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Mailing list archive
Message #42666
Problem opening settings app after updating to 2.22
Hi all,
Please see the email below from our ICT specialist J
Can you please assist with possible cause of this problem or is it a bug although I do see that the Settings page open on the SL Demo.
Elmarie Claasen
From: Brendon Lines [mailto:brendon@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: 21 January 2016 01:09 PM
To: Elmarie Claasen
Subject: Possible 2.22 bug
Hi there,
I am having an issue with bringing up the settings page using war 2.22. The circle just carries on spinning.
I have created the dhis.conf file with the following details and deleted hibernate.properties:
# Hibernate SQL dialect
connection.dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
# JDBC driver class
connection.driver_class = org.postgresql.Driver
# JDBC driver connection URL
connection.url = jdbc:postgresql://IP:PORT/DB name
# Database username
connection.username = dhis
# Database password
connection.password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# Database schema behavior, can be validate, update, create, create-drop
connection.schema = update
# Encryption password (sensitive)
encryption.password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have added the 2 java policy files under (that being Local_policy and US_export_policy.jar
I upgraded from war / DB 2.19, the process I followed was, ran upgrade script from 2.19 - 2.20 on DB, downloaded war 2.20 and started tomcat, then shutdown tomcat, deleted WAR 2.20 and downloaded WAR 2.21 started tomcat and allowed everything to run, shutdown tomcat, deleted war 2.21, deleted hibernate.properties and created dhis.conf, downloaded 2.22 and started tomcat.
All other aspects of the application open and run, the only issue is opening settings, is there something im missing. There are no errors in the catalina.out log file.
Java Java-8-oracle/jre -
Tomcat 8.0.26
O/S: Linux 14.04 amd64
Java opts:
-Xmx1962m -Xms981m -XX:MaxPermSize=500m -XX:PermSize=200m
Build Version: 21773
Build date: 2016/01/21 09:45
Brendon lines
Cell: 078 4444 568
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