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Message #35455
Unable to Edit Favorites if "No Values Found"
Hello DHIS2 Devs,
System: DHIS 2.18, Only Monthly Datasets
Issue: On February 1st, several of our 2014 data visualizer favorites
started to return "No Values Found", but they had been working fine the day
before. Feb 1st means we have a complete period for 2015, so I'm assuming
it is because the creator selected 'Current Year' instead of manually
selecting '2014'. The issue now is that we cannot seem to load/edit those
favorites while there is no data for 2015.
[image: Inline image 1]
[image: Inline image 2]
Suggestion: Even if no values are returned, load the favorite into the left
hand pane so the user can see the selected criteria for the chart and make
edits/fixes. This can also be used a tool for teaching new comers who are
having trouble with the data visualizer, e.g. Others will be able to
critique the criteria used and make suggestions even if no values are found.
Work Around: Put dummy data in for 2015 for the affected charts, run
analytics, edit/fix the charts, remove dummy data [rerun analytics].
Remake each of the effected favorites from scratch and 'overwrite' the old
Timothy Harding
PeaceCorps Volunteer
Republic of Vanuatu
+678 5955137

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