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Message #28184
Re: Data Export - Import without Completness
Hi Ismael
You can indicate completeness on import by using the completeDate attribute
It looks this attribute is not getting exported - will have to check,
(Lars, I suppose it depends if you are exporting a datavalueset linked to a
dataset or if you are doing a "bulk" datavalue export. Maybe we should
always group the datavalues by dataset. But in that case we would need a
toplevel element of dataValueSets not dataValueSet.)
If you export a datavalueset linked to a dataset using the web api, eg
then you should get that with the completenessdate. It should be possible
to have a script iterate through all the datasets for all the orgunits for
all the periods to pull datavaluesets one at a time but this would be
painfully slow for large databases
Not sure if anybody has any other ideas ...
On 18 February 2014 08:36, Ismail Yusuf <ismailkoleleni@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying to export and import data from Instance to another
> (pretty much same database - meta data). Data gets imported correctly
> without any problems but without completeness registration. One can not
> see/use reporting rate reports for imported data.
> Am I missing something? is it how it is supposed to be? or it is a bug.
> I have examined the exported file, looks like completed date/day is not
> indicated anywhere (sample below). Does this mean i have to use SQL to
> transfer completeness information?
> <dataValueSet xmlns="http://dhis2.org/schema/dxf/2.0";><dataValue
> dataElement="l1GL5Tmn22E" period="201312" orgUnit="MydYL6PVDQy"
> categoryOptionCombo="ddmrU8qJa7L" value="2" storedBy="aruheta"
> lastUpdated="2014-01-03T11:57:12.250Z" followUp="false"/></dataValueSet>
> Please assist.
> --
> Ismail Yusuf Koleleni,
> Computer Science and Engineering Department
> College of Information and Communication Technology (CoICT)
> University of Dar es Salaam
> +255713732238 / +255788732233
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