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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 19621: minor


revno: 19621
committer: Morten Olav Hansen <mortenoh@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2015-07-13 10:22:44 +0700


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/webapi/utils/ContextUtils.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/webapi/utils/ContextUtils.java	2015-07-10 05:22:40 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-api/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/webapi/utils/ContextUtils.java	2015-07-13 03:22:44 +0000
@@ -28,35 +28,34 @@
-import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trimToNull;
-import static org.hisp.dhis.setting.SystemSettingManager.DEFAULT_CACHE_STRATEGY;
-import static org.hisp.dhis.setting.SystemSettingManager.KEY_CACHE_STRATEGY;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Calendar;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
 import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.DimensionalObjectUtils;
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.IdentifiableObject;
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.IdentifiableObjectUtils;
+import org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.CodecUtils;
 import org.hisp.dhis.setting.SystemSettingManager;
-import org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.CodecUtils;
 import org.hisp.dhis.system.util.DateUtils;
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
 import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
 import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder;
 import org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
+import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.trimToNull;
+import static org.hisp.dhis.setting.SystemSettingManager.DEFAULT_CACHE_STRATEGY;
+import static org.hisp.dhis.setting.SystemSettingManager.KEY_CACHE_STRATEGY;
  * @author Lars Helge Overland
@@ -82,8 +81,7 @@
     public static final String HEADER_EXPIRES = "Expires";
     public static final String HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION = "Content-Disposition";
     public static final String HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING = "Content-Transfer-Encoding";
-    public static final String HEADER_LOCATION = "Location";
     public static final String QUERY_PARAM_SEP = ";";
     public static final String HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH = "If-None-Match";
     public static final String HEADER_ETAG = "ETag";
@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@
     public static HttpServletRequest getRequest()
-        return ( (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes() ).getRequest();
+        return ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
     public static String getContextPath( HttpServletRequest request )
@@ -201,7 +199,7 @@
         String xForwardedProto = request.getHeader( "X-Forwarded-Proto" );
         String xForwardedPort = request.getHeader( "X-Forwarded-Port" );
-        if ( xForwardedProto != null && ( xForwardedProto.equalsIgnoreCase( "http" ) || xForwardedProto.equalsIgnoreCase( "https" ) ) )
+        if ( xForwardedProto != null && (xForwardedProto.equalsIgnoreCase( "http" ) || xForwardedProto.equalsIgnoreCase( "https" )) )
             builder.append( xForwardedProto );
@@ -240,11 +238,11 @@
         return builder.toString();
      * Splits the given query param value into independent values using ; as
      * separator.
-     * 
+     *
      * @param value the query param value.
      * @return the list of independent values.
@@ -256,17 +254,17 @@
         String[] values = value.split( QUERY_PARAM_SEP );
         return new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList( values ) );
      * Returns a mapping of dimension identifiers and dimension option identifiers
      * based on the given set of dimension strings. Splits the strings using : as
      * separator. Returns null of dimensions are null or empty.
-     * 
+     * <p/>
      * TODO remove
-     * 
+     *
      * @param dimensions the set of strings on format dimension:dimension-option.
      * @return a map of dimensions and dimension options.
@@ -276,32 +274,32 @@
             return null;
         Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
         for ( String dim : dimensions )
             String[] dims = dim.split( DimensionalObjectUtils.DIMENSION_NAME_SEP );
             if ( dims.length == 2 && dims[0] != null && dims[1] != null )
                 map.put( dims[0], dims[1] );
         return map;
      * Returns the base URL for the given request.
-     * 
+     *
      * @param request the HTTP servlet request.
      * @return the base URL.
     public static String getBaseUrl( HttpServletRequest request )
         String server = request.getServerName();
         String scheme = request.getScheme();
         int port = request.getServerPort();
         String baseUrl = scheme + "://" + server + ":" + port + "/";
@@ -324,78 +322,78 @@
      * Clears the given collection if it is not modified according to the HTTP
-     * cache validation. This method looks up the ETag sent in the request from 
-     * the "If-None-Match" header value, generates an ETag based on the given 
+     * cache validation. This method looks up the ETag sent in the request from
+     * the "If-None-Match" header value, generates an ETag based on the given
      * collection of IdentifiableObjects and compares them for equality. If this
      * evaluates to true, it will set status code 304 Not Modified on the response
      * and remove all elements from the given list. It will set the ETag header
      * on the response in any case.
-     * 
-     * @param request the HttpServletRequest.
+     *
+     * @param request  the HttpServletRequest.
      * @param response the HttpServletResponse.
      * @return true if the eTag values are equals, false otherwise.
     public static boolean clearIfNotModified( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Collection<? extends IdentifiableObject> objects )
         String tag = QUOTE + IdentifiableObjectUtils.getLastUpdatedTag( objects ) + QUOTE;
         response.setHeader( HEADER_ETAG, tag );
         String inputTag = request.getHeader( HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH );
         if ( objects != null && inputTag != null && inputTag.equals( tag ) )
             response.setStatus( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED );
             return true;
         return false;
-     * This method looks up the ETag sent in the request from the "If-None-Match" 
-     * header value and compares it to the given tag. If they match, it will set 
+     * This method looks up the ETag sent in the request from the "If-None-Match"
+     * header value and compares it to the given tag. If they match, it will set
      * status code 304 Not Modified on the response. It will set the ETag header
      * on the response in any case. It will wrap the given tag in quotes.
-     * 
-     * @param request the HttpServletRequest.
+     *
+     * @param request  the HttpServletRequest.
      * @param response the HttpServletResponse.
-     * @param tag the tag to compare.
+     * @param tag      the tag to compare.
      * @return true if the given tag match the request tag and the response is
-     *         considered not modified, false if not.
+     * considered not modified, false if not.
     public static boolean isNotModified( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String tag )
-        tag = tag != null ? ( QUOTE + tag + QUOTE ) : null;
+        tag = tag != null ? (QUOTE + tag + QUOTE) : null;
         String inputTag = request.getHeader( HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH );
         response.setHeader( HEADER_ETAG, tag );
         if ( inputTag != null && inputTag.equals( tag ) )
             response.setStatus( HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED );
             return true;
         return false;
      * Indicates whether the given requests indicates that it accepts a compressed
      * response.
-     * 
+     *
      * @param request the HttpServletRequest.
      * @return whether the given requests indicates that it accepts a compressed
      * response.
     public static boolean isAcceptGzip( HttpServletRequest request )
-        return request != null && ( ( request.getPathInfo() != null && request.getPathInfo().endsWith( ".gz" ) )
-            || ( request.getHeader( "Accept" ) != null && request.getHeader( "Accept" ).contains( "application/csv+gzip" ) ) );
+        return request != null && ((request.getPathInfo() != null && request.getPathInfo().endsWith( ".gz" ))
+            || (request.getHeader( "Accept" ) != null && request.getHeader( "Accept" ).contains( "application/csv+gzip" )));
\ No newline at end of file