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Message #38923
Data Integrity Checks
Dear All,
DHIS2 vesrion 2.20 snapshot, build 19527
The data integrity checks showed some "orphaned" org units which should not
have been on the system.
So I wrote scripts to clean out the org units and checked all 37 tables
that either reference organisationunitid or sourceid and cleaned out all
those tables. I also checked the "reporttable_organisationunits" table and
it was not necessary to renumber as the org units were never in that table
(I checked before doing any deletes and by the way thanks Jason Pickering
for the script you shared with Ferdie).
After that I cleared analytics, re-generated resource tables, cleared cache
and cache statistics and re-ran integrity checks....those org unit uids are
still appearing as "orphaned organisation units".
>From which table(s) is the integrity check picking these org units up from?
*Ant Snyman*
*Cell: 0824910449*
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Health Information Systems Program - SA
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