dhis2-devs team mailing list archive
dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #33873
BUG: Repetition of sent messages in Sent out message list
[image: Inline image 1]
Dear mobile team,
I believe a bug we once had of repeating sent messages is reoccurring in
DHIS 2.16 (Build revision: 16487 Build date: 2014-10-02 02:04). Not sure if
this has been reported as yet as well.
When i send a group message to say 6 people, I am going to see the message
repeated up to 6 times in the sent out messages as shown above. The only
good thing is that the message is only sent out once and not repeated.
Otherwise in cases where we count the sent out and received messages for
billing purposes, I am hoping this is not repeated in the database as well.
Sam Kasozi
Information Systems Consultant
HISP Uganda | GHSI - Uganda MOH - PH Emergency Operation Center
+256 788 993565 | +256 757 662752
kasozis@xxxxxxxxx | skasozi@xxxxxxxxxxx <kasozis@xxxxxxxxx> | Skype:

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