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period_periodid sequence bug?



I notice that the trackedentity startup TableAlteror has introduced a new
sequence and modification to the period table.

executeSql( "CREATE SEQUENCE period_periodid_seq" );
executeSql( "ALTER TABLE period ALTER COLUMN periodid SET DEFAULT
NEXTVAL('period_periodid_seq')" );

Presumably the idea (as I see is implemented in
HibernateCaseAggregationConditionStore.java) is that periods can be
inserted with an sql statement without bothering about the periodid as it
will get a default value from period_periodid_seq.

But in practice this doesn't seem to be happening.  In a range of
production databases I have just looked at the nextvalue of the
period_periodid_seq is 1 even though there are a large number of periods in
the database.  I am assuming they have had their ids populated from
hibernate_sequence instead.

Something seems clearly not right here.  If we have different code in parts
of dhis2 which are using different sequence sources for periodid there will
be clashes and odd errors on period creation.

Can somebody explain if I am misinterpreting?
