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[Branch ~dhis2-devs-core/dhis2/trunk] Rev 20392: Fixed bug - Exception thrown when to run Schedule Automated Message function ( DONE ).


revno: 20392
committer: Tran Chau<tran.hispvietnam@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: dhis2
timestamp: Mon 2015-09-28 14:49:39 -0700
  Fixed bug - Exception thrown when to run Schedule Automated Message function ( DONE ).


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=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/program/hibernate/HibernateProgramInstanceStore.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/program/hibernate/HibernateProgramInstanceStore.java	2015-09-28 19:06:45 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/program/hibernate/HibernateProgramInstanceStore.java	2015-09-28 21:49:39 +0000
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.OrganisationUnitSelectionMode;
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.hibernate.HibernateIdentifiableObjectStore;
 import org.hisp.dhis.commons.util.SqlHelper;
+import org.hisp.dhis.event.EventStatus;
 import org.hisp.dhis.organisationunit.OrganisationUnit;
 import org.hisp.dhis.program.Program;
 import org.hisp.dhis.program.ProgramInstance;
@@ -467,10 +468,10 @@
             + "              ON org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN trackedentityinstancereminder prm "
             + "              ON prm.programid = pi.programid INNER JOIN trackedentityattributevalue pav "
             + "              ON pav.trackedentityinstanceid=p.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute pa "
-            + "              ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=pav.trackedentityattributeid "
-            + "       WHERE pi.status= '" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + "              ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=pav.trackedentityattributeid " + "       WHERE pi.status= "
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "         and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != ''   "
-            + "         and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null and pa.valuetype='phoneNumber' "
+            + "         and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null and pa.valuetype='phoneNumber' "
             + "         and ( DATE(now()) - DATE(pi." + dateToCompare + ") ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
             + "         and prm.whenToSend is null and prm.dateToCompare='" + dateToCompare + "' and prm.sendto = "
             + TrackedEntityInstanceReminder.SEND_TO_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE;
@@ -485,10 +486,10 @@
             + "           ON p.trackedentityinstanceid=pi.trackedentityinstanceid INNER JOIN program pg "
             + "           ON pg.programid=pi.programid INNER JOIN organisationunit org "
             + "           ON org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN trackedentityinstancereminder prm "
-            + "           ON prm.programid = pi.programid " + "    WHERE pi.status = '" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + "           ON prm.programid = pi.programid " + "    WHERE pi.status = " + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "      and org.phonenumber is not NULL and org.phonenumber != '' "
             + "      and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "      and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null " + "      and ( DATE(now()) - DATE( pi."
+            + "      and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null " + "      and ( DATE(now()) - DATE( pi."
             + dateToCompare + " ) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage " + "      and prm.dateToCompare='" + dateToCompare
             + "'     and prm.whenToSend is null and prm.sendto =  " + TrackedEntityInstanceReminder.SEND_TO_ORGUGNIT_REGISTERED;
@@ -505,10 +506,11 @@
             + "    ON prm.programid = pi.programid INNER JOIN usermembership ums "
             + "    ON ums.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid INNER JOIN userinfo uif "
             + "    ON uif.userinfoid = ums.userinfoid "
-            + "WHERE pi.status= '" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + "WHERE pi.status= "
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "         and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and uif.phonenumber != '' "
             + "         and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "         and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
+            + "         and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
             + "         and ( DATE(now()) - DATE( "
             + dateToCompare
             + " ) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
@@ -528,11 +530,10 @@
             + "   INNER JOIN organisationunit org " + "       ON org.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid "
             + "   INNER JOIN trackedentityinstancereminder prm " + "       ON prm.programid = pg.programid "
             + "   INNER JOIN usergroupmembers ugm " + "       ON ugm.usergroupid = prm.usergroupid "
-            + "   INNER JOIN userinfo uif " + "       ON uif.userinfoid = ugm.userid "
-            + "  WHERE pi.status= '" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
-            + "       and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and uif.phonenumber != '' "
+            + "   INNER JOIN userinfo uif " + "       ON uif.userinfoid = ugm.userid " + "  WHERE pi.status= "
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name() + "       and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and uif.phonenumber != '' "
             + "       and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "       and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null " + "       and (  DATE(now()) - DATE("
+            + "       and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null " + "       and (  DATE(now()) - DATE("
             + dateToCompare + ") ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage " + "       and prm.whentosend is null "
             + "       and prm.sendto = " + TrackedEntityInstanceReminder.SEND_TO_USER_GROUP;

=== modified file 'dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/program/hibernate/HibernateProgramStageInstanceStore.java'
--- dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/program/hibernate/HibernateProgramStageInstanceStore.java	2015-09-24 08:32:10 +0000
+++ dhis-2/dhis-services/dhis-service-core/src/main/java/org/hisp/dhis/program/hibernate/HibernateProgramStageInstanceStore.java	2015-09-28 21:49:39 +0000
@@ -363,9 +363,9 @@
             + " INNER JOIN trackedentityattribute pa "
             + "     ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=pav.trackedentityattributeid "
             + "WHERE pi.status="
-            + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "     and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "     and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null  "
+            + "     and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null  "
             + "     and psi.executiondate is null and pa.valuetype='phoneNumber' "
             + "     and (  DATE(now()) - DATE(psi.duedate) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
             + "     and prm.whentosend is null and prm.sendto = " + TrackedEntityInstanceReminder.SEND_TO_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE;
@@ -394,10 +394,11 @@
             + "               ON pa.trackedentityattributeid=pav.trackedentityattributeid "
             + "           INNER JOIN userinfo uif "
             + "               ON pav.value=concat(uif.userinfoid ,'') "
-            + " WHERE pi.status='" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + " WHERE pi.status="
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + " and pa.valueType='users' and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and uif.phonenumber != '' "
             + "               and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "               and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
+            + "               and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
             + "               and psi.executiondate is null "
             + "               and (  DATE(now()) - DATE(psi.duedate) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
             + "               and prm.whentosend is null and prm.sendto = " + TrackedEntityInstanceReminder.SEND_TO_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_USERS;
@@ -422,10 +423,11 @@
             + "               ON prm.programstageid = ps.programstageid "
             + "           INNER JOIN organisationunit ou "
             + "               ON ou.organisationunitid=p.organisationunitid "
-            + "WHERE pi.status= '" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + "WHERE pi.status= "
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "               and ou.phonenumber is not NULL and ou.phonenumber != '' "
             + "               and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "               and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
+            + "               and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
             + "               and psi.executiondate is null "
             + "               and (  DATE(now()) - DATE(psi.duedate) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
             + "               and prm.whentosend is null and prm.sendto = "
@@ -453,10 +455,11 @@
             + "       ON ums.organisationunitid = p.organisationunitid "
             + "   INNER JOIN userinfo uif "
             + "       ON uif.userinfoid = ums.userinfoid "
-            + "  WHERE pi.status= '" + ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + "  WHERE pi.status= "
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "       and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and uif.phonenumber != '' "
             + "       and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "       and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
+            + "       and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
             + "       and psi.executiondate is null "
             + "       and (  DATE(now()) - DATE(psi.duedate) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
             + "       and prm.whentosend is null and prm.sendto = "
@@ -484,10 +487,11 @@
             + "       ON ugm.usergroupid = prm.usergroupid "
             + "   INNER JOIN userinfo uif "
             + "       ON uif.userinfoid = ugm.userid "
-            + "  WHERE pi.status= '"+ ProgramStatus.ACTIVE + "'"
+            + "  WHERE pi.status= "
+            + EventStatus.ACTIVE.name()
             + "       and uif.phonenumber is not NULL and uif.phonenumber != '' "
             + "       and prm.templatemessage is not NULL and prm.templatemessage != '' "
-            + "       and pg.type=1 and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
+            + "       and pg.type='WITH_REGISTRATION' and prm.daysallowedsendmessage is not null "
             + "       and psi.executiondate is not null "
             + "       and (  DATE(now()) - DATE(psi.duedate) ) = prm.daysallowedsendmessage "
             + "       and prm.whentosend is null " + "       and prm.sendto = " + TrackedEntityInstanceReminder.SEND_TO_USER_GROUP;