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Bangladesh Tracker data conversion


Dear Experts

We are converting dhis2 tracker application from 2.13 to 2.19. and need
your help on a crucial issues.

In absence of a common identifier like Nation ID, Birth ID or mobile no. we
are tracking the patients with system generated 16 digit identifier
(version 13). Our health workers written down that number in the patient
register. So when those patients return back to any clinic, the Health
workers can find out that patient by using that patient identifier number.
Additionally, few health workers are hand written / print that patient name
and patient identifier number on card (some cases with barcode) and those
patients come back again to clinics with those paper cards.

But latest versions does not have any system generated identifier, instead
they have uid (Tracked entity instance uid) which is not displayed in
patient profile. It does have an option for registration number but that
need to be manually entered and manually maintain uniqueness across the
system is not possible.
One Solution is we can create an attribute with this numbers and can call
that trackerID or HelathID from converting the previous data. But how we
continue this ID for new data? We are now staked in this position. Now
please suggests us a solution as soon as possible.


Hannan Khan
HISP Bangladesh

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