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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 19094: minor


revno: 19094
committer: Abyot Asalefew Gizaw <abyota@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Wed 2015-05-06 10:09:03 +0200


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/dhis2/dhis2.angular.services.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/dhis2/dhis2.angular.services.js	2015-05-04 07:52:12 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-commons-resources/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-commons/javascripts/dhis2/dhis2.angular.services.js	2015-05-06 08:09:03 +0000
@@ -277,51 +277,41 @@
                             var prStDe = programStageDataElements[fieldId];
+                            var commonInputFieldProperty = this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
+	                                                ' d2-validation ' +
+	                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '" ' +
+	                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +
+	                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +
+	                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent[uid]==\'uid\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
+	                                                ' ng-required="{{prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory}}" ';
                             if( prStDe && prStDe.dataElement && prStDe.dataElement.type ){								
 								//check if dataelement has optionset								
 								if( prStDe.dataElement.optionSetValue){
 									var optionSetId = prStDe.dataElement.optionSet.id;
-	                                    newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-	                                                this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-	                                                ' d2-validation ' +
-	                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '" ' +
-	                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +
-	                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent[uid]==\'uid\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
-	                                                ' ng-required="{{prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory}}"' +
+	                                    newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +	                                                
 	                                                ' typeahead="option.name as option.name for option in optionSets.'+optionSetId+'.options | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:20"' +
 	                                                ' typeahead-editable="false" ' +
 	                                                ' d2-typeahead-validation ' +
 	                                                ' class="typeahead" ' +
-	                                                ' placeholder="&#xf0d7;&nbsp;&nbsp;" ' +
-	                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +                                            
+	                                                ' placeholder="&#xf0d7;&nbsp;&nbsp;" ' +	                                                                                            
 	                                                ' ng-blur="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')"' +
-	                                                ' typeahead-open-on-focus ng-required="prStDes.'+fieldId+'.compulsory"> ';
+	                                                ' typeahead-open-on-focus ' +
+	                                                commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                            //check data element type and generate corresponding angular input field
 		                            if(prStDe.dataElement.type === "int"){
 		                                newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-		                                                this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                                ' d2-validation ' +
 		                                                ' d2-number-validation ' +
-		                                                ' number-type="' + prStDe.dataElement.numberType + '" ' +
-		                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '"' +
-		                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +
-		                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +
-		                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
+		                                                ' number-type="' + prStDe.dataElement.numberType + '" ' +		                                                
 		                                                ' ng-blur="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')"' + 
-		                                                ' ng-required="{{prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory}}">';
+		                                                commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                            else if(prStDe.dataElement.type === "bool"){
-		                                newInputField = '<select ' +
-		                                                this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                                ' d2-validation ' +
-		                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '" ' +
-		                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +
-		                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +
-		                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
-		                                                ' ng-change="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')"' + 
-		                                                ' ng-required="{{prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory}}">' + 
+		                                newInputField = '<select ' +		                                                
+		                                                ' ng-change="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')" ' +
+		                                                commonInputFieldProperty + '>' + 
 		                                                '<option value="">{{\'please_select\'| translate}}</option>' +
 		                                                '<option value="false">{{\'no\'| translate}}</option>' + 
 		                                                '<option value="true">{{\'yes\'| translate}}</option>' +
@@ -329,40 +319,22 @@
 		                            else if(prStDe.dataElement.type === "date"){
 		                                var maxDate = prStDe.allowFutureDate ? '' : 0;
-		                                newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-		                                                this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                                ' d2-validation ' +
-		                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '"' +
-		                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +                                                
+		                                newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +                                                
 		                                                ' placeholder="{{dhis2CalendarFormat.keyDateFormat}}" ' +
 		                                                ' d2-date ' +
-		                                                ' max-date="' + maxDate + '"' +
-		                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +
-		                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
+		                                                ' max-date="' + maxDate + '"' +		                                                
 		                                                ' blur-or-change="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')"' + 
-		                                                ' ng-required="{{prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory}}"> '; 
+		                                                commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                            else if(prStDe.dataElement.type.type === "trueOnly"){
 		                                newInputField = '<input type="checkbox" ' +
-		                                                this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                                ' d2-validation ' +
-		                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '"' +
-		                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +
-		                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +
-		                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
 		                                                ' ng-change="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')"' +
-		                                                ' ng-required="{{prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory}}"> ';
+		                                                commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                                newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-	                                                this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-	                                                ' d2-validation ' +
-	                                                ' ng-model="currentEvent.' + fieldId + '" ' +
-	                                                ' input-field-id="' + fieldId + '"' +
-	                                                ' ng-disabled="selectedEnrollment.status===\'CANCELLED\' || selectedEnrollment.status===\'COMPLETED\' || currentEvent[uid]==\'uid\' || currentEvent.editingNotAllowed"' +
-	                                                ' ng-class="getInputNotifcationClass(prStDes.' + fieldId + '.dataElement.id,true)"' +
 	                                                ' ng-blur="saveDatavalue(prStDes.'+ fieldId + ')"' +
-	                                                ' ng-required="prStDes.' + fieldId + '.compulsory"> ';
+	                                                commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
@@ -415,18 +387,21 @@
                         var att = trackedEntityFormAttributes[attId];
-                        if( att ){                        	
-                        	//check if attribute has optionset
-                        	if(att.optionSetValue){                        		
-	                            var optionSetId = att.optionSet.id;                            
-	                            newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-	                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +
+                        if( att ){
+                        	var commonInputFieldProperty = ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +
 	                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +
 	                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
 	                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
 	                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
 	                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
 	                                            ' d2-validation ' +
+	                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '" ';
+                        	//check if attribute has optionset
+                        	if(att.optionSetValue){                        		
+	                            var optionSetId = att.optionSet.id;                            
+	                            newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +	                                            
 	                                            ' d2-typeahead-validation ' +
 	                                            ' class="typeahead" ' +
 	                                            ' placeholder="&#xf0d7;&nbsp;&nbsp;" ' +
@@ -434,89 +409,48 @@
 	                                            ' typeahead="option.name as option.name for option in optionSets.' + optionSetId + '.options | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:50"' +
 	                                            ' typeahead-open-on-focus ' +
 	                                            ' ng-blur="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-	                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ';                            
+	                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
                         		//check attribute type and generate corresponding angular input field
 		                        if(att.valueType === "number"){
 		                            newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-		                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +                          
-		                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +
-		                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                            ' d2-validation ' +
 		                                            ' d2-number-validation ' +
-		                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
-		                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
 		                                            ' ng-blur="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ';
+		                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                        else if(att.valueType === "bool"){
-		                            newInputField = '<select ' +
-		                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +
-		                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +
-		                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
-		                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
-		                                            ' ng-change="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ' +
+		                            newInputField = '<select ' +		                                            
+		                                            ' ng-change="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +		                                            
+		                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' > ' +
 		                                            ' <option value="">{{\'please_select\'| translate}}</option>' +
 		                                            ' <option value="false">{{\'no\'| translate}}</option>' + 
 		                                            ' <option value="true">{{\'yes\'| translate}}</option>' +
 		                                            '</select> ';
 		                        else if(att.valueType === "date"){
-		                            newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-		                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +
-		                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +
-		                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
+		                            newInputField = '<input type="text" ' + 
 		                                            ' placeholder="{{dhis2CalendarFormat.keyDateFormat}}" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
 		                                            ' max-date="' + attMaxDate + '"' + '\'' +
 		                                            ' d2-date' +
-		                                            ' d2-validation ' +
 		                                            ' blur-or-change="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ';
+		                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                        else if(att.valueType === "trueOnly"){
-		                            newInputField = '<input type="checkbox" ' +  
-		                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +
-		                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +
-		                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) + 
-		                                            ' d2-validation ' +
-		                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
-		                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
+		                            newInputField = '<input type="checkbox" ' +
 		                                            ' ng-change="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ';
+		                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                        else if(att.valueType === "email"){
-		                            newInputField = '<input type="email" ' +    
-		                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +                                              
-		                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +
-		                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                            ' d2-validation ' +
-		                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
-		                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
+		                            newInputField = '<input type="email" ' +
 		                                            ' ng-blur="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ';
+		                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';
 		                        else {
 		                            newInputField = '<input type="text" ' +
-		                                            ' name="' + fieldName + '"' +
-		                                            ' element-id="' + i + '"' +                                             
-		                                            this.getAttributesAsString(attributes) +
-		                                            ' d2-validation ' +
-		                                            ' d2-focus-next-on-enter' + 
-		                                            ' ng-model="selectedTei.' + attId + '" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-disabled="editingDisabled"' +
 		                                            ' ng-blur="validationAndSkipLogic(selectedTei,\'' + attId + '\')" ' +
-		                                            ' ng-required=" ' + (att.mandatory || att.unique) + '"> ';
+		                                            commonInputFieldProperty + ' >';