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Message #26061
Re: SMS Gateway
You need to define an SMS service for outgoing SMS for the SMS parsing to
work. It's paradoxical sorry, but that's probably the problem. Try defining
an HTTP service. Just enter some URL, a user name and password. And make
sure it's started. Then try again. Jerome are working on some slides that
outline this. We'll send out shortly.
2013/11/12 riddy ndoma <riddyndoma@xxxxxxxxx>
> hi @Lars,
> Here in the attachment!
> 2013/11/12 Lars Kristian Roland <lars@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Could you attach a screenshot of the SMS command config + the SMS service
>> configuration screen?
>> Something that is not well documented is that the SMS Service has to be
>> running. You see this in the 'SMS service configuration' screen.
>> [image: Innebygd bilde 1]
>> Best regards,
>> Lars
>> 2013/11/12 riddy ndoma <riddyndoma@xxxxxxxxx>
>>> Hello,
>>> I just sent the data from SMS gateway. In the SMS system arrived as
>>> shown in the attached image, I wanted to see the data that I sent at
>>> Dataentry but I see nothing.
>>> My SMS command is bound to a dataset that is collected weekly, when I
>>> send specify the period, so today's date.
>>> --
>>> Riddy NDOMA
>>> Software Developer
>>> *Skype:* riddyndoma, *G+:* riddyndoma, *FB:* riddy ndoma
>>> *Twitter:* riddyndoma, *LinkedIn:* riddy ndoma
>>> *Blog:* http://riddyndoma.blogspot.com/
>>> Vous servir est mon désire (Serving you is my desire)
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>> --
>> Lars Kristian Roland
>> Research Fellow, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
>> Email: lars@xxxxxxxxx - roland@xxxxxxxxxx
>> Phone: +47 90733036
> --
> Riddy NDOMA
> Software Developer
> *Skype:* riddyndoma, *G+:* riddyndoma, *FB:* riddy ndoma
> *Twitter:* riddyndoma, *LinkedIn:* riddy ndoma
> *Blog:* http://riddyndoma.blogspot.com/
> Vous servir est mon désire (Serving you is my desire)
Lars Kristian Roland
Research Fellow, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
Email: lars@xxxxxxxxx - roland@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +47 90733036

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