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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 20321: cleanup


revno: 20321
committer: Abyot Asalefew Gizaw <abyota@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Wed 2015-09-23 17:27:14 +0200


Your team DHIS 2 developers is subscribed to branch lp:dhis2.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk/+edit-subscription
=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-tracker-capture/components/teiadd/tei-add-controller.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-tracker-capture/components/teiadd/tei-add-controller.js	2015-09-23 15:04:50 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-tracker-capture/components/teiadd/tei-add-controller.js	2015-09-23 15:27:14 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+            ProgramFactory,
@@ -30,19 +31,10 @@
     $scope.selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute;
     $scope.selectedProgram = selectedProgram;
     $scope.relatedProgramRelationship = relatedProgramRelationship;
-    $scope.selectedTei = selectedTei;
-    $scope.programs = selections.prs;
+    $scope.selectedTei = selectedTei;    
     $scope.attributesById = CurrentSelection.getAttributesById();
     $scope.addingTeiAssociate = false;
-    if($scope.addingRelationship){
-        $scope.teiAddLabel = $translate.instant('add_relationship');
-    }
-    else{        
-        $scope.teiAddLabel = $scope.selectedAttribute && $scope.selectedAttribute.name ? $scope.selectedAttribute.name : $translate.instant('tracker_associate');
-        $scope.addingTeiAssociate = true;
-    }
     $scope.searchOuTree = false;
     $scope.orgUnitLabel = $translate.instant('org_unit');
@@ -81,6 +73,19 @@
     $scope.searchMode = {listAll: 'LIST_ALL', freeText: 'FREE_TEXT', attributeBased: 'ATTRIBUTE_BASED'};
     $scope.selectedSearchMode = $scope.searchMode.listAll;
+    if($scope.addingRelationship){
+        $scope.teiAddLabel = $translate.instant('add_relationship');
+        $scope.programs = selections.prs;
+    }
+    else{        
+        $scope.teiAddLabel = $scope.selectedAttribute && $scope.selectedAttribute.name ? $scope.selectedAttribute.name : $translate.instant('tracker_associate');
+        $scope.addingTeiAssociate = true;
+        ProgramFactory.getProgramsByOu($scope.selectedOrgUnit, $scope.selectedProgram).then(function(response){
+            $scope.programs = response.programs;
+            $scope.selectedProgram = response.selectedProgram;
+        });
+    }
     if(angular.isObject($scope.programs) && $scope.programs.length === 1){
         $scope.selectedProgramForRelative = $scope.programs[0];        

=== removed file 'dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-tracker-capture/scripts/tei-add-controller.js'
--- dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-tracker-capture/scripts/tei-add-controller.js	2015-09-23 14:06:13 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-web/dhis-web-apps/src/main/webapp/dhis-web-tracker-capture/scripts/tei-add-controller.js	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-/* global trackerCapture, angular */
-    function($scope, 
-            $rootScope,
-            $translate,
-            $timeout,
-            DateUtils,
-            CurrentSelection,
-            OperatorFactory,
-            AttributesFactory,
-            EntityQueryFactory,
-            TEIService,
-            TEIGridService,
-            DialogService,
-            Paginator,
-            SessionStorageService,
-            $modalInstance, 
-            relationshipTypes,
-            selectedProgram,
-            relatedProgramRelationship,
-            selections,
-            selectedTei){
-    $scope.relationshipTypes = relationshipTypes;
-    $scope.selectedProgram = selectedProgram;
-    $scope.relatedProgramRelationship = relatedProgramRelationship;
-    $scope.selectedTei = selectedTei;
-    $scope.programs = selections.prs;
-    $scope.attributesById = CurrentSelection.getAttributesById();
-    $scope.selectedRelationship = {};
-    $scope.relationship = {};
-    var invalidTeis = [];
-    invalidTeis.push($scope.selectedTei.trackedEntityInstance);
-    angular.forEach($scope.selectedTei.relationships, function(rel){
-        invalidTeis.push(rel.trackedEntityInstanceB);
-    });
-    //Selections
-    $scope.selectedOrgUnit = SessionStorageService.get('SELECTED_OU');
-    $scope.optionSets = selections.optionSets;
-    $scope.selectedTeiForDisplay = angular.copy($scope.selectedTei);
-    $scope.ouModes = [{name: 'SELECTED'}, {name: 'CHILDREN'}, {name: 'DESCENDANTS'}, {name: 'ACCESSIBLE'}];         
-    $scope.selectedOuMode = $scope.ouModes[0];
-    //Paging
-    $scope.pager = {pageSize: 50, page: 1, toolBarDisplay: 5}; 
-    //Searching
-    $scope.showAdvancedSearchDiv = false;
-    $scope.searchText = {value: null};
-    $scope.emptySearchText = false;
-    $scope.searchFilterExists = false;   
-    $scope.defaultOperators = OperatorFactory.defaultOperators;
-    $scope.boolOperators = OperatorFactory.boolOperators;
-    $scope.trackedEntityList = null; 
-    $scope.enrollment = {programStartDate: '', programEndDate: '', operator: $scope.defaultOperators[0]};
-    $scope.searchMode = {listAll: 'LIST_ALL', freeText: 'FREE_TEXT', attributeBased: 'ATTRIBUTE_BASED'};
-    $scope.selectedSearchMode = $scope.searchMode.listAll;
-    if(angular.isObject($scope.programs) && $scope.programs.length === 1){
-        $scope.selectedProgramForRelative = $scope.programs[0];        
-    } 
-    if($scope.selectedProgram){
-        if($scope.selectedProgram.relatedProgram && $scope.relatedProgramRelationship){
-            angular.forEach($scope.programs, function(pr){
-                if(pr.id === $scope.selectedProgram.relatedProgram.id){
-                    $scope.selectedProgramForRelative = pr;
-                }
-            });
-        }
-        if($scope.selectedProgram.relationshipType){
-            angular.forEach($scope.relationshipTypes, function(rel){
-                if(rel.id === $scope.selectedProgram.relationshipType.id){
-                    $scope.relationship.selected = rel;
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    }
-    //watch for selection of relationship
-    $scope.$watch('relationship.selected', function() {        
-        if( angular.isObject($scope.relationship.selected)){
-            $scope.selectedRelationship = {aIsToB: $scope.relationship.selected.aIsToB, bIsToA: $scope.relationship.selected.bIsToA};  
-        }
-    });
-    function resetFields(){
-        $scope.teiForRelationship = null;
-        $scope.teiFetched = false;    
-        $scope.emptySearchText = false;
-        $scope.emptySearchAttribute = false;
-        $scope.showAdvancedSearchDiv = false;
-        $scope.showRegistrationDiv = false;  
-        $scope.showTrackedEntityDiv = false;
-        $scope.trackedEntityList = null; 
-        $scope.teiCount = null;
-        $scope.queryUrl = null;
-        $scope.programUrl = null;
-        $scope.attributeUrl = {url: null, hasValue: false};
-        $scope.sortColumn = {};
-    }
-    //listen for selections
-    $scope.$on('relationship', function(event, args){
-        if(args.result === 'SUCCESS'){
-            var relationshipInfo = CurrentSelection.getRelationshipInfo();
-            $scope.teiForRelationship = relationshipInfo.tei;
-        }
-        if(args.result === 'CANCEL'){
-            $scope.showRegistration();
-        }        
-    });
-    //sortGrid
-    $scope.sortGrid = function(gridHeader){
-        if ($scope.sortColumn && $scope.sortColumn.id === gridHeader.id){
-            $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;
-            return;
-        }        
-        $scope.sortColumn = gridHeader;
-        if($scope.sortColumn.valueType === 'date'){
-            $scope.reverse = true;
-        }
-        else{
-            $scope.reverse = false;    
-        }
-    };
-    $scope.d2Sort = function(tei){        
-        if($scope.sortColumn && $scope.sortColumn.valueType === 'date'){            
-            var d = tei[$scope.sortColumn.id];         
-            return DateUtils.getDate(d);
-        }
-        return tei[$scope.sortColumn.id];
-    };
-    $scope.search = function(mode){ 
-        resetFields();
-        $scope.selectedSearchMode = mode;        
-        if($scope.selectedProgramForRelative){
-            $scope.programUrl = 'program=' + $scope.selectedProgramForRelative.id;
-        }        
-        //check search mode
-        if( $scope.selectedSearchMode === $scope.searchMode.freeText ){ 
-            if(!$scope.searchText.value){                
-                $scope.emptySearchText = true;
-                $scope.teiFetched = false;   
-                $scope.teiCount = null;
-                return;
-            }       
-            $scope.queryUrl = 'query=LIKE:' + $scope.searchText.value;                     
-        }
-        if( $scope.selectedSearchMode === $scope.searchMode.attributeBased ){            
-            $scope.searchText.value = null;
-            $scope.attributeUrl = EntityQueryFactory.getAttributesQuery($scope.attributes, $scope.enrollment);
-            if(!$scope.attributeUrl.hasValue && !$scope.selectedProgramForRelative){
-                $scope.emptySearchAttribute = true;
-                $scope.teiFetched = false;   
-                $scope.teiCount = null;
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        $scope.fetchTei();
-    };
-    $scope.fetchTei = function(){
-        //get events for the specified parameters
-        TEIService.search($scope.selectedOrgUnit.id, 
-                                            $scope.selectedOuMode.name,
-                                            $scope.queryUrl,
-                                            $scope.programUrl,
-                                            $scope.attributeUrl.url,
-                                            $scope.pager,
-                                            true).then(function(data){
-            //$scope.trackedEntityList = data;            
-            if(data.rows){
-                $scope.teiCount = data.rows.length;
-            }                    
-            if( data.metaData.pager ){
-                $scope.pager = data.metaData.pager;
-                $scope.pager.toolBarDisplay = 5;
-                Paginator.setPage($scope.pager.page);
-                Paginator.setPageCount($scope.pager.pageCount);
-                Paginator.setPageSize($scope.pager.pageSize);
-                Paginator.setItemCount($scope.pager.total);                    
-            }
-            //process tei grid
-            $scope.trackedEntityList = TEIGridService.format(data,false, $scope.optionSets, invalidTeis);
-            $scope.showTrackedEntityDiv = true;
-            $scope.teiFetched = true;
-            if(!$scope.sortColumn.id){                                      
-                $scope.sortGrid({id: 'created', name: $translate('registration_date'), valueType: 'date', displayInListNoProgram: false, showFilter: false, show: false});
-            }
-        });
-    };
-    //set attributes as per selected program
-    $scope.setAttributesForSearch = function(program){
-        $scope.selectedProgramForRelative = program;
-        AttributesFactory.getByProgram($scope.selectedProgramForRelative).then(function(atts){
-            $scope.attributes = atts;
-            $scope.attributes = $scope.generateAttributeFilters($scope.attributes);
-            $scope.gridColumns = $scope.generateGridColumns($scope.attributes);
-        });
-        $scope.search( $scope.selectedSearchMode );        
-    }; 
-    $scope.setAttributesForSearch( $scope.selectedProgramForRelative );
-    $scope.jumpToPage = function(){
-        if($scope.pager && $scope.pager.page && $scope.pager.pageCount && $scope.pager.page > $scope.pager.pageCount){
-            $scope.pager.page = $scope.pager.pageCount;
-        }
-        $scope.search($scope.selectedSearchMode);
-    };
-    $scope.resetPageSize = function(){
-        $scope.pager.page = 1;        
-        $scope.search($scope.selectedSearchMode);
-    };
-    $scope.getPage = function(page){
-        $scope.pager.page = page;
-        $scope.search($scope.selectedSearchMode);
-    };
-    $scope.generateAttributeFilters = function(attributes){
-        angular.forEach(attributes, function(attribute){
-            if(attribute.valueType === 'number' || attribute.valueType === 'date'){
-                attribute.operator = $scope.defaultOperators[0];
-            }
-        });
-        return attributes;
-    };
-    //generate grid columns from teilist attributes
-    $scope.generateGridColumns = function(attributes){
-        var columns = attributes ? angular.copy(attributes) : [];
-        //also add extra columns which are not part of attributes (orgunit for example)
-        columns.push({id: 'orgUnitName', name: 'Organisation unit', type: 'TEXT', displayInListNoProgram: false});
-        columns.push({id: 'created', name: 'Registration date', type: 'TEXT', displayInListNoProgram: false});
-        //generate grid column for the selected program/attributes
-        angular.forEach(columns, function(column){
-            if(column.id === 'orgUnitName' && $scope.selectedOuMode.name !== 'SELECTED'){
-                column.show = true;
-            }
-            if(column.displayInListNoProgram){
-                column.show = true;
-            }           
-            if(column.type === 'date'){
-                $scope.filterText[column.id]= {start: '', end: ''};
-            }
-        });        
-        return columns;        
-    };   
-    $scope.showHideSearch = function(simpleSearch){
-        if(simpleSearch){
-            $scope.showAdvancedSearchDiv = false;
-        }
-        else{
-            $scope.showAdvancedSearchDiv = !$scope.showAdvancedSearchDiv;
-        }
-        if($scope.showAdvancedSearchDiv){
-            $scope.showTrackedEntityDiv = false;
-        }
-        else{
-            $scope.showTrackedEntityDiv = true;
-        }
-    };
-    $scope.showRegistration = function(){
-        $scope.showRegistrationDiv = !$scope.showRegistrationDiv;
-        if($scope.showRegistrationDiv){
-            $scope.showTrackedEntityDiv = false;
-            $timeout(function() {
-                var mainTei = angular.copy($scope.selectedTei); 
-                angular.forEach(mainTei.attributes, function(att){
-                    mainTei[att.attribute] = att.value;
-                });
-                $rootScope.$broadcast('registrationWidget', {registrationMode: 'RELATIONSHIP', mainTei: mainTei, relativeProgram: $scope.selectedProgramForRelative});
-            }, 200);
-        }
-        else{
-            $scope.showTrackedEntityDiv = true;            
-        }        
-    };
-    $scope.close = function () {
-        $modalInstance.close($scope.selectedTei.relationships ? $scope.selectedTei.relationships : []);
-        $rootScope.showAddRelationshipDiv = !$rootScope.showAddRelationshipDiv;
-    };
-    $scope.setRelationshipSides = function(side){
-        if(side === 'A'){            
-            $scope.selectedRelationship.bIsToA = $scope.selectedRelationship.aIsToB === $scope.relationship.selected.aIsToB ? $scope.relationship.selected.bIsToA : $scope.relationship.selected.aIsToB;
-        }
-        if(side === 'B'){
-            $scope.selectedRelationship.aIsToB = $scope.selectedRelationship.bIsToA === $scope.relationship.selected.bIsToA ? $scope.relationship.selected.aIsToB : $scope.relationship.selected.bIsToA;
-        }
-    };
-    $scope.assignRelationship = function(relativeTei){
-        $scope.teiForRelationship = relativeTei;
-        $rootScope.showAddRelationshipDiv = !$rootScope.showAddRelationshipDiv;
-    };
-    $scope.back = function(){
-        $scope.teiForRelationship = null;
-        $rootScope.showAddRelationshipDiv = !$rootScope.showAddRelationshipDiv;
-    };
-    $scope.addRelationship = function(){
-        if($scope.selectedTei && $scope.teiForRelationship && $scope.relationship.selected){            
-            var tei = angular.copy($scope.selectedTei);
-            var relationship = {};
-            relationship.relationship = $scope.relationship.selected.id;
-            relationship.displayName = $scope.relationship.selected.name;
-            relationship.relative = {};
-            relationship.trackedEntityInstanceA = $scope.selectedRelationship.aIsToB === $scope.relationship.selected.aIsToB ? $scope.selectedTei.trackedEntityInstance : $scope.teiForRelationship.id;
-            relationship.trackedEntityInstanceB = $scope.selectedRelationship.bIsToA === $scope.relationship.selected.bIsToA ? $scope.teiForRelationship.id : $scope.selectedTei.trackedEntityInstance;
-            tei.relationships = [];
-            angular.forEach($scope.selectedTei.relationships, function(rel){
-                tei.relationships.push({relationship: rel.relationship, displayName: rel.displayName, trackedEntityInstanceA: rel.trackedEntityInstanceA, trackedEntityInstanceB: rel.trackedEntityInstanceB});
-            });
-            tei.relationships.push(relationship);
-            TEIService.update(tei, $scope.optionSets, $scope.attributesById).then(function(response){
-                if(response.response && response.response.status !== 'SUCCESS'){//update has failed
-                    var dialogOptions = {
-                            headerText: 'relationship_error',
-                            bodyText: response.message
-                        };
-                    DialogService.showDialog({}, dialogOptions);
-                    return;
-                }
-                relationship.relative.processed = true;
-                relationship.relative.attributes = $scope.teiForRelationship;
-                if($scope.selectedTei.relationships){
-                    $scope.selectedTei.relationships.push(relationship);
-                }
-                else{
-                    $scope.selectedTei.relationships = [relationship];
-                }
-                $modalInstance.close($scope.selectedTei.relationships);                
-            });
-        }        
-    };