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Message #42707
Re: Web API : Create Favourite
Unfortunately, I think filtering through measureCriteria is currently not
supported by the Pivot Tables. Sounds like a feature that should be added
(both in the GUI and in the model). Maybe you could write a Blueprint?
On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is the json of analytic table I want to filter data of...
> {
> "lastUpdated": "2016-01-22T08:20:21.575+0000",
> "href": "http://xxx.xxx.224.242:3080/ncd/api/reportTables/Fmlq1WIqgeU
> ",
> "id": "Fmlq1WIqgeU",
> "created": "2016-01-22T08:20:21.574+0000",
> "name": "hlc-bmi_normal_female",
> "publicAccess": "rw------",
> "userOrganisationUnitChildren": false,
> "hideEmptyRows": false,
> "parentGraphMap": {
> "GYBZ1og9bk7": ""
> },
> "userOrganisationUnit": false,
> "rowSubTotals": true,
> "displayDensity": "NORMAL",
> "completedOnly": false,
> "colTotals": true,
> "showDimensionLabels": true,
> "sortOrder": 0,
> "fontSize": "NORMAL",
> "topLimit": 0,
> "aggregationType": "DEFAULT",
> "userOrganisationUnitGrandChildren": false,
> "displayName": "hlc-bmi_normal_female",
> "externalAccess": false,
> "colSubTotals": true,
> "showHierarchy": false,
> "rowTotals": true,
> "cumulative": false,
> "digitGroupSeparator": "SPACE",
> "regression": false,
> "skipRounding": false,
> "reportParams": {
> "paramGrandParentOrganisationUnit": false,
> "paramReportingPeriod": false,
> "paramParentOrganisationUnit": true,
> "paramOrganisationUnit": false
> },
> "access": {
> "read": true,
> "update": true,
> "externalize": true,
> "delete": true,
> "write": true,
> "manage": true
> },
> "relativePeriods": {
> "thisYear": false,
> "quartersLastYear": false,
> "last52Weeks": false,
> "thisWeek": false,
> "lastMonth": false,
> "last2SixMonths": false,
> "monthsThisYear": false,
> "thisQuarter": false,
> "last12Months": true,
> "last5FinancialYears": false,
> "lastQuarter": false,
> "thisSixMonth": false,
> "thisFinancialYear": false,
> "last4Weeks": false,
> "last3Months": false,
> "thisMonth": false,
> "last5Years": false,
> "last6BiMonths": false,
> "lastFinancialYear": false,
> "last6Months": false,
> "quartersThisYear": false,
> "monthsLastYear": false,
> "lastWeek": false,
> "thisBimonth": false,
> "lastBimonth": false,
> "lastSixMonth": false,
> "lastYear": false,
> "last12Weeks": false,
> "last4Quarters": false
> },
> "user": {
> "id": "n6OIhU7cvg4",
> "name": "Pamod Amarakoon",
> "created": "2016-01-04T06:10:34.185+0000",
> "lastUpdated": "2016-01-04T06:10:34.185+0000",
> "href": "http://xxx.xxx.224.242:3080/ncd/api/users/n6OIhU7cvg4"
> },
> "attributeDimensions": [],
> "filterDimensions": [],
> "organisationUnitGroups": [],
> "itemOrganisationUnitGroups": [],
> "userGroupAccesses": [],
> "programIndicatorDimensions": [],
> "columnDimensions": ["dx"],
> "dataDimensionItems": [{
> "dataDimensionItemType": "DATA_ELEMENT_OPERAND",
> "dataElementOperand": {
> "id": "dHqbtLysQz0.fHcQdNbIBwQ",
> "name": "HLC-BMI (BMI 18.5-24.9, Female)"
> }
> }],
> "columns": [{
> "id": "dx"
> }],
> "organisationUnitLevels": [],
> "dataElementDimensions": [],
> "periods": [],
> "organisationUnits": [{
> "id": "GYBZ1og9bk7",
> "name": "Sri Lanka",
> "code": "Sri Lanka",
> "created": "2015-04-02T01:20:14.000+0000",
> "lastUpdated": "2016-01-04T05:41:00.657+0000",
> "href": "
> http://xxx.xxx.224.242:3080/ncd/api/organisationUnits/GYBZ1og9bk7"
> }],
> "categoryDimensions": [],
> "dataElementGroups": [],
> "filters": [],
> "rows": [{
> "id": "pe"
> },
> {
> "id": "ou"
> }],
> "categoryOptionGroups": [],
> "rowDimensions": ["pe",
> "ou"]
> }
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Which is why I thought it might be useful to look at the format for
>> favorites, like the one I sent you.
>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Formulating this was possible using something like,
>>> http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxx
>>> /x/api/analytics.json?dimension=dx:dHqbtLysQz0.fHcQdNbIBwQ:eq:0&dimension=ou:GYBZ1og9bk7&dimension=pe:LAST_12_MONTHS&displayProperty=NAME&skipMeta=true&measureCriteria=GT:500;LT:1000
>>> but just wanted to create a favorite item so it can be shared among user
>>> roles, where i ran in to problems.
>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Right - but was your problem how to formulate these, or how to post new
>>>> favorites into DHIS2?
>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:41 AM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanx. There were in fact 2 scenarios. one example was to identify org
>>>>> units reporting zero values on a particular data element. The other was
>>>>> regarding resource allocation where they want to see facilities reporting
>>>>> values below a certain limit to decide on cutting down resources for coming
>>>>> years :)
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:07 PM, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Right, I was just commenting on the format, yours seemed very
>>>>>> different (how did you come up with it?).
>>>>>> Probably best to wait for Morten to explain.
>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Knut,
>>>>>>> Thanx a lot. but in the above example is it possible to filter out
>>>>>>> range of data values. For example,
>>>>>>> In my initial query it would show number of people who have BMI of
>>>>>>> 18-25 by org unit.
>>>>>>> What if I want to filter out the list by org units which report
>>>>>>> values over 500.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Something like this maybe?
>>>>>>>> https://play.dhis2.org/demo/api/reportTables/tWg9OiyV7mu.json
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Pamod Amarakoon <pamodm@xxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> I wanted to create a new favorite at pivot table that filters the
>>>>>>>>> date values between a range of 500 to 1000.
>>>>>>>>> I could get the output i needed using
>>>>>>>>> http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxx
>>>>>>>>> /x/api/analytics.json?dimension=dx:dHqbtLysQz0.fHcQdNbIBwQ:eq:0&dimension=ou:GYBZ1og9bk7&dimension=pe:LAST_12_MONTHS&displayProperty=NAME&skipMeta=true&measureCriteria=GT:500;LT:1000
>>>>>>>>> I wanted to create a favourite for the same. I posted following
>>>>>>>>> json to
>>>>>>>>> /api/reportTables/
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>> "columns": [{
>>>>>>>>> "dimension": "dx",
>>>>>>>>> "items": [{
>>>>>>>>> "id": "dHqbtLysQz0.fHcQdNbIBwQ",
>>>>>>>>> "name": "BMI (BMI 18.5-24.9, Female)"
>>>>>>>>> }]
>>>>>>>>> }],
>>>>>>>>> "rows": [{
>>>>>>>>> "dimension": "pe",
>>>>>>>>> "items": [{
>>>>>>>>> "id": "LAST_12_MONTHS",
>>>>>>>>> "name": ""
>>>>>>>>> }]
>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>> "dimension": "ou",
>>>>>>>>> "items": [{
>>>>>>>>> "id": "GYBZ1og9bk7"
>>>>>>>>> }]
>>>>>>>>> }],
>>>>>>>>> "filters": [],
>>>>>>>>> "showDimensionLabels": true,
>>>>>>>>> "hideEmptyRows": false,
>>>>>>>>> "skipRounding": false,
>>>>>>>>> "aggregationType": "DEFAULT",
>>>>>>>>> "dataApprovalLevel": {
>>>>>>>>> "id": "DEFAULT"
>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>> "showHierarchy": false,
>>>>>>>>> "completedOnly": false,
>>>>>>>>> "displayDensity": "NORMAL",
>>>>>>>>> "fontSize": "NORMAL",
>>>>>>>>> "digitGroupSeparator": "SPACE",
>>>>>>>>> "legendSet": null,
>>>>>>>>> "sorting": null,
>>>>>>>>> "regression": false,
>>>>>>>>> "measureCriteria": "GT:500;LT:1000",
>>>>>>>>> "cumulative": false,
>>>>>>>>> "sortOrder": 0,
>>>>>>>>> "topLimit": 0,
>>>>>>>>> "rowTotals": true,
>>>>>>>>> "colTotals": true,
>>>>>>>>> "rowSubTotals": true,
>>>>>>>>> "colSubTotals": true,
>>>>>>>>> "reportParams": {
>>>>>>>>> "paramReportingPeriod": false,
>>>>>>>>> "paramOrganisationUnit": false,
>>>>>>>>> "paramParentOrganisationUnit": true
>>>>>>>>> },
>>>>>>>>> "name": "bmi_normal_female_w_LTGT"
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> But this doesn't seem to work. what's the dimension/criteria I
>>>>>>>>> should use to get this done.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email
>>>>>>>>> and any attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are
>>>>>>>>> not an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
>>>>>>>>> distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have
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>>>>>>>>> delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately. You should not retain,
>>>>>>>>> copy or use this e-mail or any attachments for any purpose, nor disclose
>>>>>>>>> all or any part of the contents to any other person.
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~dhis2-devs
>>>>>>>>> Post to : dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Knut Staring
>>>>>>>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>>>>>>>> Norway: +4791880522
>>>>>>>> Skype: knutstar
>>>>>>>> http://dhis2.org
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email and
>>>>>>> any attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are not
>>>>>>> an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
>>>>>>> distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have
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>>>>>>> delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately. You should not retain,
>>>>>>> copy or use this e-mail or any attachments for any purpose, nor disclose
>>>>>>> all or any part of the contents to any other person.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Knut Staring
>>>>>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>>>>>> Norway: +4791880522
>>>>>> Skype: knutstar
>>>>>> http://dhis2.org
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email and
>>>>> any attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are not
>>>>> an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
>>>>> distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have
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>>>>> delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately. You should not retain,
>>>>> copy or use this e-mail or any attachments for any purpose, nor disclose
>>>>> all or any part of the contents to any other person.
>>>> --
>>>> Knut Staring
>>>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>>>> Norway: +4791880522
>>>> Skype: knutstar
>>>> http://dhis2.org
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Pamod Amarakoon
>>> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email and any
>>> attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are not an
>>> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
>>> distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have
>>> received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and permanently
>>> delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately. You should not retain,
>>> copy or use this e-mail or any attachments for any purpose, nor disclose
>>> all or any part of the contents to any other person.
>> --
>> Knut Staring
>> Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
>> Norway: +4791880522
>> Skype: knutstar
>> http://dhis2.org
> --
> Regards,
> Pamod Amarakoon
> Confidentiality Notice: the information contained in this email and any
> attachments may be legally privileged and confidential. If you are not an
> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination,
> distribution, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender and permanently
> delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately. You should not retain,
> copy or use this e-mail or any attachments for any purpose, nor disclose
> all or any part of the contents to any other person.
Knut Staring
Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo
Norway: +4791880522
Skype: knutstar
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