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Message #44408
Re: Clarification on "Report date"
This is an interesting post and I must say I thought I understood it until I saw another post on the list yesterday asking if Enrolment date can be pulled into event analytics and the answer was not at this stage.
I thought that using your scenario you could define either Enrolment date or Incident date on the Program UI to be aliased as “Admission date” effectively the user will see “Admission date” on the UI when entering data.
Then on the Programstage UI there is one field which asks which Report date you want to use and I thought this defines which date is used when running event analytics but now I am confused.
Regardless then all of these dates are available to select when you set up program indicators including execution date and current date which is useful. So my take is depending whether you selected Incident date or Enrolment date as “Admission date” you would use that one when setting up the program indicator?
I will watch the responses to your question with interest so that I can figure out exactly how this all fits together because if it is true that one can only use incident date in event analytics then I don’t understand the purpose of defining “Report date” J
Elmarie Claasen
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Health Information Systems Program
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From: Dhis2-devs [mailto:dhis2-devs-bounces+elmarie=hisp.org@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jason Pickering
Sent: 13 April 2016 06:13 AM
To: dhis2-devs
Subject: [Dhis2-devs] Clarification on "Report date"
Hi Devs,
There are a range of dates available for use in program indicators (see below).
We want to use the "Report date" to simplify things a bit, rather than using another data element to record the event. We had created a date for "Admission date" but the default "Report date" is not really important for analysis purposes, but rather simply the admission date. We can essentially get the "Report date" from the date the event was created if we really need it, but like I said, its not important for us. The admission date is really what counts.
I am assuming that "Description of report date*" in the program stage UI refers to "Incident date" but I am not quite sure. Are all of these dates different somehow than "Report date" which is mandatory for events?
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