dhis2-devs team mailing list archive
dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #45018
OrgUnit conflicts
Hi All,
I would like to have your advice on how to fix the following issues:
- The first point is that after the creation of users who are entering data
through DHIS2 data capture, each of them has the following warning (409
conflict) when logging in the web interface mentioning that the user is not
allowed to view the org unit with an org unit UID that I could not locate
in the database (through SQL view). How to troubleshoot this issue?
-The second point is when using the reporting rate app, I am summarizing
the report by the administrative commune level (level 5 in the org unit
hierarchy). Instead of having 3 total of expected reports (red circle), the
app is counting the level 5 itself so the total expected reports become 4
(as illustrated in the image below), which is false. Are there some
parameters that I should set to fix this issue?
I am using DHIS2 2.19.
Thank you for your help.
*Tantely Raminosoa*
*Data Officer*
Management Sciences for Health
Antananarivo Madagascar
Mobile: 0321180040
E-mail: traminosoa@xxxxxxxxxx
Skype: traminosoa
Stronger health systems. Greater health impact.
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