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Message #33237
Different order displaying the org. units in pivots, report tables, and Analytic API
Hi guys,
I am attaching 2 screenshots in this email. The first figure is showing a
pivot table, while the second one represents the report table of the same
pivot. You can see that org. units are being displayed in different order
in both figures. Same is happening when I try to get this data using the
Analytic API (the org. unit uids is not following the same order in the
array). It is quite confusing because I think that the pivot tables are
using directly the Analytic API, so I don´t know if I am missing an option
or something. Any ideas?
Please, also note that the categories are being displayed in different
order as well.
Many thanks
Figure 1: Pivot table
[image: Inline image 1]
Figure 2: Report table
[image: Inline image 3]

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