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dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #29742
About dashboard
Hello all,
I would like to know if we can show pivot table total on the dashboard.
De : Dhis2-devs [mailto:dhis2-devs-bounces+gseide=futuresgroup.com@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Lars Helge Øverland
Envoyé : Thursday, April 24, 2014 12:46 PM
À : Emmanuel Willer CHARLES
Cc : DHIS 2 Users list; DHIS 2 Developers list
Objet : Re: [Dhis2-devs] runing Analytics errors.
This is not a bug, dhis drops the resource tables and needs to know about views depending on them. You can simply create the views as dhis sql views in data admin and it will be handled properly.
On Apr 24, 2014 5:26 PM, "Emmanuel Willer CHARLES" <emmanuelwiller@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:emmanuelwiller@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi all,
It is surely right.
deleting the view we created has solved the problem.
is that bug fixed on one of the newer versions, as we are using ver 2.13 Build revision:12917.
thanks for your help guys.
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Emmanuel Willer CHARLES <emmanuelwiller@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:emmanuelwiller@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi All,
we are having error to run analytic reports, it lasts longer than usual.
when we try to run a resource table, we have the following error message.
Please Help.
Link to error message: http://gyazo.com/d50d019cb8374ec38dcf020488c0167a
[Image supprimée par l'expéditeur.]
Thank you for prompt answer.
Charles Emmanuel Willer
12,Lilavois 50 Croix des Bouquets, HT
Tels: +509-3842-3854<tel:%2B509-3842-3854> / +509-3270-0655<tel:%2B509-3270-0655>
Skype: emmanuelwiller
Charles Emmanuel Willer
12,Lilavois 50 Croix des Bouquets, HT
Tels: +509-3842-3854<tel:%2B509-3842-3854> / +509-3270-0655<tel:%2B509-3270-0655>
Skype: emmanuelwiller