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[Branch ~dhis2-documenters/dhis2/dhis2-docbook-docs] Rev 959: Updated sections on indicators. Removed indicator maintenance section from end-user manual.


revno: 959
committer: Jason P. Pickering <jason.p.pickering@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2-docbook-docs
timestamp: Wed 2014-02-12 07:31:07 +0200
  Updated sections on indicators. Removed indicator maintenance section from end-user manual.


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-<!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. --><!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd"; []>
-  <title>Indicators</title>
-  <para>This chapter covers the following topics:</para>
-  <itemizedlist>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>What is an indicator</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>Purposes of indicators</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>Indicator-driven data collection</para>
-    </listitem>
-    <listitem>
-      <para>Managing indicators in DHIS 2</para>
-    </listitem>
-  </itemizedlist>
-  <para>The following describes these topics in greater detail.</para>
-  <section>
-    <title>What is an indicator</title>
-    <para>In DHIS 2 the indicator is a core element of data analysis. An indicator represent calculated formula based on data elements, i.e it is not just a figure, but a proportion relating to something. It has a numerator which represents the data elements being measured, and a denominator which the data element(s) is is measured as a proportion of). Indicators are thus made up of formulas of these data elements, in addition to a factor (e.g. 1, 100, 100, 100 000) to set the right measurement. E.g. the indicator &quot;BCG coverage &lt;1 year&quot; is defined a formula with a factor 100 (to get it as a per cent), a numerator (&quot;BCG doses given to children under 1 year&quot;) and a denominator (&quot;Target population under 1 year&quot;). The indicator &quot;DPT1 to DPT3 drop out rate&quot; is a formula of 100 % x (&quot;DPT1 doses given&quot;- &quot;DPT3 doses given&quot;) / (&quot;DPT1 doses given&quot;).</para>
-    <para>Indicator = numerator / denominator x factor</para>
-    <table>
-      <title>Indicator examples</title>
-      <tgroup cols="5">
-        <thead>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Indicator</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Formula</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Numerator</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Denominator</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Factor</para>
-            </entry>
-          </row>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Fully immunized &lt;1 year</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Fully immunized/Population &lt; 1 year x 100</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Fully immunized</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Population &lt; 1</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>100 (Percentage)</para>
-            </entry>
-          </row>
-          <row>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Maternal Mortality Rate</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Maternal deaths/Live births x 100 000</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Maternal deaths</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>Live births</para>
-            </entry>
-            <entry>
-              <para>100 000
-(MMR is measured per 100 000)</para>
-            </entry>
-          </row>
-        </tbody>
-      </tgroup>
-    </table>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Purposes of indicators</title>
-    <para>Indicators are a lot more useful for analysis than raw data. Since they are proportions, they are comparable across time and space, which is very important since units of analysis and comparison, such as districts, vary in size and change over time. A district with 100 cases of a disease may have a higher incidence rate than a district of 1000 cases, if the latter district is more than 10 times as populous. An indicator measuring the incidence rate related to a population will be possible for comparison no matter what the population might actually be.</para>
-    <para>Indicators thus allow comparison, and are the prime tool for data analysis. DHIS2 should provide relevant indicators for analysis for all health programs, not just the raw data. Most report modules in DHIS 2 support both data elements and indicators and you can also combine these in custom reports.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Indicator-driven data collection</title>
-    <para>Since indicators are more suited for analysis compared to data elements, the calculation of indicators should be the main driving force for collection of data. A usual situation is that much data is collected but never used in any indicator, which significantly reduces the usability of the data. Either the captured data elements should be included in indicators used for management or they should probably not be collected at all.</para>
-    <para>For implementation purposes, a list of indicators used for management should be defined and implemented in DHIS 2. For analysis, training should focus on the use of indicators and why these are better suited than data elements for this purpose.</para>
-  </section>
-  <section>
-    <title>Managing indicators</title>
-    <para>Indicators can be added, deleted, or modified at any time in DHIS2 without affecting the data. Indicators are not stored as values in DHIS2, but as formlas, which are calculated whenever the user needs them. Thus a change in the formulas will only lead to different data elements being called for when using the indicator for analysis, without any changes to the underlying data values taking place. For information how to manage indicators, please refer to the chapter on indicators in the DHIS2 user documentation.</para>
-  </section>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
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+  <title>Indicators</title>
+  <para>This chapter covers the following topics:</para>
+  <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>What is an indicator</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>Purposes of indicators</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>Indicator-driven data collection</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para>Managing indicators in DHIS 2</para>
+    </listitem>
+  </itemizedlist>
+  <para>The following describes these topics in greater detail.</para>
+  <section>
+    <title>What is an indicator?</title>
+    <para>In DHIS2, the indicator is a core element of data analysis. An indicator is a calculated formula based on a combination of data elements, category options, possibly constants and a factor. There are two foms of indicators, those with a denominator and those which do not have a denominator.  Calculated totals, which may be composed of multiple data elements do not have denominators. Coverage indicators (ratios, percentages, etc) are composed of two formulas of data elements, one representing the numerator and another representing the denominator.</para>
+    <para>Indicators are thus made up of formulas of data elements and other components and are always multiplied by a  factor (e.g. 1, 100, 100, 100 000). The factor is essentially a number which is multiplied by the result of the numerator divided by  denominator.    As a concrete example,  the indicator &quot;BCG coverage &lt;1 year&quot; is defined a formula with a factor 100 (in order to obtain a percentage), a numerator (&quot;BCG doses given to children under 1 year&quot;) and a denominator (&quot;Target population under 1 year&quot;). The indicator &quot;DPT1 to DPT3 drop out rate&quot; is a formula of 100 % x (&quot;DPT1 doses given&quot;- &quot;DPT3 doses given&quot;) / (&quot;DPT1 doses given&quot;).</para>
+    <table>
+      <title>Indicator examples</title>
+      <tgroup cols="5">
+        <thead>
+          <row>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Indicator</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Formula</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Numerator</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Denominator</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Factor</para>
+            </entry>
+          </row>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+          <row>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Fully immunized &lt;1 year coverage</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Fully immunized/Population &lt; 1 year x 100</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Fully immunized</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Population &lt; 1</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>100 (Percentage)</para>
+            </entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Maternal Mortality Rate</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Maternal deaths/Live births x 100 000</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Maternal deaths</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Live births</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>100 000(MMR is measured per 100 000)</para>
+            </entry>
+          </row>
+          <row>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Cumulative number of people Enrolled in Care</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Cumulative number of people Enrolled in Care X 1</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>Cumulative number Enrolled in Care (Male, Age&lt;18)+Cumulative number Enrolled in Care (Male, Age18+)+Cumulative number Enrolled in Care (Age&lt;18, Female)+Cumulative number Enrolled in Care (Age18+, Female)</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>None</para>
+            </entry>
+            <entry>
+              <para>1</para>
+            </entry>
+          </row>
+        </tbody>
+      </tgroup>
+    </table>
+  </section>
+  <section>
+    <title>Purpose of indicators</title>
+    <para>Indicators which are defined with both numerators and denominators are typically more useful for analysis. Because  they are proportions, they are comparable across time and space, which is very important since units of analysis and comparison, such as districts, vary in size and change over time. A district with  population of 1000 people may have fewer  cases of a  given disease  than a district with a population of 10,000. However, the incidence values of a given disease will be comparable between the two districts because of the use of of the respective populations for each district.</para>
+    <para>Indicators thus allow comparison, and are the prime tool for data analysis. DHIS2 should provide relevant indicators for analysis for all health programs, not just the raw data. Most report modules in DHIS 2 support both data elements and indicators and you can also combine these in custom reports.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section>
+    <title>Indicator-driven data collection</title>
+    <para>Since indicators are more suited for analysis compared to data elements, the calculation of indicators should be the main driving force for collection of data. A usual situation is that much data is collected but never used in any indicator, which significantly reduces the usability of the data. Either the captured data elements should be included in indicators used for management or they should probably not be collected at all.</para>
+    <para>For implementation purposes, a list of indicators used for management should be defined and implemented in DHIS 2. For analysis, training should focus on the use of indicators and why these are better suited than data elements for this purpose.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section>
+    <title>Managing indicators</title>
+    <para>Indicators can be added, deleted, or modified at any time in DHIS2 without affecting the data. Indicators are not stored as values in DHIS2, but as formulas, which are calculated whenever the user needs them. Thus a change in the formulas will only lead to different data elements being called for when using the indicator for analysis, without any changes to the underlying data values taking place. For information how to manage indicators, please refer to the chapter on indicators in the DHIS2 user documentation.</para>
+  </section>

=== modified file 'src/docbkx/en/dhis2_user_man_indicators.xml'
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 <!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. --><!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "docbookV4.4/docbookx.dtd" []>
-  <title>Indicators</title>
-  <para>When the ‘Data Elements and Indicators’ options is chosen from the main Maintenance menu, the following screen appears:</para>
+  <title>Indicator maintenance</title>
+  <para>Indicators can be maintained by choosing &quot;Maintenance-&gt;Data elements and indicators&quot; from the main menu. The following screen will appear.</para>
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
   <para>From the left side menu or by scrolling down the central area you can access the various sections on Indicators; </para>
   <para>Indicator, Indicator Type, Indicator Group, Indicator Group Editor, and Indicator Group Set. </para>
-  <section>
+  <section id="indicator_maintenance">
     <title>Indicator maintenance</title>
     <para>Indicator maintenance functions essentially the same as each of the respective sections in the previous section on data elements. The basic operations will be described in this section, but the reader should  refer to the corresponding sections above for detailed instructions. </para>
     <section id="indicator">
       <para>Indicators are composed of multiple data elements, and typically consist of a numerator
-        and denominator. Indicators are never entered in DHIS2, but are derived from combinations of
+        and denominator. Calculated totals do not have a denominator. Indicators are never entered directly in DHIS2 through data entry, but are derived from combinations of
         data elements and factors. Indicators are used to calculate coverage rates, incidence and
         other values are a result of data element values that have been entered into the system. </para>
-      <para>To access the Indicator maintains page, press Maintenance -&gt; Data Element and Indicators -&gt; Indicator from the main DHIS2 menu. Similar to data elements, you can add, delete, modify and view extra information about the indicators in the system. </para>
+      <para>To access the Indicator maintains page, press Maintenance -&gt; Data Element and Indicators  and then pressing &quot;Indicator&quot; from the left pane or the main dialog.  Similar to data elements, you can add, delete, modify and view extra information about the indicators in the system. </para>
@@ -29,19 +29,22 @@
-      <para>Indicators can be filtered by entering the name or a part of the indicator name in the &quot;Filter by name&quot; field. Similar to data elements, indicators can be added by pressing the &quot;Add new&quot; button. Other operations available from this menu are as follows. </para>
+      <para>Indicators can be filtered by entering the name or a part of the indicator name in the &quot;Filter by name&quot; field. Similar to data elements, indicators can be added by pressing the &quot;Add new&quot; button. Other operations available from the context menu (available by clicking on the indicator name) are as follows. </para>
-          <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/edit.png"/> Existing indicators can be edited. </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/i18n.png"/> Translate an existing indicator. </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/delete.png"/> Delete an existing indicator. </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/information.png"/> Get detailed information about this indicator. </para>
+          <para>Sharing settings: Assign sharing privileges to user groups. </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Edit: Edit an existing indicator</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Translate: Translate an existing indicator to a different language.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Remove: Delete an existing indicator. </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Show details:  Get detailed information about this indicator. </para>
       <para>To add a new indicator, click the &quot;Add new&quot; button. The following screen is displayed. </para>
@@ -61,9 +64,6 @@
           <para>Short name: An abbreviated name of the indicator such as &quot;Inc conf. malaria per 1000 pop&quot;. The short name must be less than or equal to 25 characters, including spaces.</para>
-          <para>Alternative name: An additional field for a possible alternative name of the indicator. </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
           <para>Code: In many countries, indicators are often assigned a particular code. This code can be entered here. </para>
@@ -73,7 +73,10 @@
           <para>Annualized: Determines whether or not an annualization factor is applied during the calculation of the indicator. Typically, annualized indicator&apos;s numerator are multiplied by a factor of 12, and the denominator is for instance a yearly population figure. This allows for monthly coverage values to be calculated with yearly population figures.</para>
-          <para>Type: This field will determine a factor that will automatically be applied during the calculation of the indicator. Possible choices are determined by the Indicator Types (described below). For instance, a &quot;Percent&quot; indicator will automatically be multiplied by a factor of 100 when exported to the data mart, so that it will display as a percentage. </para>
+          <para>Indicator type: This field will determine a factor that will automatically be applied during the calculation of the indicator. Possible choices are determined by the Indicator Types (described below). For instance, a &quot;Percent&quot; indicator will automatically be multiplied by a factor of 100 when exported to the data mart, so that it will display as a percentage. </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Legend set: Define a legend set for this indicator. Refer to the section on &quot;GIS&quot; for more information about legend sets.</para>
           <para>URL: Can be used as a link to an indicator registry, where a full metadata description of the indicator can be made available. </para>
@@ -90,16 +93,10 @@
       <para>Essentially, an indicator is a formula that can be composed of multiple data elements, constant factors, and mathematical operators. In order to define a new indicator proceed with the following steps.  </para>
-          <para>Enter at least the required fields (Name and short name) from the indicator maintenance screen.</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Next, press &quot;Edit numerator&quot; from the main indicator maintenance screen. This will provide a dialog where you can define the actual formula of the indicator&apos;s numerator..</para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>A description of the numerator/denominator must be provided in the &quot;Description field&quot;. This should provide a clear description of </para>
-        </listitem>
-        <listitem>
-          <para>Define the formula of the indicator by selecting the data elements that should compose the numerator from the &quot;Data elements&quot; field. Simply select the data element, and double click it. It will now appear in the formula. You formula must be mathematically valid, including the proper use of parentheses when necessary. You can double click on each of the mathematical operator buttons below the indicator formula definition  to add them to your formula. </para>
+          <para>A description of the numerator/denominator must be provided in the &quot;Description field&quot;. This should provide a clear description of the numerator/denominator. This field is required.</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>Define the formula of the indicator by selecting the data elements that should compose the numerator from the &quot;Data elements&quot; field. Simply select the data element, and double click it. It will now appears as part of  the formula. You formula must be mathematically valid, including the proper use of parentheses when necessary. You can double click on each of the mathematical operator buttons below the indicator formula definition  to add them to your formula. </para>
           <para>Click the Save button to save all changes to the numerator. Click cancel to discard any changes that you have made. </para>
@@ -108,12 +105,16 @@
           <para>Follow the same procedure in order to define the denominator. </para>
+      <note>
+        <para>Indicators may make use of constants. Constants are numerical values which will remain the same for all indicator calculations.</para>
+        <para>A special operator &quot;D&quot; is also available. This operator will always provide the number of days for a given indicator calculation. As an example, if you wish to calculate the &quot;Percentage of time vaccine refrigerator was non-functional&quot;, you could define the numerator as (&quot;D-&quot;Number of days vaccine refrigerator was available&quot;&quot;)/&quot;D&quot;. For example, if the fridge was available 25 days in June, the indicator would be calculated as (30-25/25)*100=17%. If you were however to calculate the total for Quarter 1, the number of days (&quot;D&quot;) would be equal to 31+28+31=90. Thus, the &quot;D&quot; paramater will always be the number of days in the period of interest. </para>
+      </note>
     <section id="indicatorType">
       <title>Indicator types</title>
       <para>Indicator types simply define a factor that will be applied during aggregation. Indicator values that are calculate during a data mart export or report table generation process will appear properly formatted, and will therefore not require an additional multiplier (e.g. 100 in the case of percents) for the values to appear correctly formatted. </para>
       <para>The indicator type maintenance panel has all of the same functions (Add new, Edit, Translate, Delete, and Information) as the Indicator maintenance section. </para>
-      <para>There are only two fields that need to be filled-in to create an indicator type, Name and Factor, as seen below. Name refers to the Indicator type (e.g. Per cent, Per thousand, Per ten thousand, etc). The factor is the numeric factor that will be applied during the calculation of the indicator. </para>
+      <para>There are only two fields that need to be filled-in to create an indicator type, Name and Factor, as seen below. Name refers to the Indicator type (e.g. Per cent, Per thousand, Per ten thousand, etc). The factor is the numeric factor that will be multipled to the indicator formula during the calculation of the indicator. </para>
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@
     <section id="indicatorGroupSet">
       <title>Indicator group sets</title>
-      <para>Similar to data element group sets, indicator group sets serve to create combined groups of similar indicators. For instance, you might have a group of indicators called &quot;Malaria&quot; and &quot;Leishmaniasis&quot;. Both of these groups could be combined into a group set called &quot;Vector-borne diseases&quot;. Indicator groups sets are used during analysis of data to combine similar themes of indicators. To access this module choose Maintenance-&gt;Data elements and indicators-&gt;Indicator group sets from the main menu. The following dialogue will appear. </para>
+      <para>Similar to data element group sets, indicator group sets serve to create combined groups of similar indicators. For instance, you might have a group of indicators called &quot;Malaria&quot; and &quot;Leishmaniasis&quot;. Both of these groups could be combined into a group set called &quot;Vector-borne diseases&quot;. Indicator groups sets are used during analysis of data to combine similar themes of indicators. To access this module choose Maintenance-&gt;Data elements and indicators-&gt;Indicator group sets from the main menu and then press &quot;Add new&quot;. The following dialogue will appear. </para>
@@ -144,6 +145,9 @@
       <para>Supply a name for the indicator group set, and then move the desired members from the &quot;Available Indicator Groups&quot; to the &quot;Group members&quot;. Click &quot;Add&quot; to save your changes and &quot;Cancel&quot; to discard any changes. </para>
+      <note>
+        <para>Similar to data elemement and indicator group sets, typically, indicator groups should be exclusive, meaning that one indicator group should not belong to multiple indicator group sets.</para>
+      </note>

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-<!-- This document was created with Syntext Serna Free. --><!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN" "docbookV4.4/docbookx.dtd" []>
-  <title>Introduction to indicators</title>
-  <para>When the ‘Data Elements and Indicators’ options is chosen from the main Maintenance menu, the following screen appears:</para>
-  <screenshot>
-    <mediaobject>
-      <imageobject>
-        <imagedata width="100%" fileref="resources/images/maintainence/data_element_main.png" format="PNG"/>
-      </imageobject>
-    </mediaobject>
-  </screenshot>
-  <para>From the left side menu or by scrolling down the central area you can access the various sections on Indicators; </para>
-  <para>Indicator, Indicator Type, Indicator Group, Indicator Group Editor, and Indicator Group Set. </para>
-  <section id="indicator">
-    <title>Indicators</title>
-    <para>Indicators are composed of multiple data elements, and typically consist of a numerator and a denominator. Indicators are never entered in DHIS 2, but instead  calculated from the raw data registered in the system, based on the indicator formulas. Indicators are used to calculate i.e. coverage rates, incidence, ratios  and other calculated values which are more useful for data analysis than the raw data described by data elements.  </para>
-    <para>To access the Indicator maintains page, press Maintenance -&gt; Data Element and Indicators -&gt; Indicator from the main DHIS2 menu. You can add, delete, modify and view extra information about the indicators in the system using the icons next to each indicator in the list.</para>
-    <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata width="100%" fileref="resources/images/maintainence/indicator_maintenance_main.png" format="PNG"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </screenshot>
-    <para>Indicators can be filtered by entering the name or a part of the indicator name in the &quot;Filter by name&quot; field. Similar to data elements, indicators can be added by pressing the &quot;Add new&quot; button. Other operations available from this menu are as follows. </para>
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/edit.png"/> Edit an existing indicator. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/i18n.png"/> Translate an existing indicator. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/delete.png"/> Delete an existing indicator. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para><inlinegraphic fileref="resources/images/dhis2_images/information.png"/> Get detailed information about this indicator. </para>
-      </listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-    <para>To add a new indicator, click the &quot;Add new&quot; button. The following screen is displayed. </para>
-    <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata width="100%" fileref="resources/images/maintainence/indicator_add.png" format="PNG"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </screenshot>
-    <para>Each of the fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory. A description of each field is provided below. </para>
-    <itemizedlist>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Name: The full name of the indicator, such as &quot;Incidence of confirmed malaria cases per 1000 population&quot;</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Short name: An abbreviated name of the indicator such as &quot;Inc conf. malaria per 1000 pop&quot;</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Alternative name: An additional field for a possible alternative name of the indicator. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Code: In many countries, indicator are often assigned a particular code which can be entered here. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Description: A brief, informative description of the indicator and how it is calculated can be entered here. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Annualized: Determines whether or not an annualization factor is applied during the calculation of the indicator. Typically, annualized indicator numerators are multiplied by a factor of 12, and the denominator is  a yearly population figure. This allows for monthly coverage values to be calculated with yearly population figures.</para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Type: This field will determine a factor that will automatically be applied during the calculation of the indicator. Possible choices are determined by the Indicator Types (described below). For instance, a &quot;Percent&quot; indicator will automatically be multiplied by a factor of 100 when aggregated, so that it will display as a percentage. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>URL: Can be used as a link to an indicator registry, where a full metadata description of the indicator can be made available. </para>
-      </listitem>
-    </itemizedlist>
-    <para>To define the numerator and denominator, simply press the respective button, and the following dialogue will be displayed. </para>
-    <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata width="100%" fileref="resources/images/maintainence/indicator_numerator_denominator.png" format="PNG"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </screenshot>
-    <para>Essentially, an indicator is a formula that can be composed of multiple data element, constant factors, and mathematical operators. In order to define a new indicator proceed with the following steps.  </para>
-    <orderedlist>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Provide a description of the numerator  in the &quot;Description field&quot;. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Choose the aggregation operator, either as a SUM or AVERAGE. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Define the formula of the indicator by selecting the data elements that should compose the numerator from the &quot;Data elements&quot; list. Simply double click on a data element and it will appear in the formula. The formula must be mathematically valid, including the proper use of parentheses when necessary. Double click on each of the mathematical operator buttons below the indicator formula definition  to add them to your formula. Once you click outside the formula window the Description field below will be updated. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Once you can see that the description field below the formula has been updated and you are done with your formula, you can click the Save button to save all changes to the numerator. Click Cancel to discard any changes that you have made. </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-        <para>Follow the same procedure in order to define the denominator. </para>
-      </listitem>
-    </orderedlist>
-  </section>
-  <section id="indicatorType">
-    <title>Indicator types</title>
-    <para>Indicator types define a factor (e.g. 100 for percentages)  that will be applied during aggregation, and makes sure the system calculated indicator values are pre-formatted and need to further manipulation by the user to get percentages etc.</para>
-    <para>The indicator type maintenance panel has all of the same functions (Add new, Edit, Translate, Delete, and Information) as the Indicator maintenance section. </para>
-    <para>There are only two fields that need to be filled in to create an indicator type, Name and Factor, as seen below. Name refers to the Indicator type (e.g. Per cent, Per thousand, Per ten thousand, etc). The factor is the numeric factor that will be applied during the calculation of the indicator. </para>
-    <screenshot>
-      <mediaobject>
-        <imageobject>
-          <imagedata width="100%" fileref="resources/images/maintainence/indicator_type.png" format="PNG"/>
-        </imageobject>
-      </mediaobject>
-    </screenshot>
-  </section>

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Binary files src/docbkx/en/resources/images/maintainence/indicator_numerator_denominator.png	2011-01-14 12:02:57 +0000 and src/docbkx/en/resources/images/maintainence/indicator_numerator_denominator.png	2014-02-12 05:31:07 +0000 differ
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