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Message #33754
Dataset Canary Question and Discussion
Hello DHIS2 List,
I've got an interesting problem, and I've already cobbled together a
solution in test, but I wanted to pose it to the community before I went
through with it:
[image: Inline image 1]
Quick Background:
We've transitioned from one dataset form to another in the past 12 months
in Vanuatu, but it wasn't done cleanly. So there are about 12 months time
(roughly June 2013 - June 2014) where some facilities were filling out the
old form/dataset, and some were filling out the new one. When we created
the new form we tried our best to reuse as many data elements as possible
to minimize the number of new ones, and minimize the institutional
knowledge needed to make a true and compelling interpretations of the data
(via charts/graphs). This, however, has created a problem where some
elements will populate in each dataset 'version' so to the untrained eye,
it is difficult to know which exact dataset was used to fill it out.
How do I let the user know that the dataset/timeperiod combo is not the
dataset/timeperiod combo used to originally used during data entry?
I came up with 2 ideas on how to solve this:
1. Include a Dataset Canary data element to record the UID of the form
filling it out, use javascript to alert the user and fill out the element
for future forms.
Pros: Workable without changing the database or DHIS2, all javascript
inside the dataset, I can do it with existing tools
Cons: Susceptible to failure on DHIS2 upgrades, anyone updating the
datasets/forms in the future will need to be aware of the javascript and
how it works, extra dataelement, not very extensible
2. Add a column called 'datasetid' to 'datavalue' that is a foreign key to
the 'dataset' table's 'datasetid'. Every datavalue will then have a
reference as to which dataset enterred it
Pros: Not as easy to break during upgrades because it is baked into
DHIS2, myriad ways to alert the user and can have features like 'click to
go to correct dataset/entryform', works automatically
Cons: Requires development work and community buy in, no simple
solution for legacy datavalues that are not currently associated with a
dataset (where there are more than one possible dataset).
3. Other ideas?
My Solution, the Dataset Canary Explained:
*1. The Legacy Data*
I knew which form was which just because all of our first form were
actually imported from Microsoft Access, and during the import a comment
was added to each row in 'datavalue' denoting its origin. So after creating
a new dataelement called "Dataset Canary" I inserted an entry for each form
for that new element with the UID of the dataset it came from. We had about
16,000 of these forms (OrgUnit/TimePeriod combos), so it was 16,000 new
entries in 'datavalue'
INSERT INTO datavalue (dataelementid, periodid, sourceid,
categoryoptioncomboid, value, storedby, lastupdated, comment, followup,
SELECT de.dataelementid AS dataelementid,
dv.periodid AS periodid,
dv.sourceid AS sourceid,
*2. Hidden Span inside the dataentry form:*
<span id="VUJS_datasetcanary" style="visibility: hidden;">
Dataset Canary: <input id="Zdx2UHSluH7-efg0iPzSOl7-val" style="width:
7em; text-align: center;" title="Zdx2UHSluH7 - Dataset Canary - efg0iPzSOl7
- (default) - string" value="[ Dataset Canary (default) ]" /></p>
*3. Javascript to evaluate and alert the user and Div to appear or not
appear* (I stole the class 'inputCriteria' and adjusted the colors a bit)
$(document).on('dhis2.de.event.dataValuesLoaded', function(e) {
vuSelectedDataset = dhis2.de.currentDataSetId;
//If the dataset canary element does not match the current dataset, then
alert the user that they are viewing elements enterred from another dataset
if($("#Zdx2UHSluH7-efg0iPzSOl7-val").val() != vuSelectedDataset
&& $("#Zdx2UHSluH7-efg0iPzSOl7-val").val() != "") { //Currently I compare
this to nothing as well because the newer datasets don't have the canary
element populated yet.
$("#VUJS_datasetcanarywarning").css("display", "block"); //show the error
} else {
$("#VUJS_datasetcanarywarning").css("display", "none"); //hide the error
div (if it was shown for a previous date, which doesn't reload everything
it seems)
} );
and the div:
<div id="VUJS_datasetcanarywarning" class="inputCriteria"
style="width:564px;border: 1px solid #CC2900;background-color:
#FFd0d0;display:none;" >
<div class="selectionLabel" style="width: 500px;">This form was filled out
in the Access Based VanPHIS, please use the <em>VanPhis Health Facilities
(2007-2014)</em> dataset listed above to view this form.</div>
Repeat step 3 for each form
*4. Update the datacanary for each dataset/orgid/timeperiod combo as they
are filled out.*
I'll need to put in some more javascript to fill out the Dataset Canary for
each new form as well, still working on how to accomplish that. (So yup,
I'm not 100% complete, but getting there).
I know it was a long email, and thanks to anyone who made it down here. If
you have any feedback or other ideas I'd greatly appreciate hearing them :).
Timothy Harding
PeaceCorps Volunteer
Republic of Vanuatu
+678 5955137

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