Hi Everyone,
I get the message "No values found" in the Pivot Table and Data
Visualizer applications in dhis2 2.15 when I try to visualize data I
have entered into my database. The Dataset report also draws a blank.
I updated the Data mart before attempting the data visualization.
I have superuser access. I see the data when I open the data entry
app and select any of the Orgunits and the same time period for
which data had been entered.
I would appreciate help to be able to visualize my data values.
Currently using dhis2 version 2.15, build revision:14942 and build
date: 2014-04-22 21:38, on a Windows 7 platform.
Thank you,
John Ojo MD, FMCPH
Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
West African Regional Disease Surveillance (WARDS) Project
West Africa Health Organization (WAHO/ECOWAS)
Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
Mobile: +226 65897160+226 65897160
Skype: Johnojo