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dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #37432
FW: Configuring SMS Gateway on DHIS2
Hi all,
We are experiencing some challenges in configuring our instance of the DHIS(version:2.19) to send text messages to users.
We have been in contact with a local WASP who provided us with configuration settings which we have applied for the SMS Service Configuration:
Gateway Type: SMPP
User Name: xxxxxx
Password: xxxxxx
Address: xxxxxxxxx
Port: 2775
The issue is when starting the SMS service it produces an error , but when you clicking on Reload Configuration it starts up and terminates the moment you navigate away from the SMS Service Configuration screen.
We have recorded a narrated video (5MB) further explaining the problem for clarification please use the link to download:
<https://www.dropbox.com/s/4q8znay23l7i7n7/SMPP%20Gateway_Problem.mp4?dl=0> https://www.dropbox.com/s/4q8znay23l7i7n7/SMPP%20Gateway_Problem.mp4?dl=0
Should you not be able to view the video due to a codec compatibility please download VideoLan: <http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html> http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html
Can anyone assist with advice on why this would not work properly – not sure if it is a bug as we cannot test on SL Demo or if the error is on our side.
Elmarie Claasen
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Project Manager
Health Information Systems Program
Tel: 041-367 1027
Cell: 082 374 2209
E-mail: <mailto:elmarie@xxxxxxxx> elmarie@xxxxxxxx
Skype: elmarie.claasen52
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