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Re: OutOfMemory problem with Android SDK and 2.22-legacy branch


Hi there,

this is just to inform you (I'm sure you're already aware however) that
using the recently available build 21778, the problem disappears. Thank you
for this.

Best regards.

2016-01-21 16:42 GMT+01:00 Ignacio Foche <nacho.foche@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello everyone,
> while using the SDK in its 2.22-legacy branch in our app, when we pull
> data and metadata from a 2.22 DHIS2 server, we're getting an OutOfMemory
> exception, that seems to come from the following api call
> https://hnqis-staging.psi-mis.org/api/programs/wK0958s1bdj?fields=*%2CtrackedEntity%5B*%5D%2CprogramIndicators%5B*%5D%2CprogramStages%5B*%2C%21dataEntryForm%2Cprogram%5Bid%5D%2CprogramIndicators%5B*%5D%2CprogramStageSections%5B*%2CprogramStageDataElements%5B*%2CprogramStage%5Bid%5D%2CdataElement%5B*%2Cid%2CattributeValues%5B*%2Cattribute%5B*%5D%5D%2CoptionSet%5Bid%5D%5D%5D%2CprogramIndicators%5B*%5D%5D%2CprogramStageDataElements%5B*%2CprogramStage%5Bid%5D%2CdataElement%5B*%2CoptionSet%5Bid%5D%5D%5D%5D%2CprogramTrackedEntityAttributes%5B*%2CtrackedEntityAttribute%5B*%5D%5D%2C%21organisationUnits%29
> I attach the complete Tomcat response.
> Do you have any idea about why are we getting this problem in a 2.22
> server while in an equivalent 2.20 server everything's working fine (with
> the same amount of memory available for Tomcat)? Is this an api bug?
> Thank you in advance
> --
> ----
> Clave pública PGP:
> http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8185416E

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