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Re: Some problems with the DV


Hi there again,
I am having some issues with viewing details of categorical data elements
in the data visualizer. Nothing appears, but I am not able to reproduce it
on the demo system, so it must be something with my metadata. The database
was bootstrapped with XML which was produced from a legacy system, and then
imported into DHIS2. The problem seems to be something to do with the data
element operands.

An example URL looks like


but returns an empty response.

I created some sql with

SELECT 'INSERT INTO dataelementoperand VALUES(' ||
nextval('hibernate_sequence'::regclass) ||',' ||
 b.dataelementid || ',' || c.categoryoptioncomboid || ');' from
_dataelementcategoryoptioncombo a
INNER JOIN dataelement b on a.dataelementuid = b.uid
INNER JOIN categoryoptioncombo c on a.categoryoptioncombouid = c.uid;

and which generates a bunch of INSERT statements to populate the
dataelementoperand table. After that, things worked.

Any ideas what I may have missed during the metadata bootstrap? Seems like
I recall having seen something related this before, but it was a slightly
different problem.

Best regards,

On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 7:25 AM, Jason Pickering <
jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi there again,
> I am having some issues with viewing details of categorical data elements
> in the data visualizer. Nothing appears, but I am not able to reproduce it
> on the demo system, so it must be something with my metadata. The database
> was bootstrapped with XML which was produced from a legacy system, and then
> imported into DHIS2. The problem seems to be something to do with the data
> element operands.
> An example URL looks like
> /dhis/api/dataElementOperands.json?links=false&dataElementGroup=hnAolX5V237&_dc=1389936206424&page=1&start=0&limit=25&sort=%5B%7B%22property%22%3A%22name%22%2C%22direction%22%3A%22ASC%22%7D%5D
> but returns an empty response.
> Any ideas what I might be missing which might cause this problem?
> Best regards,
> Jason

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