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Message #44744
Fwd: Count events for specific program stage
I've try this solution in the demo :
*Program indicator *:
*Tracker Capture:*
There's no value seen in the program indicator
2016-05-03 11:36 GMT+03:00 ramaso hasina <hasina.ramaso@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thanks Lars,
> I'll try this workaround.
> Hasina.
> 2016-05-03 11:28 GMT+03:00 Lars Helge Øverland <lars@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi Ramaso,
>> we do not support that directly per now. However it has come up a number
>> of times so we will try to get it done for 2.24.
>> I am thinking we can add another variable for program stage, which allows
>> you to filter on the program stage ID in the indicator filter, e.g.
>> V{program_stage} = 'A03MvHHogjR'
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/dhis2/+spec/program-indicator-event-program-stage-count
>> However, there could be a workaround. Given that you have a numerical
>> data element which is _always_ filled for the stage, can use the event
>> count variable in the expression:
>> V{event_count}
>> and use that data element in the expression where you filter on a a value
>> greater > 0, e.g.
>> #{A03MvHHogjR.wQLfBvPrXqq} > 0
>> This way, the filter will filter out event which do not have a value for
>> that data element in that stage.
>> regards,
>> Lars
>> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 9:28 AM, ramaso hasina <hasina.ramaso@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm trying to do a program with many program stage.
>>> My program indicator is to know the count of events for just the first
>>> program stage for example.
>>> How can I do that ?
>>> Thanks.
>>> DHIS2 Version : 2.21 - 20994.
>>> *Hasinarivelo RAMASOMANANA*
>>> *mHealth Specialist*
>>> Population Services International
>>> Antananarivo - Madagascar
>>> *Vies Saines - Résultats mesurables*
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>> --
>> Lars Helge Øverland
>> Lead developer, DHIS 2
>> University of Oslo
>> Skype: larshelgeoverland
>> http://www.dhis2.org <https://www.dhis2.org/>

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