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Mailing list archive
Message #43008
Issue with Settings App after upgrade to 2.22
I am having trouble with the Settings App after upgrade from 2.21 to 2.22.
When I click on Apps and on Settings, the page continues to load for hours
(see snapshot below) but it never displays the Settings page.
I have cleared cache and switched to Tomcat 8 but it didn't make a
difference. Meanwhile, nothing shows up in tomcat/logs
The interesting part is that when I roll the server back to dhis2.21 the
settings App loads fine but not with 2.22.
I am using Apache server with Tomcat 7.0.67 and Java 8
dhis2 build version: 21775
I will appreciate any help.
[image: Inline image 1]

Settings 2016-01-23 13-38-19.png
Description: PNG image
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