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Re: TrackedEntityType - api/persons



The peson/tracker web-api is not up to speed with the current changes in
the tracker module. You will have to wait a few weeks until it's done.


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Pierre Dane <pierre@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> We are using the 2.15-SNAPSHOT build - I’m adding, enrolling and adding
>> program stages for our National Pregnancy Register project.However I am not
>> able to set the trackedentitytype field in the tracked entity table through
>> the api.
>> Do you now if this is exposed somehow? Or will there need to be some dev
>> work done to expose this for POST requests? The json that works for
>> registration is pasted below - but not sure where I could specify the
>> tracked entity type (or how) . The attribute values are junk for now but
>> they do successfully register a person. Notice the identifier element is
>> not valid anymore.
>> Many thanks,
>> Pierre
>> {
>>    "orgUnit": "IBErTOKhirW",
>>    "programid": "YBM3wffX4Xd",
>>    "attributes": [ {
>>        "attribute": "Y225iXMjPhd",
>>        "type": "string",
>>        "value": "asasas"
>>    },
>>  {
>>        "attribute": "ra7WkHYCb8P",
>>        "type": "string",
>>        "value": "asas"
>>    },
>>  {
>>        "attribute": "yd8abJiRMAK",
>>        "type": "number",
>>        "value": 123456789
>>    },
>>  {
>>        "attribute": "opKUx9Qxth6",
>>        "type": "number",
>>        "value": 1234
>>    },
>>  {
>>        "attribute": "ljIAt8ZNDNm",
>>        "type": "number",
>>        "value": 1
>>    },
>>     {
>>        "attribute": "MnXIgtSLeTK",
>>        "type": "number",
>>        "value": 12345678
>>    },
>>     {
>>        "attribute": "AnJxSXFMHVH",
>>        "type": "date",
>>        "value": 20140101
>>    },
>>     {
>>        "attribute": "WuDAhgHsgHJ",
>>        "type": "string",
>>        "value": "pierretest"
>>    },
>>    {
>>        "attribute": "uGhxe9rGxxI",
>>        "type": "number",
>>        "value": 1234
>>    },
>>     {
>>        "attribute": "V5yVvawhkHC",
>>        "type": "string",
>>        "value": "pierretest"
>>    },
>>     {
>>        "attribute": "yWAtzzmSNf9",
>>        "type": "string",
>>        "value": "S"
>>    }
>>    ]
>> }
>> On 12 Mar 2014, at 11:22 AM, Pierre Dane <pierre@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello Busoye,
>> Thanks for looking into this.
>> I’ll register against 2 orgunits - lets make the other one gp Leeuwkop
>> Correctional Centre (just for fun). I’ll be pushing registrations through
>> during the day.
>> If I manually add lat/long data to the org units, one heat map type
>> report would also be amazing!
>> Thanks
>> Pierre
>> My cell number is 0836808274 in case you need to chat. Call anytime.
>> On 12 Mar 2014, at 10:56 AM, Adebusoye Anifalaje <busoye@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Pierre,
>> I’ll put something together for you.
>> Obviously, the more real to life the dummy data the better the
>> visualisation. I see that (as of yesterday) you had 2 clients registered in
>> Algoa Park Clinic (see screen shot below). Did you generally register
>> clients in one or multiple org units? It’s easier if I know where the data
>> is rather than having to go through postgres to find it.
>> Cheers.
>> Busoye
>> <Tracked Entity Management.tiff>
>> On 12 Mar 2014, at 10:39, Pierre Dane <pierre@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Elmarie,
>> Thanks for your reply. Thats no problem I’m sure we can work through this
>> remotely and I’ll liaise with Carl and Chris and to see if it makes sense
>> to come through again the following week.
>> In therms of reporting - I’ve enrolled a couple of people and added the
>> Pregnancy Registration event. It’s just dummy data, all this year -
>> enrolment in february.
>> What we would like as a first very high level report is a graph showing
>> enrolments by day.  Chris has a demo tomorrow and it would be amazing if we
>> could have this ready for then but it’s very short notice! We’d like to be
>> able to show the end to end process - a person registers using the USSD app
>> and we show an extra enrolment on the DHIS front end. We’d need a way to
>> manually kick of the aggregation and report population. Do you think this
>> would be possible?
>> Many thanks!
>> Pierre
>> On 12 Mar 2014, at 8:02 AM, Elmarie Claasen <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Pierre,
>> Unfortunately the HISP team has a prior engagement for work we need to
>> finish for NDOH next week and will not be able to accommodate you for one
>> day either on Mon/Wed next week. We will however be able to accommodate you
>> on either Tue/Wed the week thereafter during the hack-a-thon week if that
>> is suitable to you. In the meantime please provide us with detailed
>> requirements for reporting as requested in the email and we will set those
>> reports up for you and make them available in the frontend.
>> I hope that this arrangement will be to your satisfaction as an
>> alternative to your request.
>> Regards,
>> *Elmarie Claasen*
>> <image001.png>
>> Project Manager
>> Health Information Systems Programme
>> Tel:      041-364 0757
>> Cell:     082 374 2209
>> E-mail: elmarie@xxxxxxxx
>> Skype:  elmarie.claasen52
>> *From:* Pierre Dane [mailto:pierre@xxxxxxxxx <pierre@xxxxxxxxx>]
>> *Sent:* 11 March 2014 01:25 PM
>> *To:* Elmarie Claasen
>> *Cc:* Crizelle Nel; Busoye Anifalaje; Pooben Dass; Jason Phillips; Greg
>> Rowles; Ferdie Botha; Mahlatse Mokoena; Farai Mutero; Carl Fourie; Hannes
>> Venter
>> *Subject:* Re: NPR Database with Facility Codes
>> Thanks Elmarie,
>> I’ll reply in detail shortly, but just wanted to let you all know that I
>> have the opportunity to be in Pretoria this Monday (16th March) and was
>> hoping I could come into the HISP office for the day and work on reporting
>> for the MHR project. I could also stay and come in on Wednesday. I think
>> it’ll be very valuable for me spend a few hours getting to grips with the
>> reporting layer. Would there be someone in the Pretoria office who would
>> have some time to work with me on Monday, and would it be worthwhile to
>> stay for the wednesday as well. Please let me know asap!
>> Many thanks,
>> Pierre
>> On 11 Mar 2014, at 1:05 PM, Elmarie Claasen <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Pierre,
>> Please see my comments below.
>> Mahlatse and Busoye will respond to you once we have completed these
>> tasks and with more detail.
>> Regards,
>> *Elmarie Claasen*
>> <image001.png>
>> Project Manager
>> Health Information Systems Programme
>> Tel:      041-364 0757
>> Cell:     082 374 2209
>> E-mail: elmarie@xxxxxxxx
>> Skype:  elmarie.claasen52
>>  *From:* Pierre Dane [mailto:pierre@xxxxxxxxx <pierre@xxxxxxxxx>]
>> *Sent:* 11 March 2014 11:11 AM
>> *To:* Crizelle Nel; Elmarie Claasen; Busoye Anifalaje
>> *Cc:* Pooben Dass; Jason Phillips; Greg Rowles; Ferdie Botha; Mahlatse
>> Mokoena; Farai Mutero; Carl Fourie; Hannes Venter
>> *Subject:* Re: NPR Database with Facility Codes
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have access to the NPR DHIS instance. Have successfully added and
>> enrolled a patient via the API (albeit missing a couple of fields). I have
>> a few questions:
>> 1) The code in the organisationunit has not been populated. Is HISP going
>> to take care of this? We have elected to use an OrgunitAttribute field
>> which should be in the attribute table because the OrgunitCodes we are
>> using has not been formalised so we want to keep that field open in the
>> OrgunitTable for if it is formally done in future.
>> 2) Geo co-ordinates for these have not been added - are there plans to
>> populate these fields? - would be great for regional reporting/heatmaps etc
>>  – yes we do plan to populate these via the Data Dictionary in future.
>> 3) I’ve seen that the person I’ve enrolled has had an event/stage
>> auto-added (Pregnancy Registration) . Is this all I need to do for phase 1
>> as far as you guys see it? The client is auto-enrolled in the Programme
>> (Pregnancy Registration) but you have to add the client information into
>> the Registration stage by adding the date and other details under the
>> Registration stage.  The identification stage is not intended to be used
>> now (until the woman starts self-registering) but we have made provision
>> for it already.
>> 4) How does the export of tracker info to the reporting layer work? Is it
>> automated or realtime? 1) Through the analytics table info from Tracker
>> goes into the Tabular report within the tracker module and in order to run
>> that you have to run the analytics (either manually but usually scheduled
>> for midnight). 2) From Tracker to Aggregated reporting layer is transferred
>> is an aggregate query, a manual aggregation and/or scheduled automated
>> aggregation.
>> 5) It would be great to have one report showing registrations - can
>> someone help set this up please? I can’t access and data elements through
>> the front-end to build a report. Can you please identify what data you
>> added for what period and we will create this for you.
>> Many thanks!
>> Pierre
>> On 10 Mar 2014, at 10:36 AM, Crizelle Nel <crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>  Hi Pierre,
>> Sorry, you were dropped off the email conversation :0)
>> Please see below.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Crizelle Nel
>> <image002.png>
>> Software Development and Information Systems
>> *Health Information Systems Program (HISP) -
>> SA------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>> Email:       crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx
>> Cell:          +27 84 580 3342
>> Fax:          0866 509 502
>> Skype:      crizelle_nel
>> Website:   http://hispsa.org
>> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Crizelle Nel <crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Farai!
>> Pierre, the OU attribute you'll need to access is called "FacCode".
>> Jason, can you give us an update on progress with the NPR instance
>> please? Sounds like Pierre will also need remote PGAdmin access.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Crizelle Nel
>> <image002.png>
>> Software Development and Information Systems
>> *Health Information Systems Program (HISP) -
>> SA------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>> Email:       crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx
>> Cell:          +27 84 580 3342
>> Fax:          0866 509 502
>> Skype:      crizelle_nel
>> Website:   http://hispsa.org
>> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Farai Mutero <farai@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Crizelle
>> I can confirm that yes OU attributes are exposed in the Web API. We are
>> making use of such a facility in the Data Dictionary. Pierre you can have a
>> look at the screenshot below to get an idea of what the Web API exposes.
>> <image001.png>
>> *From:* Crizelle Nel [mailto:crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* Monday, March 10, 2014 9:53 AM
>> *To:* Busoye Anifalaje
>> *Cc:* Elmarie Claasen; Pooben Dass; Farai Mutero; Jason Phillips; Greg
>> Rowles; Ferdie Botha
>> *Subject:* Re: NPR Database with Facility Codes
>> Hi Busoye,
>> Do you know off-hand if the OU attributes are exposed on the web-API?
>> Will you please check this and respond to Pierre?
>> You can liaise with Pooben and/or Farai if you think they might have
>> answers to some questions. If it needs to be exposed, please liaise with
>> Pooben to see if he'll be able to do it asap.
>> The NPR database work is extremely urgent.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Crizelle Nel
>> <image002.png>
>> Software Development and Information Systems
>> *Health Information Systems Program (HISP) -
>> SA------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>> Email:       crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx
>> Cell:          +27 84 580 3342
>> Fax:          0866 509 502
>> Skype:      crizelle_nel
>> Website:   http://hispsa.org
>> On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 8:42 AM, Pierre Dane <pierre@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Crizelle, Elmarie, Jason, Adebusoye and all,
>> Thanks for all the work and input into this installation. Once the VM is
>> up and running could you please give me a url that I can start making calls
>> against. If I could log into that box to inspect database schema and
>> inserted data that would be awesome.
>> In terms of the facility code lookup, is there an existing API call for
>> this or does some dev work need doing?
>> Thanks again,
>> Pierre
>> On 08 Mar 2014, at 8:05 AM, Crizelle Nel <crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thanks Busoye.
>> I forgot to mention that the dot in the ERD indicates the many side of
>> the relationship. I'm using a FOSS tool drawing tool called Pencil which is
>> not really suited well to draw ERDs so I had to improvise.
>> Does anyone know of any other FOSS drawing tools we can try out?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Crizelle Nel
>> <image002.png>
>> Software Development and Information Systems
>> *Health Information Systems Program (HISP) -
>> SA------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>> Email:       crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx
>> Cell:          +27 84 580 3342
>> Fax:          0866 509 502
>> Skype:      crizelle_nel
>> Website:   http://hispsa.org
>> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Adebusoye Anifalaje <busoye@xxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Crizelle,
>> Excellent work.
>> I particularly appreciate the tracked_entity relationship table. The
>> database management team will do well to keep a print out on their desk!
>> Well done.
>> Regards,
>> Busoye
>> On 7 Mar 2014, at 20:43, Crizelle Nel <crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Attached is the dump for the empty NPR database (no data) containing the
>> facility codes.
>> *Jason*, please restore this onto the 2.15 NPR Staging VM and send us
>> all the URL. Since it's a staging instance I left the admin/district user
>> in place.
>> Note the following:
>> * an OrgUnit attribute called "FacCode" was added (so that we leave the
>> OU Code field open for future use) *[table attribute]*
>> * each FacCode is 5 characters long with the 1st character of each code
>> identifying the province which that facility belongs to:
>>    EC = 1
>>    FS = 2
>>    etc.
>> * the FacCodes within a province were assigned in order of the OU ID *[table
>> organisationunitattributevalues]*
>> Elmarie, I know we discussed assigning these code sequentially on a
>> sub-district/district basis (then Afsondering Clinic would have been
>> 11111), but this will require quite a bit more work and I do not have the
>> time now. Since new facilities will be assigned provincial codes at random
>> in any case, I reckoned the order is not a priority. Let me know if it is
>> and needs to be changed please.
>> I've shared the SQL and process for adding the FacCodes with the SWD team
>> and Elmarie on OwnCloud (Crizelle_SWD >> DHIS2 SQL Queries >> Generate
>> FacCode for NPR) for those that are interested or need to know for future
>> reference.
>> I've also shared the SQL for deleting Tracker data from a DHIS2 database (
>> *Pierre*, this might be useful to you as it lists the tables into which
>> you will be pushing data from the HIM):
>> I've also attached a ERD showing how these tables link together for your
>> reference.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Crizelle Nel
>> <image002.png>
>> Software Development and Information Systems
>> *Health Information Systems Program (HISP) -
>> SA------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
>> Email:       crizellenel@xxxxxxxxx
>> Cell:          +27 84 580 3342
>> Fax:          0866 509 502
>> Skype:      crizelle_nel
>> Website:   http://hispsa.org
>> <ERD - DHIS Tracker Module (07 Mar 2014).pdf><pt_NPR_140307v8.7z>
