeks',
+					'LAST_MONTH': 'lastMonth',
+					'LAST_3_MONTHS': 'last3Months',
+					'LAST_12_MONTHS': 'last12Months',
+					'LAST_BIMONTH': 'lastBimonth',
+					'LAST_6_BIMONTHS': 'last6BiMonths',
+					'LAST_QUARTER': 'lastQuarter',
+					'LAST_4_QUARTERS': 'last4Quarters',
+					'LAST_SIX_MONTH': 'lastSixMonth',
+					'LAST_2_SIXMONTHS': 'last2SixMonths',
+					'LAST_FINANCIAL_YEAR': 'lastFinancialYear',
+					'LAST_5_FINANCIAL_YEARS': 'last5FinancialYears',
+					'THIS_YEAR': 'thisYear',
+					'LAST_YEAR': 'lastYear',
+					'LAST_5_YEARS': 'last5Years'
+				},
+				relativePeriodParamKeys: {
+					'lastWeek': 'LAST_WEEK',
+					'last4Weeks': 'LAST_4_WEEKS',
+					'last12Weeks': 'LAST_12_WEEKS',
+					'lastMonth': 'LAST_MONTH',
+					'last3Months': 'LAST_3_MONTHS',
+					'last12Months': 'LAST_12_MONTHS',
+					'lastBimonth': 'LAST_BIMONTH',
+					'last6BiMonths': 'LAST_6_BIMONTHS',
+					'lastQuarter': 'LAST_QUARTER',
+					'last4Quarters': 'LAST_4_QUARTERS',
+					'lastSixMonth': 'LAST_SIX_MONTH',
+					'last2SixMonths': 'LAST_2_SIXMONTHS',
+					'lastFinancialYear': 'LAST_FINANCIAL_YEAR',
+					'last5FinancialYears': 'LAST_5_FINANCIAL_YEARS',
+					'thisYear': 'THIS_YEAR',
+					'lastYear': 'LAST_YEAR',
+					'last5Years': 'LAST_5_YEARS'
+				},
+				periodTypes: [
+					{id: 'Daily', name: 'Daily'},
+					{id: 'Weekly', name: 'Weekly'},
+					{id: 'Monthly', name: 'Monthly'},
+					{id: 'BiMonthly', name: 'BiMonthly'},
+					{id: 'Quarterly', name: 'Quarterly'},
+					{id: 'SixMonthly', name: 'SixMonthly'},
+					{id: 'Yearly', name: 'Yearly'},
+					{id: 'FinancialOct', name: 'FinancialOct'},
+					{id: 'FinancialJuly', name: 'FinancialJuly'},
+					{id: 'FinancialApril', name: 'FinancialApril'}
+				]
+			};
+			conf.layout = {
+				west_width: 424,
+				west_fieldset_width: 416,
+				west_width_padding: 4,
+				west_fill: 2,
+				west_fill_accordion_indicator: 59,
+				west_fill_accordion_dataelement: 59,
+				west_fill_accordion_dataset: 33,
+				west_fill_accordion_period: 296,
+				west_fill_accordion_organisationunit: 62,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_indicator: 400,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_dataelement: 400,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_dataset: 400,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_period: 513,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_organisationunit: 900,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_group: 340,
+				west_maxheight_accordion_options: 449,
+				west_scrollbarheight_accordion_indicator: 300,
+				west_scrollbarheight_accordion_dataelement: 300,
+				west_scrollbarheight_accordion_dataset: 300,
+				west_scrollbarheight_accordion_period: 450,
+				west_scrollbarheight_accordion_organisationunit: 450,
+				west_scrollbarheight_accordion_group: 300,
+				east_tbar_height: 31,
+				east_gridcolumn_height: 30,
+				form_label_width: 55,
+				window_favorite_ypos: 100,
+				window_confirm_width: 250,
+				window_share_width: 500,
+				grid_favorite_width: 420,
+				grid_row_height: 27,
+				treepanel_minheight: 135,
+				treepanel_maxheight: 400,
+				treepanel_fill_default: 310,
+				treepanel_toolbar_menu_width_group: 140,
+				treepanel_toolbar_menu_width_level: 120,
+				multiselect_minheight: 100,
+				multiselect_maxheight: 250,
+				multiselect_fill_default: 345,
+				multiselect_fill_reportingrates: 315
+			};
+			conf.pivot = {
+				digitGroupSeparator: {
+					'comma': ',',
+					'space': ' '
+				},
+				displayDensity: {
+					'compact': '3px',
+					'normal': '5px',
+					'comfortable': '10px',
+				},
+				fontSize: {
+					'small': '10px',
+					'normal': '11px',
+					'large': '13px'
+				}
+			};
+		}());
+		// util
+		(function() {
+			util.object = {
+				getLength: function(object) {
+					var size = 0;
+					for (var key in object) {
+						if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+							size++;
+						}
+					}
+					return size;
+				}
+			};
+			util.mask = {
+				showMask: function(cmp, msg) {
+					msg = msg || 'Loading..';
+					if (cmp.mask) {
+						cmp.mask.destroy();
+					}
+					cmp.mask = new Ext.create('Ext.LoadMask', cmp, {
+						shadow: false,
+						msg: msg,
+						style: 'box-shadow:0',
+						bodyStyle: 'box-shadow:0'
+					});
+					cmp.mask.show();
+				},
+				hideMask: function(cmp) {
+					if (cmp.mask) {
+						cmp.mask.hide();
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			util.store = {
+				addToStorage: function(s, records) {
+					s.each( function(r) {
+						if (!s.storage[r.data.id]) {
+							s.storage[r.data.id] = {id: r.data.id, name: r.data.name, parent: s.parent};
+						}
+					});
+					if (records) {
+						Ext.Array.each(records, function(r) {
+							if (!s.storage[r.data.id]) {
+								s.storage[r.data.id] = {id: r.data.id, name: r.data.name, parent: s.parent};
+							}
+						});
+					}
+				},
+				loadFromStorage: function(s) {
+					var items = [];
+					s.removeAll();
+					for (var obj in s.storage) {
+						if (s.storage[obj].parent === s.parent) {
+							items.push(s.storage[obj]);
+						}
+					}
+					s.add(items);
+					s.sort('name', 'ASC');
+				},
+				containsParent: function(s) {
+					for (var obj in s.storage) {
+						if (s.storage[obj].parent === s.parent) {
+							return true;
+						}
+					}
+					return false;
+				}
+			};
+			util.array = {
+				sortDimensions: function(dimensions, key) {
+					key = key || 'dimensionName';
+					// Sort object order
+					Ext.Array.sort(dimensions, function(a,b) {
+						if (a[key] < b[key]) {
+							return -1;
+						}
+						if (a[key] > b[key]) {
+							return 1;
+						}
+						return 0;
+					});
+					// Sort object items, ids
+					for (var i = 0, dim; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
+						dim = dimensions[i];
+						if (dim.items) {
+							dimensions[i].items = util.array.sortDimensions(dim.items, 'id');
+						}
+						if (dim.ids) {
+							dimensions[i].ids = dim.ids.sort();
+						}
+					}
+					return dimensions;
+				},
+				sortObjectsByString: function(array, key) {
+					key = key || 'name';
+					array.sort( function(a, b) {
+						var nameA = a[key].toLowerCase(),
+							nameB = b[key].toLowerCase();
+						if (nameA < nameB) {
+							return -1;
+						}
+						if (nameA > nameB) {
+							return 1;
+						}
+						return 0;
+					});
+					return array;
+				}
+			};
+			util.number = {
+				getNumberOfDecimals: function(x) {
+					var tmp = new String(x);
+					return (tmp.indexOf('.') > -1) ? (tmp.length - tmp.indexOf('.') - 1) : 0;
+				},
+				roundIf: function(x, prec) {
+					x = parseFloat(x);
+					prec = parseFloat(prec);
+					if (Ext.isNumber(x) && Ext.isNumber(prec)) {
+						var dec = util.number.getNumberOfDecimals(x);
+						return dec > prec ? Ext.Number.toFixed(x, prec) : x;
+					}
+					return x;
+				},
+				pp: function(x, nf) {
+					nf = nf || 'space';
+					if (nf === 'none') {
+						return x;
+					}
+					return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, conf.pivot.digitGroupSeparator[nf]);
+				}
+			};
+			util.str = {
+				replaceAll: function(str, find, replace) {
+					return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);
+				}
+			};
+			util.color = {
+				hexToRgb: function(hex) {
+					var shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i;
+					hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, function(m, r, g, b) {
+						return r + r + g + g + b + b;
+					});
+					var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
+					return result ? {
+						r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
+						g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
+						b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
+					} : null;
+				},
+				getContrast: function(hex) {
+					if (Ext.isString(hex)) {
+						var rgb = util.color.hexToRgb(hex),
+							factor = (rgb.r + rgb.g + rgb.b);
+						if (factor < 210) {
+							return '#ffffff';
+						}
+					}
+					return '#000000';
+				}
+			};
+			util.message = {
+				alert: function(message) {
+                    alert(message);
+				}
+			};
+		}());
+		// init
+		(function() {
+			// sort and extend dynamic dimensions
+			init.dimensions = util.array.sortObjectsByString(init.dimensions);
+			for (var i = 0, dim; i < init.dimensions.length; i++) {
+				dim = init.dimensions[i];
+				dim.dimensionName = dim.id;
+				dim.objectName = conf.finals.dimension.dimension.objectName;
+				conf.finals.dimension.objectNameMap[dim.id] = dim;
+			}
+			// legend set map
+			init.idLegendSetMap = {};
+			for (var i = 0, set; i < init.legendSets.length; i++) {
+				set = init.legendSets[i];
+				init.idLegendSetMap[set.id] = set;
+			}
+		}());
+		// api
+		(function() {
+			api.layout = {};
+			api.layout.Record = function(config) {
+				var record = {};
+				// id: string
+				return function() {
+					if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
+						console.log('Record config is not an object: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!Ext.isString(config.id)) {
+						alert('Record id is not text: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					record.id = config.id.replace('.', '-');
+					if (Ext.isString(config.name)) {
+						record.name = config.name;
+					}
+					return Ext.clone(record);
+				}();
+			};
+			api.layout.Dimension = function(config) {
+				var dimension = {};
+				// dimension: string
+				// items: [Record]
+				return function() {
+					if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
+						console.log('Dimension config is not an object: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!Ext.isString(config.dimension)) {
+						console.log('Dimension name is not text: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (config.dimension !== conf.finals.dimension.category.objectName) {
+						var records = [];
+						if (!Ext.isArray(config.items)) {
+							console.log('Dimension items is not an array: ' + config);
+							return;
+						}
+						for (var i = 0; i < config.items.length; i++) {
+							record = api.layout.Record(config.items[i]);
+							if (record) {
+								records.push(record);
+							}
+						}
+						config.items = records;
+						if (!config.items.length) {
+							console.log('Dimension has no valid items: ' + config);
+							return;
+						}
+					}
+					dimension.dimension = config.dimension;
+					dimension.items = config.items;
+					return Ext.clone(dimension);
+				}();
+			};
+			api.layout.Layout = function(config) {
+				var layout = {},
+					getValidatedDimensionArray,
+					validateSpecialCases;
+				// columns: [Dimension]
+				// rows: [Dimension]
+				// filters: [Dimension]
+				// showTotals: boolean (true)
+				// showSubTotals: boolean (true)
+				// hideEmptyRows: boolean (false)
+				// displayDensity: string ('normal') - 'compact', 'normal', 'comfortable'
+				// fontSize: string ('normal') - 'small', 'normal', 'large'
+				// digitGroupSeparator: string ('space') - 'none', 'comma', 'space'
+				// legendSet: object
+				// userOrganisationUnit: boolean (false)
+				// userOrganisationUnitChildren: boolean (false)
+				// parentGraphMap: object
+				// reportingPeriod: boolean (false) //report tables only
+				// organisationUnit: boolean (false) //report tables only
+				// parentOrganisationUnit: boolean (false) //report tables only
+				// regression: boolean (false)
+				// cumulative: boolean (false)
+				// sortOrder: integer (0) //-1, 0, 1
+				// topLimit: integer (100) //5, 10, 20, 50, 100
+				getValidatedDimensionArray = function(dimensionArray) {
+					var dimensions = [];
+					if (!(dimensionArray && Ext.isArray(dimensionArray) && dimensionArray.length)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					for (var i = 0, dimension; i < dimensionArray.length; i++) {
+						dimension = api.layout.Dimension(dimensionArray[i]);
+						if (dimension) {
+							dimensions.push(dimension);
+						}
+					}
+					dimensionArray = dimensions;
+					return dimensionArray.length ? dimensionArray : null;
+				};
+				validateSpecialCases = function() {
+					var dimConf = conf.finals.dimension,
+						dimensions,
+						objectNameDimensionMap = {};
+					if (!layout) {
+						return;
+					}
+					dimensions = Ext.Array.clean([].concat(layout.columns, layout.rows, layout.filters));
+					for (var i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
+						objectNameDimensionMap[dimensions[i].dimension] = dimensions[i];
+					}
+					if (layout.filters && layout.filters.length) {
+						for (var i = 0; i < layout.filters.length; i++) {
+							// Indicators as filter
+							if (layout.filters[i].dimension === dimConf.indicator.objectName) {
+								util.message.alert(PT.i18n.indicators_cannot_be_specified_as_filter || 'Indicators cannot be specified as filter');
+								return;
+							}
+							// Categories as filter
+							if (layout.filters[i].dimension === dimConf.category.objectName) {
+								util.message.alert(PT.i18n.categories_cannot_be_specified_as_filter || 'Categories cannot be specified as filter');
+								return;
+							}
+							// Data sets as filter
+							if (layout.filters[i].dimension === dimConf.dataSet.objectName) {
+								util.message.alert(PT.i18n.data_sets_cannot_be_specified_as_filter || 'Data sets cannot be specified as filter');
+								return;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// dc and in
+					if (objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.operand.objectName] && objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.indicator.objectName]) {
+						util.message.alert('Indicators and detailed data elements cannot be specified together');
+						return;
+					}
+					// dc and de
+					if (objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.operand.objectName] && objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.dataElement.objectName]) {
+						util.message.alert('Detailed data elements and totals cannot be specified together');
+						return;
+					}
+					// dc and ds
+					if (objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.operand.objectName] && objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.dataSet.objectName]) {
+						util.message.alert('Data sets and detailed data elements cannot be specified together');
+						return;
+					}
+					// dc and co
+					if (objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.operand.objectName] && objectNameDimensionMap[dimConf.category.objectName]) {
+						util.message.alert('Categories and detailed data elements cannot be specified together');
+						return;
+					}
+					// Degs and datasets in the same query
+					//if (Ext.Array.contains(dimensionNames, dimConf.data.dimensionName) && store.dataSetSelected.data.length) {
+						//for (var i = 0; i < init.degs.length; i++) {
+							//if (Ext.Array.contains(dimensionNames, init.degs[i].id)) {
+								//alert(PT.i18n.data_element_group_sets_cannot_be_specified_together_with_data_sets);
+								//return;
+							//}
+						//}
+					//}
+					return true;
+				};
+				return function() {
+					var a = [],
+						objectNames = [],
+						dimConf = conf.finals.dimension,
+						dims,
+						isOu = false,
+						isOuc = false,
+						isOugc = false;
+					config.columns = getValidatedDimensionArray(config.columns);
+					config.rows = getValidatedDimensionArray(config.rows);
+					config.filters = getValidatedDimensionArray(config.filters);
+					// Config must be an object
+					if (!(config && Ext.isObject(config))) {
+						alert(init.el + ': Layout config is not an object');
+						return;
+					}
+					// At least one dimension specified as column or row
+					if (!(config.columns || config.rows)) {
+						alert(PT.i18n.at_least_one_dimension_must_be_specified_as_row_or_column);
+						return;
+					}
+					// Get object names and user orgunits
+					for (var i = 0, dim, dims = [].concat(config.columns || [], config.rows || [], config.filters || []); i < dims.length; i++) {
+						dim = dims[i];
+						if (dim) {
+							// Object names
+							if (Ext.isString(dim.dimension)) {
+								objectNames.push(dim.dimension);
+							}
+							// user orgunits
+							if (dim.dimension === dimConf.organisationUnit.objectName && Ext.isArray(dim.items)) {
+								for (var j = 0; j < dim.items.length; j++) {
+									if (dim.items[j].id === 'USER_ORGUNIT') {
+										isOu = true;
+									}
+									else if (dim.items[j].id === 'USER_ORGUNIT_CHILDREN') {
+										isOuc = true;
+									}
+									else if (dim.items[j].id === 'USER_ORGUNIT_GRANDCHILDREN') {
+										isOugc = true;
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// At least one period
+					if (!Ext.Array.contains(objectNames, dimConf.period.objectName)) {
+						alert(PT.i18n.at_least_one_period_must_be_specified_as_column_row_or_filter);
+						return;
+					}
+					// Layout
+					layout.columns = config.columns;
+					layout.rows = config.rows;
+					layout.filters = config.filters;
+					// Properties
+					layout.showTotals = Ext.isBoolean(config.totals) ? config.totals : (Ext.isBoolean(config.showTotals) ? config.showTotals : true);
+					layout.showSubTotals = Ext.isBoolean(config.subtotals) ? config.subtotals : (Ext.isBoolean(config.showSubTotals) ? config.showSubTotals : true);
+					layout.hideEmptyRows = Ext.isBoolean(config.hideEmptyRows) ? config.hideEmptyRows : false;
+					layout.showHierarchy = Ext.isBoolean(config.showHierarchy) ? config.showHierarchy : false;
+					layout.displayDensity = Ext.isString(config.displayDensity) && !Ext.isEmpty(config.displayDensity) ? config.displayDensity : 'normal';
+					layout.fontSize = Ext.isString(config.fontSize) && !Ext.isEmpty(config.fontSize) ? config.fontSize : 'normal';
+					layout.digitGroupSeparator = Ext.isString(config.digitGroupSeparator) && !Ext.isEmpty(config.digitGroupSeparator) ? config.digitGroupSeparator : 'space';
+					layout.legendSet = Ext.isObject(config.legendSet) && Ext.isString(config.legendSet.id) ? config.legendSet : null;
+					layout.userOrganisationUnit = isOu;
+					layout.userOrganisationUnitChildren = isOuc;
+					layout.userOrganisationUnitGrandChildren = isOugc;
+					layout.parentGraphMap = Ext.isObject(config.parentGraphMap) ? config.parentGraphMap : null;
+					layout.reportingPeriod = Ext.isObject(config.reportParams) && Ext.isBoolean(config.reportParams.paramReportingPeriod) ? config.reportParams.paramReportingPeriod : (Ext.isBoolean(config.reportingPeriod) ? config.reportingPeriod : false);
+					layout.organisationUnit =  Ext.isObject(config.reportParams) && Ext.isBoolean(config.reportParams.paramOrganisationUnit) ? config.reportParams.paramOrganisationUnit : (Ext.isBoolean(config.organisationUnit) ? config.organisationUnit : false);
+					layout.parentOrganisationUnit =  Ext.isObject(config.reportParams) && Ext.isBoolean(config.reportParams.paramParentOrganisationUnit) ? config.reportParams.paramParentOrganisationUnit : (Ext.isBoolean(config.parentOrganisationUnit) ? config.parentOrganisationUnit : false);
+					layout.regression = Ext.isBoolean(config.regression) ? config.regression : false;
+					layout.cumulative = Ext.isBoolean(config.cumulative) ? config.cumulative : false;
+					layout.sortOrder = Ext.isNumber(config.sortOrder) ? config.sortOrder : 0;
+					layout.topLimit = Ext.isNumber(config.topLimit) ? config.topLimit : 0;
+					if (!validateSpecialCases()) {
+						return;
+					}
+					return Ext.clone(layout);
+				}();
+			};
+			api.response = {};
+			api.response.Header = function(config) {
+				var header = {};
+				// name: string
+				// meta: boolean
+				return function() {
+					if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
+						console.log('Header is not an object: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!Ext.isString(config.name)) {
+						console.log('Header name is not text: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!Ext.isBoolean(config.meta)) {
+						console.log('Header meta is not boolean: ' + config);
+						return;
+					}
+					header.name = config.name;
+					header.meta = config.meta;
+					return Ext.clone(header);
+				}();
+			};
+			api.response.Response = function(config) {
+				var response = {};
+				// headers: [Header]
+				return function() {
+					var headers = [];
+					if (!(config && Ext.isObject(config))) {
+						alert('Data response invalid');
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (!(config.headers && Ext.isArray(config.headers))) {
+						alert('Data response invalid');
+						return false;
+					}
+					for (var i = 0, header; i < config.headers.length; i++) {
+						header = api.response.Header(config.headers[i]);
+						if (header) {
+							headers.push(header);
+						}
+					}
+					config.headers = headers;
+					if (!config.headers.length) {
+						alert('No valid response headers');
+						return;
+					}
+					if (!(Ext.isArray(config.rows) && config.rows.length > 0)) {
+						alert('No values found');
+						return false;
+					}
+					if (config.headers.length !== config.rows[0].length) {
+						alert('Data invalid');
+						return false;
+					}
+					response.headers = config.headers;
+					response.metaData = config.metaData;
+					response.width = config.width;
+					response.height = config.height;
+					response.rows = config.rows;
+					return response;
+				}();
+			};
+		}());
+		// service
+		(function() {
+			service.layout = {};
+			service.layout.getObjectNameDimensionMap = function(dimensionArray) {
+				var map = {};
+				if (Ext.isArray(dimensionArray) && dimensionArray.length) {					
+					for (var i = 0, dim; i < dimensionArray.length; i++) {
+						dim = api.layout.Dimension(dimensionArray[i]);
+						if (dim) {
+							map[dim.dimension] = dim;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return map;
+			};				
+			service.layout.getObjectNameDimensionItemsMap = function(dimensionArray) {
+				var map = {};
+				if (Ext.isArray(dimensionArray) && dimensionArray.length) {					
+					for (var i = 0, dim; i < dimensionArray.length; i++) {
+						dim = api.layout.Dimension(dimensionArray[i]);
+						if (dim) {
+							map[dim.dimension] = dim.items;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				return map;
+			};
+			service.response = {};
+		}());
+		// engine
+		(function() {
+			engine.getExtendedLayout = function(layout) {
+				var layout = Ext.clone(layout),
+					xLayout = {
+						columns: [],
+						rows: [],
+						filters: [],
+						columnObjectNames: [],
+						columnDimensionNames: [],
+						rowObjectNames: [],
+						rowDimensionNames: [],
+						// Axis
+						axisDimensions: [],
+						axisObjectNames: [],
+						axisDimensionNames: [],
+							// For param string
+						sortedAxisDimensionNames: [],
+						// Filter
+						filterDimensions: [],
+						filterObjectNames: [],
+						filterDimensionNames: [],
+							// For param string
+						sortedFilterDimensions: [],
+						// All
+						dimensions: [],
+						objectNames: [],
+						dimensionNames: [],
+						// Object name maps
+						objectNameDimensionsMap: {},
+						objectNameItemsMap: {},
+						objectNameIdsMap: {},
+						// Dimension name maps
+						dimensionNameDimensionsMap: {},
+						dimensionNameItemsMap: {},
+						dimensionNameIdsMap: {},
+							// For param string
+						dimensionNameSortedIdsMap: {}
+					};
+				Ext.applyIf(xLayout, layout);
+				// Columns, rows, filters
+				if (layout.columns) {
+					for (var i = 0, dim, items, xDim; i < layout.columns.length; i++) {
+						dim = layout.columns[i];
+						items = dim.items;
+						xDim = {};
+						xDim.dimension = dim.dimension;
+						xDim.objectName = dim.dimension;
+						xDim.dimensionName = dimConf.objectNameMap[dim.dimension].dimensionName;
+						if (items) {
+							xDim.items = items;
+							xDim.ids = [];
+							for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
+								xDim.ids.push(items[j].id);
+							}
+						}
+						xLayout.columns.push(xDim);
+						xLayout.columnObjectNames.push(xDim.objectName);
+						xLayout.columnDimensionNames.push(xDim.dimensionName);
+						xLayout.axisDimensions.push(xDim);
+						xLayout.axisObjectNames.push(xDim.objectName);
+						xLayout.axisDimensionNames.push(dimConf.objectNameMap[xDim.objectName].dimensionName);
+						xLayout.objectNameDimensionsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim;
+						xLayout.objectNameItemsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim.items;
+						xLayout.objectNameIdsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim.ids;
+					}
+				}
+				if (layout.rows) {
+					for (var i = 0, dim, items, xDim; i < layout.rows.length; i++) {
+						dim = Ext.clone(layout.rows[i]);
+						items = dim.items;
+						xDim = {};
+						xDim.dimension = dim.dimension;
+						xDim.objectName = dim.dimension;
+						xDim.dimensionName = dimConf.objectNameMap[dim.dimension].dimensionName;
+						if (items) {
+							xDim.items = items;
+							xDim.ids = [];
+							for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
+								xDim.ids.push(items[j].id);
+							}
+						}
+						xLayout.rows.push(xDim);
+						xLayout.rowObjectNames.push(xDim.objectName);
+						xLayout.rowDimensionNames.push(xDim.dimensionName);
+						xLayout.axisDimensions.push(xDim);
+						xLayout.axisObjectNames.push(xDim.objectName);
+						xLayout.axisDimensionNames.push(dimConf.objectNameMap[xDim.objectName].dimensionName);
+						xLayout.objectNameDimensionsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim;
+						xLayout.objectNameItemsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim.items;
+						xLayout.objectNameIdsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim.ids;
+					}
+				}
+				if (layout.filters) {
+					for (var i = 0, dim, items, xDim; i < layout.filters.length; i++) {
+						dim = layout.filters[i];
+						items = dim.items;
+						xDim = {};
+						xDim.dimension = dim.dimension;
+						xDim.objectName = dim.dimension;
+						xDim.dimensionName = dimConf.objectNameMap[dim.dimension].dimensionName;
+						if (items) {
+							xDim.items = items;
+							xDim.ids = [];
+							for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
+								xDim.ids.push(items[j].id);
+							}
+						}
+						xLayout.filters.push(xDim);
+						xLayout.filterDimensions.push(xDim);
+						xLayout.filterObjectNames.push(xDim.objectName);
+						xLayout.filterDimensionNames.push(dimConf.objectNameMap[xDim.objectName].dimensionName);
+						xLayout.objectNameDimensionsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim;
+						xLayout.objectNameItemsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim.items;
+						xLayout.objectNameIdsMap[xDim.objectName] = xDim.ids;
+					}
+				}
+				// Unique dimension names
+				xLayout.axisDimensionNames = Ext.Array.unique(xLayout.axisDimensionNames);
+				xLayout.filterDimensionNames = Ext.Array.unique(xLayout.filterDimensionNames);
+				xLayout.columnDimensionNames = Ext.Array.unique(xLayout.columnDimensionNames);
+				xLayout.rowDimensionNames = Ext.Array.unique(xLayout.rowDimensionNames);
+				xLayout.filterDimensionNames = Ext.Array.unique(xLayout.filterDimensionNames);
+					// For param string
+				xLayout.sortedAxisDimensionNames = Ext.clone(xLayout.axisDimensionNames).sort();
+				xLayout.sortedFilterDimensions = util.array.sortDimensions(Ext.clone(xLayout.filterDimensions));
+				// All
+				xLayout.dimensions = [].concat(xLayout.axisDimensions, xLayout.filterDimensions);
+				xLayout.objectNames = [].concat(xLayout.axisObjectNames, xLayout.filterObjectNames);
+				xLayout.dimensionNames = [].concat(xLayout.axisDimensionNames, xLayout.filterDimensionNames);
+				// Dimension name maps
+				for (var i = 0, dimName; i < xLayout.dimensionNames.length; i++) {
+					dimName = xLayout.dimensionNames[i];
+					xLayout.dimensionNameDimensionsMap[dimName] = [];
+					xLayout.dimensionNameItemsMap[dimName] = [];
+					xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap[dimName] = [];
+				}
+				for (var i = 0, xDim; i < xLayout.dimensions.length; i++) {
+					xDim = xLayout.dimensions[i];
+					xLayout.dimensionNameDimensionsMap[xDim.dimensionName].push(xDim);
+					xLayout.dimensionNameItemsMap[xDim.dimensionName] = xLayout.dimensionNameItemsMap[xDim.dimensionName].concat(xDim.items);
+					xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap[xDim.dimensionName] = xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap[xDim.dimensionName].concat(xDim.ids);
+				}
+					// For param string
+				for (var key in xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap) {
+					if (xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+						xLayout.dimensionNameSortedIdsMap[key] = Ext.clone(xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap[key]).sort();
+					}
+				}
+				return xLayout;
+			};
+			engine.getParamString = function(xLayout, isSorted) {
+				var axisDimensionNames = isSorted ? xLayout.sortedAxisDimensionNames : xLayout.axisDimensionNames,
+					filterDimensions = isSorted ? xLayout.sortedFilterDimensions : xLayout.filterDimensions,
+					dimensionNameIdsMap = isSorted ? xLayout.dimensionNameSortedIdsMap : xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap,
+					paramString = '?',
+					dimConf = conf.finals.dimension,
+					addCategoryDimension = false,
+					map = xLayout.dimensionNameItemsMap,
+					dx = dimConf.indicator.dimensionName,
+					co = dimConf.category.dimensionName;
+				for (var i = 0, dimName, items; i < axisDimensionNames.length; i++) {
+					dimName = axisDimensionNames[i];
+					paramString += 'dimension=' + dimName;
+					items = Ext.clone(dimensionNameIdsMap[dimName]);
+					if (dimName === dx) {
+						for (var j = 0, index; j < items.length; j++) {
+							index = items[j].indexOf('-');
+							if (index > 0) {
+								addCategoryDimension = true;
+								items[j] = items[j].substr(0, index);
+							}
+						}
+						items = Ext.Array.unique(items);
+					}
+					if (dimName !== co) {
+						paramString += ':' + items.join(';');
+					}
+					if (i < (axisDimensionNames.length - 1)) {
+						paramString += '&';
+					}
+				}
+				if (addCategoryDimension) {
+					paramString += '&dimension=' + conf.finals.dimension.category.dimensionName;
+				}
+				if (Ext.isArray(filterDimensions) && filterDimensions.length) {
+					for (var i = 0, dim; i < filterDimensions.length; i++) {
+						dim = filterDimensions[i];
+						paramString += '&filter=' + dim.dimensionName + ':' + dim.ids.join(';');
+					}
+				}
+				if (xLayout.showHierarchy) {
+					paramString += '&hierarchyMeta=true';
+				}
+				return paramString;
+			};
+			engine.setSessionStorage = function(session, obj, url) {
+				if (PT.isSessionStorage) {
+					var dhis2 = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('dhis2')) || {};
+					dhis2[session] = obj;
+					sessionStorage.setItem('dhis2', JSON.stringify(dhis2));
+					if (Ext.isString(url)) {
+						window.location.href = url;
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			engine.createTable = function(layout, pt, updateGui, isFavorite) {
+				var legendSet = layout.legendSet ? pt.init.idLegendSetMap[layout.legendSet.id] : null,
+					isHierarchy,
+					getItemName,
+					getSyncronizedXLayout,
+					getExtendedResponse,
+					getExtendedAxis,
+					validateUrl,
+					setMouseHandlers,
+					getTableHtml,
+					initialize,
+					afterLoad,
+					tableUuid = pt.init.el + '_' + Ext.data.IdGenerator.get('uuid').generate(),
+					uuidDimUuidsMap = {},
+					uuidObjectMap = {};
+				isHierarchy = function(id, response) {
+					return layout.showHierarchy && Ext.isObject(response.metaData.ouHierarchy) && response.metaData.ouHierarchy.hasOwnProperty(id);
+				};						
+				getItemName = function(id, response, isHtml) {
+					var metaData = response.metaData,
+						name = '';
+					if (isHierarchy(id, response)) {
+						var a = Ext.clean(metaData.ouHierarchy[id].split('/'));
+						a.shift();
+						for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
+							name += (isHtml ? '<span class="text-weak">' : '') + metaData.names[a[i]] + (isHtml ? '</span>' : '') + ' / ';
+						}
+					}
+					name += metaData.names[id];
+					return name;
+				};
+				getSyncronizedXLayout = function(xLayout, response) {
+					var removeDimensionFromXLayout,
+						getHeaderNames,
+						dimensions = [].concat(xLayout.columns || [], xLayout.rows || [], xLayout.filters || []);
+					removeDimensionFromXLayout = function(objectName) {
+						var getUpdatedAxis;
+						getUpdatedAxis = function(axis) {
+							var dimension;
+							axis = Ext.clone(axis);
+							for (var i = 0; i < axis.length; i++) {
+								if (axis[i].dimension === objectName) {
+									dimension = axis[i];
+								}
+							}
+							if (dimension) {
+								Ext.Array.remove(axis, dimension);
+							}
+							return axis;
+						};
+						if (xLayout.columns) {
+							xLayout.columns = getUpdatedAxis(xLayout.columns);
+						}
+						if (xLayout.rows) {
+							xLayout.rows = getUpdatedAxis(xLayout.rows);
+						}
+						if (xLayout.filters) {
+							xLayout.filters = getUpdatedAxis(xLayout.filters);
+						}
+					};
+					getHeaderNames = function() {
+						var headerNames = [];
+						for (var i = 0; i < response.headers.length; i++) {
+							headerNames.push(response.headers[i].name);
+						}
+						return headerNames;
+					};
+					return function() {
+						var headerNames = getHeaderNames(),
+							xOuDimension = xLayout.objectNameDimensionsMap[dimConf.organisationUnit.objectName],
+							isUserOrgunit = xOuDimension && Ext.Array.contains(xOuDimension.ids, 'USER_ORGUNIT'),
+							isUserOrgunitChildren = xOuDimension && Ext.Array.contains(xOuDimension.ids, 'USER_ORGUNIT_CHILDREN'),
+							isUserOrgunitGrandChildren = xOuDimension && Ext.Array.contains(xOuDimension.ids, 'USER_ORGUNIT_GRANDCHILDREN'),
+							isLevel = function() {
+								if (xOuDimension && Ext.isArray(xOuDimension.ids)) {
+									for (var i = 0; i < xOuDimension.ids.length; i++) {
+										if (xOuDimension.ids[i].substr(0,5) === 'LEVEL') {
+											return true;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								return false;
+							}(),
+							isGroup = function() {
+								if (xOuDimension && Ext.isArray(xOuDimension.ids)) {
+									for (var i = 0; i < xOuDimension.ids.length; i++) {
+										if (xOuDimension.ids[i].substr(0,8) === 'OU_GROUP') {
+											return true;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+								return false;
+							}(),
+							co = dimConf.category.objectName,
+							ou = dimConf.organisationUnit.objectName,
+							layout;
+						// Set items from init/metaData/xLayout
+						for (var i = 0, dim, metaDataDim, items; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
+							dim = dimensions[i];
+							dim.items = [];
+							metaDataDim = response.metaData[dim.objectName];
+							// If ou and children
+							if (dim.dimensionName === ou) {
+								if (isUserOrgunit || isUserOrgunitChildren || isUserOrgunitGrandChildren) {
+									var userOu,
+										userOuc,
+										userOugc;
+									if (isUserOrgunit) {
+										userOu = [{
+											id: pt.init.user.ou,
+											name: getItemName(pt.init.user.ou, response)
+										}];
+									}
+									if (isUserOrgunitChildren) {
+										userOuc = [];
+										for (var j = 0; j < pt.init.user.ouc.length; j++) {
+											userOuc.push({
+												id: pt.init.user.ouc[j],
+												name: getItemName(pt.init.user.ouc[j], response)
+											});
+										}
+										userOuc = pt.util.array.sortObjectsByString(userOuc);
+									}
+									if (isUserOrgunitGrandChildren) {
+										var userOuOuc = [].concat(pt.init.user.ou, pt.init.user.ouc),
+											responseOu = response.metaData[ou];
+										userOugc = [];
+										for (var j = 0, id; j < responseOu.length; j++) {
+											id = responseOu[j];
+											if (!Ext.Array.contains(userOuOuc, id)) {
+												userOugc.push({
+													id: id,
+													name: getItemName(id, response)
+												});
+											}
+										}
+										userOugc = pt.util.array.sortObjectsByString(userOugc);
+									}
+									dim.items = [].concat(userOu || [], userOuc || [], userOugc || []);
+								}
+								else if (isLevel || isGroup) {
+									for (var j = 0, responseOu = response.metaData[ou], id; j < responseOu.length; j++) {
+										id = responseOu[j];
+										dim.items.push({
+											id: id,
+											name: getItemName(id, response)
+										});
+									}
+									dim.items = pt.util.array.sortObjectsByString(dim.items);
+								}
+								else {
+									dim.items = Ext.clone(xLayout.dimensionNameItemsMap[dim.dimensionName]);
+								}
+							}
+							else {
+								// Items: get ids from metadata -> items
+								if (Ext.isArray(metaDataDim) && metaDataDim.length) {
+									var ids = Ext.clone(response.metaData[dim.dimensionName]);
+									for (var j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) {
+										dim.items.push({
+											id: ids[j],
+											name: response.metaData.names[ids[j]]
+										});
+									}
+								}
+								// Items: get items from xLayout
+								else {
+									dim.items = Ext.clone(xLayout.objectNameItemsMap[dim.objectName]);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						// Remove dimensions from layout that do not exist in response
+						for (var i = 0, dimensionName; i < xLayout.axisDimensionNames.length; i++) {
+							dimensionName = xLayout.axisDimensionNames[i];
+							if (!Ext.Array.contains(headerNames, dimensionName)) {
+								removeDimensionFromXLayout(dimensionName);
+							}
+						}
+						// Re-layout
+						layout = pt.api.layout.Layout(xLayout);
+						if (layout) {
+							dimensions = [].concat(layout.columns || [], layout.rows || [], layout.filters || []);
+							for (var i = 0, idNameMap = response.metaData.names, dimItems; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
+								dimItems = dimensions[i].items;
+								if (Ext.isArray(dimItems) && dimItems.length) {
+									for (var j = 0, item; j < dimItems.length; j++) {
+										item = dimItems[j];
+										if (Ext.isObject(item) && Ext.isString(idNameMap[item.id]) && !Ext.isString(item.name)) {
+											item.name = idNameMap[item.id] || '';
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							return engine.getExtendedLayout(layout);
+						}
+						return null;
+					}();
+				};
+				getExtendedResponse = function(response, xLayout) {
+					response.nameHeaderMap = {};
+					response.idValueMap = {};
+					ids = [];
+					var extendHeaders = function() {
+						// Extend headers: index, items, size
+						for (var i = 0, header; i < response.headers.length; i++) {
+							header = response.headers[i];
+							// Index
+							header.index = i;
+							if (header.meta) {
+								// Items
+								header.items = Ext.clone(xLayout.dimensionNameIdsMap[header.name]) || [];
+								// Size
+								header.size = header.items.length;
+								// Collect ids, used by extendMetaData
+								ids = ids.concat(header.items);
+							}
+						}
+						// nameHeaderMap (headerName: header)
+						for (var i = 0, header; i < response.headers.length; i++) {
+							header = response.headers[i];
+							response.nameHeaderMap[header.name] = header;
+						}
+					}();
+					var extendMetaData = function() {
+						for (var i = 0, id, splitId ; i < ids.length; i++) {
+							id = ids[i];
+							if (id.indexOf('-') !== -1) {
+								splitId = id.split('-');
+								response.metaData.names[id] = response.metaData.names[splitId[0]] + ' ' + response.metaData.names[splitId[1]];
+							}
+						}
+					}();
+					var createValueIdMap = function() {
+						var valueHeaderIndex = response.nameHeaderMap[conf.finals.dimension.value.value].index,
+							coHeader = response.nameHeaderMap[conf.finals.dimension.category.dimensionName],
+							dx = dimConf.data.dimensionName,
+							co = dimConf.category.dimensionName,
+							axisDimensionNames = xLayout.axisDimensionNames,
+							idIndexOrder = [];
+						// idIndexOrder
+						for (var i = 0; i < axisDimensionNames.length; i++) {
+							idIndexOrder.push(response.nameHeaderMap[axisDimensionNames[i]].index);
+							// If co exists in response and is not added in layout, add co after dx
+							if (coHeader && !Ext.Array.contains(axisDimensionNames, co) && axisDimensionNames[i] === dx) {
+								idIndexOrder.push(coHeader.index);
+							}
+						}
+						// idValueMap
+						for (var i = 0, row, id; i < response.rows.length; i++) {
+							row = response.rows[i];
+							id = '';
+							for (var j = 0; j < idIndexOrder.length; j++) {
+								id += row[idIndexOrder[j]];
+							}
+							response.idValueMap[id] = row[valueHeaderIndex];
+						}
+					}();
+					return response;
+				};
+				getExtendedAxis = function(type, dimensionNames, xResponse) {
+					if (!dimensionNames || (Ext.isArray(dimensionNames) && !dimensionNames.length)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					var dimensionNames = Ext.clone(dimensionNames),
+						mDimensions = [],
+						spanType = type === 'col' ? 'colSpan' : 'rowSpan',
+						nCols = 1,
+						aNumCols = [],
+						aAccNumCols = [],
+						aSpan = [],
+						aGuiItems = [],
+						aAllItems = [],
+						aColIds = [],
+						aAllObjects = [],
+						aUniqueIds;
+					for (var i = 0; i < dimensionNames.length; i++) {
+						mDimensions.push({
+							dimensionName: dimensionNames[i]
+						});
+					}
+					aUniqueIds = function() {
+						var a = [];
+						for (var i = 0, dim; i < mDimensions.length; i++) {
+							dim = mDimensions[i];
+							a.push(xResponse.nameHeaderMap[dim.dimensionName].items);
+						}
+						return a;
+					}();
+	//aUniqueIds	= [ [de1, de2, de3],
+	//					[p1],
+	//					[ou1, ou2, ou3, ou4] ]
+					for (var i = 0, dim; i < aUniqueIds.length; i++) {
+						nNumCols = aUniqueIds[i].length;
+						aNumCols.push(nNumCols);
+						nCols = nCols * nNumCols;
+						aAccNumCols.push(nCols);
+					}
+		//aNumCols		= [3, 1, 4]
+		//nCols			= (12) [3, 3, 12] (3 * 1 * 4)
+		//aAccNumCols	= [3, 3, 12]
+		//nCols			= 12
+					for (var i = 0; i < aUniqueIds.length; i++) {
+						if (aNumCols[i] === 1) {
+							if (i === 0) {
+								aSpan.push(nCols); //if just one item and top level, span all
+							}
+							else {
+								if (layout.hideEmptyRows && type === 'row') {
+									aSpan.push(nCols / aAccNumCols[i]);
+								}
+								else {
+									aSpan.push(aSpan[0]); //if just one item and not top level, span same as top level
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						else {
+							aSpan.push(nCols / aAccNumCols[i]);
+						}
+					}
+		//aSpan			= [4, 12, 1]
+					aGuiItems.push(aUniqueIds[0]);
+					if (aUniqueIds.length > 1) {
+						for (var i = 1, a, n; i < aUniqueIds.length; i++) {
+							a = [];
+							n = aNumCols[i] === 1 ? aNumCols[0] : aAccNumCols[i-1];
+							for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+								a = a.concat(aUniqueIds[i]);
+							}
+							aGuiItems.push(a);
+						}
+					}
+		//aGuiItems	= [ [d1, d2, d3], (3)
+		//				[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], (15)
+		//				[o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2...] (30)
+		//		  	  ]
+					for (var i = 0, aAllRow, aUniqueRow, span, factor; i < aUniqueIds.length; i++) {
+						aAllRow = [];
+						aUniqueRow = aUniqueIds[i];
+						span = aSpan[i];
+						factor = nCols / (span * aUniqueRow.length);
+						for (var j = 0; j < factor; j++) {
+							for (var k = 0; k < aUniqueRow.length; k++) {
+								for (var l = 0; l < span; l++) {
+									aAllRow.push(aUniqueRow[k]);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						aAllItems.push(aAllRow);
+					}
+		//aAllItems	= [ [d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d1, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d2, d3, d3, d3, d3, d3, d3, d3, d3, d3, d3], (30)
+		//				[p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], (30)
+		//				[o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2, o1, o2] (30)
+		//		  	  ]
+					for (var i = 0, id; i < nCols; i++) {
+						id = '';
+						for (var j = 0; j < aAllItems.length; j++) {
+							id += aAllItems[j][i];
+						}
+						aColIds.push(id);
+					}
+		//aColIds	= [ abc, bcd, ... ]
+					// allObjects
+					for (var i = 0, allRow; i < aAllItems.length; i++) {
+						allRow = [];
+						for (var j = 0; j < aAllItems[i].length; j++) {
+							allRow.push({
+								id: aAllItems[i][j],
+								uuid: Ext.data.IdGenerator.get('uuid').generate(),
+								dim: i,
+								axis: type
+							});
+						}
+						aAllObjects.push(allRow);
+					}
+					// add span and children
+					for (var i = 0; i < aAllObjects.length; i++) {
+						for (var j = 0, obj; j < aAllObjects[i].length; j += aSpan[i]) {
+							obj = aAllObjects[i][j];
+							// span
+							obj[spanType] = aSpan[i];
+							// children
+							obj.children = Ext.isDefined(aSpan[i + 1]) ? aSpan[i] / aSpan[i + 1] : 0;
+							if (i === 0) {
+								obj.root = true;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// add parents
+					if (aAllObjects.length > 1) {
+						for (var i = 1, allRow; i < aAllObjects.length; i++) {
+							allRow = aAllObjects[i];
+							for (var j = 0, obj, sizeCount = 0, span = aSpan[i - 1], parentObj = aAllObjects[i - 1][0]; j < allRow.length; j++) {
+								obj = allRow[j];
+								obj.parent = parentObj;
+								sizeCount++;
+								if (sizeCount === span) {
+									parentObj = aAllObjects[i - 1][j + 1];
+									sizeCount = 0;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// add uuids array to leaves
+					if (aAllObjects.length) {
+						for (var i = 0, leaf, parentUuids, obj, span = aAllObjects.length > 1 ? aSpan[aAllObjects.length - 2] : 1, leafUuids = []; i < aAllObjects[aAllObjects.length - 1].length; i++) {
+							leaf = aAllObjects[aAllObjects.length - 1][i];
+							leafUuids.push(leaf.uuid);
+							parentUuids = [];
+							obj = leaf;
+							// get parent uuids
+							while (obj.parent) {
+								obj = obj.parent;
+								parentUuids.push(obj.uuid);
+							}
+							// add parent uuids
+							leaf.uuids = Ext.clone(parentUuids);
+							// add uuid for all leaves
+							if (leafUuids.length === span) {
+								for (var j = i - span + 1, leaf; j <= i; j++) {
+									leaf = aAllObjects[aAllObjects.length - 1][j];
+									leaf.uuids = leaf.uuids.concat(Ext.clone(leafUuids));
+								}
+								leafUuids = [];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					// populate uuid-object map
+					for (var i = 0; i < aAllObjects.length; i++) {
+						for (var j = 0, object; j < aAllObjects[i].length; j++) {
+							object = aAllObjects[i][j];
+	//console.log(object.uuid, object);
+							uuidObjectMap[object.uuid] = object;
+						}
+					}
+	//console.log("aAllObjects", aAllObjects);
+					return {
+						type: type,
+						items: mDimensions,
+						xItems: {
+							unique: aUniqueIds,
+							gui: aGuiItems,
+							all: aAllItems
+						},
+						objects: {
+							all: aAllObjects
+						},
+						ids: aColIds,
+						span: aSpan,
+						dims: aUniqueIds.length,
+						size: nCols
+					};
+				};
+				validateUrl = function(url) {
+					if (!Ext.isString(url) || url.length > 2000) {
+						var percent = ((url.length - 2000) / url.length) * 100;
+						alert('Too many parameters selected. Please reduce the number of parameters by at least ' + Ext.Number.toFixed(percent, 0) + '%.');
+						return;
+					}
+					return true;
+				};
+				setMouseHandlers = function() {
+					var valueElement;
+					for (var key in uuidDimUuidsMap) {
+						if (uuidDimUuidsMap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+							valueElement = Ext.get(key);
+							if (parseFloat(valueElement.dom.textContent)) {
+								valueElement.dom.pt = pt;
+								valueElement.dom.setAttribute('onclick', 'this.pt.engine.onMouseClick(this.id, this.pt);');
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				};
+				getTableHtml = function(xColAxis, xRowAxis, xResponse) {
+					var getRoundedHtmlValue,
+						getTdHtml,
+						doSubTotals,
+						doTotals,
+						getColAxisHtmlArray,
+						getRowHtmlArray,
+						rowAxisHtmlArray,
+						getColTotalHtmlArray,
+						getGrandTotalHtmlArray,
+						getTotalHtmlArray,
+						getHtml,
+						getUniqueFactor = function(xAxis) {
+							if (!xAxis) {
+								return null;
+							}
+							var unique = xAxis.xItems.unique;
+							if (unique) {
+								if (unique.length < 2) {
+									return 1;
+								}
+								else {
+									return xAxis.size / unique[0].length;
+								}
+							}
+							return null;
+						},
+						colUniqueFactor = getUniqueFactor(xColAxis),
+						rowUniqueFactor = getUniqueFactor(xRowAxis),
+						valueItems = [],
+						valueObjects = [],
+						totalColObjects = [],
+						htmlArray;
+					getRoundedHtmlValue = function(value, dec) {
+						dec = dec || 2;
+						return parseFloat(pt.util.number.roundIf(value, 2)).toString();
+					};
+					getTdHtml = function(config) {
+						var bgColor,
+							legends,
+							colSpan,
+							rowSpan,
+							htmlValue,
+							displayDensity,
+							fontSize,
+							isLegendSet = Ext.isObject(legendSet) && Ext.isArray(legendSet.legends) && legendSet.legends.length,
+							isNumeric = Ext.isObject(config) && Ext.isString(config.type) && config.type.substr(0,5) === 'value' && !config.empty,
+							isValue = Ext.isObject(config) && Ext.isString(config.type) && config.type === 'value' && !config.empty,
+							cls = '',
+							html = '';
+						if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
+							return '';
+						}
+						// Background color from legend set
+						if (isNumeric && isLegendSet) {
+							legends = legendSet.legends;
+							for (var i = 0, value; i < legends.length; i++) {
+								value = parseFloat(config.value);
+								if (Ext.Number.constrain(value, legends[i].sv, legends[i].ev) === value) {
+									bgColor = legends[i].color;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						colSpan = config.colSpan ? 'colspan="' + config.colSpan + '" ' : '';
+						rowSpan = config.rowSpan ? 'rowspan="' + config.rowSpan + '" ' : '';
+						htmlValue = config.collapsed ? '' : config.htmlValue || config.value || '';
+						htmlValue = config.type !== 'dimension' ? pt.util.number.pp(htmlValue, layout.digitGroupSeparator) : htmlValue;
+						displayDensity = conf.pivot.displayDensity[config.displayDensity] || conf.pivot.displayDensity[layout.displayDensity];
+						fontSize = conf.pivot.fontSize[config.fontSize] || conf.pivot.fontSize[layout.fontSize];
+						cls += config.hidden ? ' td-hidden' : '';
+						cls += config.collapsed ? ' td-collapsed' : '';
+						cls += isValue ? ' pointer' : '';
+						cls += bgColor ? ' legend' : (config.cls ? ' ' + config.cls : '');
+						html += '<td ' + (config.uuid ? ('id="' + config.uuid + '" ') : '') + ' class="' + cls + '" ' + colSpan + rowSpan;
+						if (bgColor) {
+							html += '>';
+							html += '<div class="legendCt">';
+							html += '<div class="number ' + config.cls + '" style="padding:' + displayDensity + '; padding-right:3px; font-size:' + fontSize + '">' + htmlValue + '</div>';
+							html += '<div class="arrowCt ' + config.cls + '">';
+							html += '<div class="arrow" style="border-bottom:8px solid transparent; border-right:8px solid ' + bgColor + '">&nbsp;</div>';
+							html += '</div></div></div></td>';
+							//cls = 'legend';
+							//cls += config.hidden ? ' td-hidden' : '';
+							//cls += config.collapsed ? ' td-collapsed' : '';
+							//html += '<td class="' + cls + '" ';
+							//html += colSpan + rowSpan + '>';
+							//html += '<div class="legendCt">';
+							//html += '<div style="display:table-cell; padding:' + displayDensity + '; font-size:' + fontSize + '"';
+							//html += config.cls ? ' class="' + config.cls + '">' : '';
+							//html += htmlValue + '</div>';
+							//html += '<div class="legendColor" style="background-color:' + bgColor + '">&nbsp;</div>';
+							//html += '</div></td>';
+						}
+						else {
+							html += 'style="padding:' + displayDensity + '; font-size:' + fontSize + ';"' + '>' + htmlValue + '</td>';
+						}
+						return html;
+					};
+					doSubTotals = function(xAxis) {
+						return !!layout.showSubTotals && xAxis && xAxis.dims > 1;
+						//var multiItemDimension = 0,
+							//unique;
+						//if (!(layout.showSubTotals && xAxis && xAxis.dims > 1)) {
+							//return false;
+						//}
+						//unique = xAxis.xItems.unique;
+						//for (var i = 0; i < unique.length; i++) {
+							//if (unique[i].length > 1) {
+								//multiItemDimension++;
+							//}
+						//}
+						//return (multiItemDimension > 1);
+					};
+					doTotals = function() {
+						return !!layout.showTotals;
+					};
+					getColAxisHtmlArray = function() {
+						var a = [],
+							getEmptyHtmlArray;
+						getEmptyHtmlArray = function() {
+							return (xColAxis && xRowAxis) ? getTdHtml({
+								cls: 'pivot-dim-empty',
+								colSpan: xRowAxis.dims,
+								rowSpan: xColAxis.dims
+							}) : '';
+						};
+						if (!(xColAxis && Ext.isObject(xColAxis))) {
+							return a;
+						}
+						for (var i = 0, dimHtml; i < xColAxis.dims; i++) {
+							dimHtml = [];
+							if (i === 0) {
+								dimHtml.push(getEmptyHtmlArray());
+							}
+							for (var j = 0, obj, spanCount = 0; j < xColAxis.size; j++) {
+								spanCount++;
+								obj = xColAxis.objects.all[i][j];
+								obj.type = 'dimension';
+								obj.cls = 'pivot-dim';
+								obj.noBreak = false;
+								obj.hidden = !(obj.rowSpan || obj.colSpan);
+								obj.htmlValue = getItemName(obj.id, xResponse, true);
+								dimHtml.push(getTdHtml(obj));
+								if (i === 0 && spanCount === xColAxis.span[i] && doSubTotals(xColAxis) ) {
+									dimHtml.push(getTdHtml({
+										type: 'dimensionSubtotal',
+										cls: 'pivot-dim-subtotal',
+										rowSpan: xColAxis.dims
+									}));
+									spanCount = 0;
+								}
+								if (i === 0 && (j === xColAxis.size - 1) && doTotals()) {
+									dimHtml.push(getTdHtml({
+										type: 'dimensionTotal',
+										cls: 'pivot-dim-total',
+										rowSpan: xColAxis.dims,
+										htmlValue: 'Total'
+									}));
+								}
+							}
+							a.push(dimHtml);
+						}
+						return a;
+					};
+					getRowHtmlArray = function() {
+						var a = [],
+							axisObjects = [],
+							xValueObjects,
+							totalValueObjects = [],
+							mergedObjects = [],
+							valueItemsCopy,
+							colSize = xColAxis ? xColAxis.size : 1,
+							rowSize = xRowAxis ? xRowAxis.size : 1,
+							recursiveReduce;
+						recursiveReduce = function(obj) {
+							if (!obj.children) {
+								obj.collapsed = true;
+								if (obj.parent) {
+									obj.parent.children = obj.parent.children - 1;
+								}
+							}
+							if (obj.parent) {
+								recursiveReduce(obj.parent);
+							}
+						};
+						// Populate dim objects
+						if (xRowAxis) {
+							for (var i = 0, row; i < xRowAxis.size; i++) {
+								row = [];
+								for (var j = 0, obj, newObj; j < xRowAxis.dims; j++) {
+									obj = xRowAxis.objects.all[j][i];
+									obj.type = 'dimension';
+									obj.cls = 'pivot-dim td-nobreak' + (isHierarchy(obj.id, xResponse) ? ' align-left' : '');
+									obj.noBreak = true;
+									obj.hidden = !(obj.rowSpan || obj.colSpan);
+									obj.htmlValue = getItemName(obj.id, xResponse, true);
+									row.push(obj);
+								}
+								axisObjects.push(row);
+							}
+						}
+						// Value objects
+						for (var i = 0, valueItemsRow, valueObjectsRow, idValueMap = Ext.clone(xResponse.idValueMap); i < rowSize; i++) {
+							valueItemsRow = [];
+							valueObjectsRow = [];
+							for (var j = 0, id, value, htmlValue, empty, uuid, uuids; j < colSize; j++) {
+								empty = false;
+								uuids = [];
+								// meta data uid
+								id = (xColAxis ? pt.util.str.replaceAll(xColAxis.ids[j], '-', '') : '') + (xRowAxis ? pt.util.str.replaceAll(xRowAxis.ids[i], '-', '') : '');
+								// value html element id
+								uuid = Ext.data.IdGenerator.get('uuid').generate();
+								// col and row dim element ids
+								if (xColAxis) {
+									uuids = uuids.concat(xColAxis.objects.all[xColAxis.dims - 1][j].uuids);
+								}
+								if (xRowAxis) {
+									uuids = uuids.concat(xRowAxis.objects.all[xRowAxis.dims - 1][i].uuids);
+								}
+								if (idValueMap[id]) {
+									value = parseFloat(idValueMap[id]);
+									htmlValue = value.toString();
+								}
+								else {
+									value = 0;
+									htmlValue = '';
+									empty = true;
+								}
+								valueItemsRow.push(value);
+								valueObjectsRow.push({
+									uuid: uuid,
+									type: 'value',
+									cls: 'pivot-value',
+									value: value,
+									htmlValue: htmlValue,
+									empty: empty,
+									uuids: uuids
+								});
+								// Map element id to dim element ids
+								uuidDimUuidsMap[uuid] = uuids;
+							}
+							valueItems.push(valueItemsRow);
+							valueObjects.push(valueObjectsRow);
+						}
+						// Value total objects
+						if (xColAxis && doTotals()) {
+							for (var i = 0, empty = [], total = 0; i < valueObjects.length; i++) {
+								for (j = 0, obj; j < valueObjects[i].length; j++) {
+									obj = valueObjects[i][j];
+									empty.push(obj.empty);
+									total += obj.value;
+								}
+								totalValueObjects.push({
+									type: 'valueTotal',
+									cls: 'pivot-value-total',
+									value: total,
+									htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(total) : '',
+									empty: !Ext.Array.contains(empty, false)
+								});
+								empty = [];
+								total = 0;
+							}
+						}
+						// Hide empty rows (dims/values/totals)
+						if (xColAxis && xRowAxis) {
+							if (layout.hideEmptyRows) {
+								for (var i = 0, valueRow, empty, parent; i < valueObjects.length; i++) {
+									valueRow = valueObjects[i];
+									empty = [];
+									for (var j = 0; j < valueRow.length; j++) {
+										empty.push(!!valueRow[j].empty);
+									}
+									if (!Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) && xRowAxis) {
+										// Hide values
+										for (var j = 0; j < valueRow.length; j++) {
+											valueRow[j].collapsed = true;
+										}
+										// Hide total
+										if (doTotals()) {
+											totalValueObjects[i].collapsed = true;
+										}
+										// Hide/reduce parent dim span
+										parent = axisObjects[i][xRowAxis.dims-1];
+										recursiveReduce(parent);
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						xValueObjects = Ext.clone(valueObjects);
+						// Col subtotals
+						if (doSubTotals(xColAxis)) {
+							var tmpValueObjects = [];
+							for (var i = 0, row, rowSubTotal, colCount; i < xValueObjects.length; i++) {
+								row = [];
+								rowSubTotal = 0;
+								colCount = 0;
+								for (var j = 0, item, collapsed = [], empty = []; j < xValueObjects[i].length; j++) {
+									item = xValueObjects[i][j];
+									rowSubTotal += item.value;
+									empty.push(!!item.empty);
+									collapsed.push(!!item.collapsed);
+									colCount++;
+									row.push(item);
+									if (colCount === colUniqueFactor) {
+										row.push({
+											type: 'valueSubtotal',
+											cls: 'pivot-value-subtotal',
+											value: rowSubTotal,
+											htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(rowSubTotal) : '',
+											empty: !Ext.Array.contains(empty, false),
+											collapsed: !Ext.Array.contains(collapsed, false)
+										});
+										colCount = 0;
+										rowSubTotal = 0;
+										empty = [];
+										collapsed = [];
+									}
+								}
+								tmpValueObjects.push(row);
+							}
+							xValueObjects = tmpValueObjects;
+						}
+						// Row subtotals
+						if (doSubTotals(xRowAxis)) {
+							var tmpAxisObjects = [],
+								tmpValueObjects = [],
+								tmpTotalValueObjects = [],
+								getAxisSubTotalRow;
+							getAxisSubTotalRow = function(collapsed) {
+								var row = [];
+								for (var i = 0, obj; i < xRowAxis.dims; i++) {
+									obj = {};
+									obj.type = 'dimensionSubtotal';
+									obj.cls = 'pivot-dim-subtotal';
+									obj.collapsed = Ext.Array.contains(collapsed, true);
+									if (i === 0) {
+										obj.htmlValue = '';
+										obj.colSpan = xRowAxis.dims;
+									}
+									else {
+										obj.hidden = true;
+									}
+									row.push(obj);
+								}
+								return row;
+							};
+							// tmpAxisObjects
+							for (var i = 0, row, collapsed = []; i < axisObjects.length; i++) {
+								tmpAxisObjects.push(axisObjects[i]);
+								collapsed.push(!!axisObjects[i][0].collapsed);
+								// Insert subtotal after last objects
+								if (!Ext.isArray(axisObjects[i+1]) || !!axisObjects[i+1][0].root) {
+									tmpAxisObjects.push(getAxisSubTotalRow(collapsed));
+									collapsed = [];
+								}
+							}
+							// tmpValueObjects
+							for (var i = 0; i < tmpAxisObjects.length; i++) {
+								tmpValueObjects.push([]);
+							}
+							for (var i = 0; i < xValueObjects[0].length; i++) {
+								for (var j = 0, rowCount = 0, tmpCount = 0, subTotal = 0, empty = [], collapsed, item; j < xValueObjects.length; j++) {
+									item = xValueObjects[j][i];
+									tmpValueObjects[tmpCount++].push(item);
+									subTotal += item.value;
+									empty.push(!!item.empty);
+									rowCount++;
+									if (axisObjects[j][0].root) {
+										collapsed = !!axisObjects[j][0].collapsed;
+									}
+									if (!Ext.isArray(axisObjects[j+1]) || axisObjects[j+1][0].root) {
+										tmpValueObjects[tmpCount++].push({
+											type: item.type === 'value' ? 'valueSubtotal' : 'valueSubtotalTotal',
+											value: subTotal,
+											htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(subTotal) : '',
+											collapsed: collapsed,
+											cls: item.type === 'value' ? 'pivot-value-subtotal' : 'pivot-value-subtotal-total'
+										});
+										rowCount = 0;
+										subTotal = 0;
+										empty = [];
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							// tmpTotalValueObjects
+							for (var i = 0, obj, collapsed = [], empty = [], subTotal = 0, count = 0; i < totalValueObjects.length; i++) {
+								obj = totalValueObjects[i];
+								tmpTotalValueObjects.push(obj);
+								collapsed.push(!!obj.collapsed);
+								empty.push(!!obj.empty);
+								subTotal += obj.value;
+								count++;
+								if (count === xRowAxis.span[0]) {
+									tmpTotalValueObjects.push({
+										type: 'valueTotalSubgrandtotal',
+										cls: 'pivot-value-total-subgrandtotal',
+										value: subTotal,
+										htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(subTotal) : '',
+										empty: !Ext.Array.contains(empty, false),
+										collapsed: !Ext.Array.contains(collapsed, false)
+									});
+									collapsed = [];
+									empty = [];
+									subTotal = 0;
+									count = 0;
+								}
+							}
+							axisObjects = tmpAxisObjects;
+							xValueObjects = tmpValueObjects;
+							totalValueObjects = tmpTotalValueObjects;
+						}
+						// Merge dim, value, total
+						for (var i = 0, row; i < xValueObjects.length; i++) {
+							row = [];
+							if (xRowAxis) {
+								row = row.concat(axisObjects[i]);
+							}
+							row = row.concat(xValueObjects[i]);
+							if (xColAxis) {
+								row = row.concat(totalValueObjects[i]);
+							}
+							mergedObjects.push(row);
+						}
+						// Create html items
+						for (var i = 0, row; i < mergedObjects.length; i++) {
+							row = [];
+							for (var j = 0; j < mergedObjects[i].length; j++) {
+								row.push(getTdHtml(mergedObjects[i][j]));
+							}
+							a.push(row);
+						}
+						return a;
+					};
+					getColTotalHtmlArray = function() {
+						var a = [];
+						if (xRowAxis && doTotals()) {
+							var xTotalColObjects;
+							// Total col items
+							for (var i = 0, total = 0, empty = []; i < valueObjects[0].length; i++) {
+								for (var j = 0, obj; j < valueObjects.length; j++) {
+									obj = valueObjects[j][i];
+									total += obj.value;
+									empty.push(!!obj.empty);
+								}
+								totalColObjects.push({
+									type: 'valueTotal',
+									value: total,
+									htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(total) : '',
+									empty: !Ext.Array.contains(empty, false),
+									cls: 'pivot-value-total'
+								});
+								total = 0;
+								empty = [];
+							}
+							xTotalColObjects = Ext.clone(totalColObjects);
+							if (xColAxis && doSubTotals(xColAxis)) {
+								var tmp = [];
+								for (var i = 0, item, subTotal = 0, empty = [], colCount = 0; i < xTotalColObjects.length; i++) {
+									item = xTotalColObjects[i];
+									tmp.push(item);
+									subTotal += item.value;
+									empty.push(!!item.empty);
+									colCount++;
+									if (colCount === colUniqueFactor) {
+										tmp.push({
+											type: 'valueTotalSubgrandtotal',
+											value: subTotal,
+											htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(subTotal) : '',
+											empty: !Ext.Array.contains(empty, false),
+											cls: 'pivot-value-total-subgrandtotal'
+										});
+										subTotal = 0;
+										colCount = 0;
+									}
+								}
+								xTotalColObjects = tmp;
+							}
+							// Total col html items
+							for (var i = 0; i < xTotalColObjects.length; i++) {
+								a.push(getTdHtml(xTotalColObjects[i]));
+							}
+						}
+						return a;
+					};
+					getGrandTotalHtmlArray = function() {
+						var total = 0,
+							empty = [],
+							a = [];
+						if (doTotals()) {
+							for (var i = 0, obj; i < totalColObjects.length; i++) {
+								obj = totalColObjects[i];
+								total += obj.value;
+								empty.push(obj.empty);
+							}
+							if (xColAxis && xRowAxis) {
+								a.push(getTdHtml({
+									type: 'valueGrandTotal',
+									cls: 'pivot-value-grandtotal',
+									htmlValue: Ext.Array.contains(empty, false) ? getRoundedHtmlValue(total) : '',
+									empty: !Ext.Array.contains(empty, false)
+								}));
+							}
+						}
+						return a;
+					};
+					getTotalHtmlArray = function() {
+						var dimTotalArray,
+							colTotal = getColTotalHtmlArray(),
+							grandTotal = getGrandTotalHtmlArray(),
+							row,
+							a = [];
+						if (doTotals()) {
+							if (xRowAxis) {
+								dimTotalArray = [getTdHtml({
+									type: 'dimensionSubtotal',
+									cls: 'pivot-dim-total',
+									colSpan: xRowAxis.dims,
+									htmlValue: 'Total'
+								})];
+							}
+							row = [].concat(dimTotalArray || [], Ext.clone(colTotal) || [], Ext.clone(grandTotal) || []);
+							a.push(row);
+						}
+						return a;
+					};
+					getHtml = function() {
+						var s = '<table id="' + tableUuid + '" class="pivot">';
+						for (var i = 0; i < htmlArray.length; i++) {
+							s += '<tr>' + htmlArray[i].join('') + '</tr>';
+						}
+						return s += '</table>';
+					};
+					htmlArray = [].concat(getColAxisHtmlArray(), getRowHtmlArray(), getTotalHtmlArray());
+					htmlArray = Ext.Array.clean(htmlArray);
+					return getHtml(htmlArray);
+				};
+				afterLoad = function(layout, xLayout, xResponse) {
+					if (pt.isPlugin) {
+						// Resize render elements
+						var baseEl = Ext.get(pt.init.el),
+							baseElBorderW = parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('border-left-width')) + parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('border-right-width')),
+							baseElBorderH = parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('border-top-width')) + parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('border-bottom-width')),
+							baseElPaddingW = parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('padding-left')) + parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('padding-right')),
+							baseElPaddingH = parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('padding-top')) + parseInt(baseEl.getStyle('padding-bottom')),
+							el = Ext.get(tableUuid);
+						pt.viewport.centerRegion.setWidth(el.getWidth());
+						pt.viewport.centerRegion.setHeight(el.getHeight());
+						baseEl.setWidth(el.getWidth() + baseElBorderW + baseElPaddingW);
+						baseEl.setHeight(el.getHeight() + baseElBorderH + baseElPaddingH);
+					}
+					else {
+						if (PT.isSessionStorage) {
+							setMouseHandlers();
+							engine.setSessionStorage('table', layout);
+						}
+						if (updateGui) {
+							pt.viewport.setGui(layout, xLayout, updateGui, isFavorite);
+						}
+					}
+					// Hide mask
+					util.mask.hideMask(pt.viewport.centerRegion);
+					// Add uuid maps to instance
+					pt.uuidDimUuidsMap = uuidDimUuidsMap;
+					pt.uuidObjectMap = uuidObjectMap;
+					// Add objects to instance
+					pt.layout = layout;
+					pt.xLayout = xLayout;
+					pt.xResponse = xResponse;
+					if (PT.isDebug) {
+						console.log("xResponse", xResponse);
+						console.log("xLayout", xLayout);
+					}
+				};					
+				initialize = function() {
+					var url,
+						xLayout,
+						xResponse,
+						xColAxis,
+						xRowAxis;
+					// Extended layout
+					xLayout = engine.getExtendedLayout(layout);
+					// Param string
+					pt.paramString = engine.getParamString(xLayout, true);
+					url = pt.init.contextPath + '/api/analytics.json' + pt.paramString;
+					// Validate request size
+					if (!validateUrl(url)) {
+						return;
+					}
+					// Show load mask
+					pt.util.mask.showMask(pt.viewport.centerRegion);
+					Ext.Ajax.request({
+						method: 'GET',
+						url: url,
+						callbackName: 'analytics',
+						timeout: 60000,
+						headers: {
+							'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+							'Accept': 'application/json'
+						},
+						disableCaching: false,
+						failure: function(r) {
+							pt.util.mask.hideMask(pt.viewport.centerRegion);
+							alert(r.responseText);
+						},
+						success: function(r) {
+							var html,
+								response = pt.api.response.Response(Ext.decode(r.responseText));
+							if (!response) {
+								pt.util.mask.hideMask(pt.viewport.centerRegion);
+								return;
+							}
+							// Synchronize xLayout
+							xLayout = getSyncronizedXLayout(xLayout, response);
+							if (!xLayout) {
+								pt.util.mask.hideMask(pt.viewport.centerRegion);
+								return;
+							}
+							// Extended response
+							xResponse = getExtendedResponse(response, xLayout);
+							// Extended axes
+							xColAxis = getExtendedAxis('col', xLayout.columnDimensionNames, xResponse);
+							xRowAxis = getExtendedAxis('row', xLayout.rowDimensionNames, xResponse);
+							// Create html
+							html = getTableHtml(xColAxis, xRowAxis, xResponse);
+							// Update viewport
+							pt.viewport.centerRegion.removeAll(true);
+							pt.viewport.centerRegion.update(html);
+							afterLoad(layout, xLayout, xResponse);
+						}
+					});
+				}();
+			};
+			engine.loadTable = function(id, pt, updateGui, isFavorite) {
+				var url = init.contextPath + '/api/reportTables/' + id,
+					params = '?viewClass=dimensional&links=false',
+					method = 'GET',
+					success,
+					failure;
+				if (!Ext.isString(id)) {
+					alert('Invalid uid');
+					return;
+				}
+				success = function(layoutConfig) {
+					var layout = api.layout.Layout(layoutConfig);
+					if (layout) {
+						pt.favorite = Ext.clone(layout);
+						pt.favorite.id = layoutConfig.id;
+						pt.favorite.name = layoutConfig.name;
+						engine.createTable(layout, pt, updateGui, isFavorite);
+					}
+				};
+				failure = function(responseText) {
+					util.mask.hideMask(pt.viewport.centerRegion);
+					alert(responseText);
+				};
+				if (pt.isPlugin) {
+					Ext.data.JsonP.request({
+						url: url + '.jsonp' + params,
+						method: method,
+						failure: function(r) {
+							failure(r);
+						},
+						success: function(r) {
+							success(r);
+						}
+					});
+				}
+				else {
+					Ext.Ajax.request({
+						url: url + '.json' + params,
+						method: method,
+						failure: function(r) {
+							failure(r.responseText);
+						},
+						success: function(r) {
+							success(Ext.decode(r.responseText));
+						}
+					});
+				}
+			};
+			engine.onMouseHover = function(uuid, event, param, pt) {
+				var dimUuids;
+				if (param === 'chart') {
+					if (Ext.isString(uuid) && Ext.isArray(pt.uuidDimUuidsMap[uuid])) {
+						dimUuids = pt.uuidDimUuidsMap[uuid];
+						for (var i = 0, el; i < dimUuids.length; i++) {
+							el = Ext.get(dimUuids[i]);
+							if (el) {
+								if (event === 'mouseover') {
+									el.addCls('highlighted');
+								}
+								else if (event === 'mouseout') {
+									el.removeCls('highlighted');
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			};
+			engine.onMouseClick = function(uuid, pt) {
+				var that = this,
+					uuids = pt.uuidDimUuidsMap[uuid],
+					layoutConfig = Ext.clone(pt.layout),
+					objects = [],
+					menu;
+				// modify layout dimension items based on uuid objects
+				// get objects
+				for (var i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++) {
+					objects.push(pt.uuidObjectMap[uuids[i]]);
+				}
+				// clear layoutConfig dimension items
+				for (var i = 0, a = [].concat(layoutConfig.columns, layoutConfig.rows); i < a.length; i++) {
+					a[i].items = [];
+				}
+				// add new items
+				for (var i = 0, obj, axis; i < objects.length; i++) {
+					obj = objects[i];
+					axis = obj.axis === 'col' ? layoutConfig.columns || [] : layoutConfig.rows || [];
+					if (axis.length) {
+						axis[obj.dim].items.push({
+							id: obj.id,
+							name: pt.xResponse.metaData.names[obj.id]
+						});
+					}
+				}
+				// menu
+				menu = Ext.create('Ext.menu.Menu', {
+					shadow: true,
+					showSeparator: false,
+					items: [
+						{
+							text: 'Open selection as chart' + '&nbsp;&nbsp;', //i18n
+							iconCls: 'pt-button-icon-chart',
+							param: 'chart',
+							handler: function() {
+								that.setSessionStorage('analytical', layoutConfig, pt.init.contextPath + '/dhis-web-visualizer/app/index.html?s=analytical');
+							},
+							listeners: {
+								render: function() {
+									this.getEl().on('mouseover', function() {
+										that.onMouseHover(uuid, 'mouseover', 'chart', pt);
+									});
+									this.getEl().on('mouseout', function() {
+										that.onMouseHover(uuid, 'mouseout', 'chart', pt);
+									});
+								}
+							}
+						},
+						{
+							text: 'Open selection as map' + '&nbsp;&nbsp;', //i18n
+							iconCls: 'pt-button-icon-map',
+							param: 'map',
+							disabled: true,
+							handler: function() {
+								that.setSessionStorage('analytical', layoutConfig, pt.init.contextPath + '/dhis-web-mapping/app/index.html?s=analytical');
+							},
+							listeners: {
+								render: function() {
+									this.getEl().on('mouseover', function() {
+										that.onMouseHover(uuid, 'mouseover', 'map', pt);
+									});
+									this.getEl().on('mouseout', function() {
+										that.onMouseHover(uuid, 'mouseout', 'map', pt);
+									});
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					]
+				});
+				menu.showAt(function() {
+					var el = Ext.get(uuid),
+						xy = el.getXY();
+					xy[0] += el.getWidth() - 5;
+					xy[1] += el.getHeight() - 5;
+					return xy;
+				}());
+			};
+		}());
+		// instance
+		PT.core.instances.push({
+			conf: conf,
+			util: util,
+			init: init,
+			api: api,
+			service: service,
+			engine: engine
+		});
+        return PT.core.instances[PT.core.instances.length - 1];
+	};
+	// css
+	css = 'table.pivot { \n font-family: arial,sans-serif,ubuntu,consolas; \n } \n';
+	css += '.td-nobreak { \n white-space: nowrap; \n } \n';
+	css += '.td-hidden { \n display: none; \n } \n';
+	css += '.td-collapsed { \n display: none; \n } \n';
+	css += 'table.pivot { \n border-collapse: collapse; \n border-spacing: 0px; \n border: 0 none; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot td { \n padding: 5px; \n border: \n 1px solid #b2b2b2; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-dim { \n background-color: #dae6f8; \n text-align: center; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-dim.highlighted { \n	background-color: #c5d8f6; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-dim-subtotal { \n background-color: #cad6e8; \n text-align: center; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-dim-total { \n background-color: #bac6d8; \n text-align: center; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-dim-empty { \n background-color: #dae6f8; \n text-align: center; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-value { \n background-color: #fff; \n white-space: nowrap; \n text-align: right; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-value-subtotal { \n background-color: #f4f4f4; \n white-space: nowrap; \n text-align: right; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-value-subtotal-total { \n background-color: #e7e7e7; \n white-space: nowrap; \n text-align: right; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-value-total { \n background-color: #e4e4e4; \n white-space: nowrap; \n text-align: right; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-value-total-subgrandtotal { \n background-color: #d8d8d8; \n white-space: nowrap; \n text-align: right; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot-value-grandtotal { \n background-color: #c8c8c8; \n white-space: nowrap; \n text-align: right; \n } \n';
+	css += '.x-mask-msg { \n padding: 0; \n	border: 0 none; \n background-image: none; \n background-color: transparent; \n } \n';
+	css += '.x-mask-msg div { \n background-position: 11px center; \n } \n';
+	css += '.x-mask-msg .x-mask-loading { \n border: 0 none; \n	background-color: #000; \n color: #fff; \n border-radius: 2px; \n padding: 12px 14px 12px 30px; \n opacity: 0.65; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot td.legend { \n padding: 0; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot div.legendCt { \n display: table; \n float: right; \n width: 100%; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot div.arrowCt { \n display: table-cell; \n vertical-align: top; \n width: 8px; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot div.arrow { \n width: 0; \n height: 0; \n } \n';
+	css += '.pivot div.number { \n display: table-cell; \n } \n',
+	css += '.pivot div.legendColor { \n display: table-cell; \n width: 2px; \n } \n';
+	Ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(css);
+	// plugin
+	PT.plugin = {};
+	PT.plugin.getTable = function(config) {
+		var validateConfig,
+            extendInstance,
+			createViewport,
+			initialize,
+			pt;
+		validateConfig = function(config) {
+			if (!Ext.isObject(config)) {
+				console.log('Report table configuration is not an object');
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!Ext.isString(config.el)) {
+				console.log('No valid element id provided');
+				return;
+			}
+			if (!Ext.isString(config.url)) {
+				console.log('No valid url provided');
+				return;
+			}
+			return true;
+		};
+        extendInstance = function(pt) {
+            var util = pt.util || {},
+                init = pt.init || {};
+            init.el = config.el;
+            util.message = {
+                alert: function() {
+                    console.log(pt.init.el + ': ' + message);
+                }
+            };
+        };
+		createViewport = function() {
+			var setFavorite,
+				centerRegion;
+			setFavorite = function(layout) {
+				pt.engine.createTable(layout, pt);
+			};
+			centerRegion = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
+				renderTo: Ext.get(pt.init.el),
+				bodyStyle: 'border: 0 none',
+				layout: 'fit'
+			});
+			return {
+				setFavorite: setFavorite,
+				centerRegion: centerRegion
+			};
+		};
+		initialize = function() {
+			if (!validateConfig(config)) {
+				return;
+			}
+			Ext.data.JsonP.request({
+				url: config.url + '/dhis-web-pivot/initialize.action',
+				success: function(r) {
+					PT.i18n = r.i18n;
+					pt = PT.core.getInstance(r);
+                    extendInstance(pt);
+					pt.viewport = createViewport();
+					pt.isPlugin = true;
+					if (config.uid) {
+						pt.engine.loadTable(config.uid, pt);
+					}
+					else {
+						layout = pt.api.layout.Layout(config);
+						if (!layout) {
+							return;
+						}
+						pt.engine.createTable(layout, pt);
+					}
+				}
+			});
+		}();
+	};