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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 13783: Added script for converting fixed attributes to dynamic


revno: 13783
committer: Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2014-01-20 10:32:01 +0100
  Added script for converting fixed attributes to dynamic


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-patient/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/patient/startup/TableAlteror.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-patient/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/patient/startup/TableAlteror.java	2014-01-20 08:45:30 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-patient/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/patient/startup/TableAlteror.java	2014-01-20 09:32:01 +0000
@@ -498,6 +498,7 @@
     private void addPatientAttributes()
         StatementHolder holder = statementManager.getHolder();
             Statement statement = holder.getStatement();

=== added file 'resources/sql/convert-fixed-attributes-to-dynamic.sql'
--- resources/sql/convert-fixed-attributes-to-dynamic.sql	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ resources/sql/convert-fixed-attributes-to-dynamic.sql	2014-01-20 09:32:01 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+-- Gender
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Gender', 'Gender','combo', false, false, false);
+-- Create options for this attribute Gender
+INSERT INTO patientattributeoption (patientattributeoptionid, name, patientattributeid ) 
+select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'F', patientattributeid from patientattribute where name='Gender';
+INSERT INTO patientattributeoption (patientattributeoptionid, name, patientattributeid ) 
+select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'M', patientattributeid from patientattribute where name='Gender';
+INSERT INTO patientattributeoption (patientattributeoptionid, name, patientattributeid ) 
+select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'T', patientattributeid from patientattribute where name='Gender';
+-- Insert patientattributevalue for the attribute Gender
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value, patientattributeoptionid ) 
+SELECT patientid, pao.patientattributeid, pao.name,  pao.patientattributeoptionid
+FROM patient p, patientattribute pa, patientattributeoption pao
+WHERE p.gender=pao."name" AND pa."name"='Gender' AND pao."name" in('F','M','T') and p.gender is not null;
+--  Death date
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Death date', 'Death date','date', false, false, false);
+-- Insert data into Deathdate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.deathDate
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Death date' and p.deathdate is not null;
+-- registrationDate
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Registration date', 'Registration date','date', false, false, false);
+-- Insert data into registrationDate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.registrationDate
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Registration date' and p.registrationDate is not null;
+-- isDead
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Is Dead', 'Is Dead','trueOnly', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into isDead
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.isDead
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Is Dead' and p.isDead=true;
+-- underAge
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Is under age', 'Is under age','trackerAssociate', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into underAge
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.underAge
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Is Dead' and p.underAge=true;
+-- dobType
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'DOB type', 'DOB type','combo', false, false, false);
+-- Insert dobType options
+INSERT INTO patientattributeoption (patientattributeoptionid, name, patientattributeid ) 
+select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'A', patientattributeid from patientattribute where name='DOB type';
+INSERT INTO patientattributeoption (patientattributeoptionid, name, patientattributeid ) 
+select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'D', patientattributeid from patientattribute where name='DOB type';
+INSERT INTO patientattributeoption (patientattributeoptionid, name, patientattributeid ) 
+select nextval('hibernate_sequence'), 'V', patientattributeid from patientattribute where name='DOB type';
+-- Insert patientattributevalue for the attribute dobType
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value, patientattributeoptionid ) 
+SELECT patientid, pao.patientattributeid, pao.name, pao.patientattributeoptionid
+FROM patient p, patientattribute pa, patientattributeoption pao
+WHERE p.dobType=pao."name" AND pao."name" in('A','D','V') AND pa."name"='DOB type' and p.dobType is not null;
+-- birthdate
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Birth date', 'Birth date','date', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into birthdate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.birthdate
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Birth date' and p.birthdate is not null and p.dobType in ('D','V');
+-- Age
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Age', 'Age','age', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into birthdate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.birthdate
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Age' and p.birthdate is not null and dobType ='A';
+-- phoneNumber
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Phone number', 'Phone number','phoneNumber', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into birthdate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.phoneNumber
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Phone number' and p.phoneNumber is not null;
+-- full name
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Full name', 'Full name','string', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into birthdate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.name
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Full name' and p.name is not null;
+-- User Associate
+INSERT INTO patientattribute ( patientattributeid, lastUpdated, name, description, valueType, mandatory, inherit, displayOnVisitSchedule ) 
+VALUES ( nextval('hibernate_sequence'), now(),'Staff', 'Staff','users', false, false, false);
+-- Inserting data into birthdate
+INSERT INTO patientattributevalue (patientid, patientattributeid, value ) 
+select patientid, pa.patientattributeid, p.healthworkerid
+from patient p, patientattribute pa
+where pa."name"='Staff' and p.healthworkerid is not null;
+-- Dropping columns of patient TABLE 
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN gender;
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN deathDate;
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN registrationDate;
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN underAge;
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN birthdate;
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN phoneNumber;
+ALTER TABLE patient DROP COLUMN healthworkerid;