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Re: Bugs in DHIS new importer.


> - Sharing settings will sync only if you change any metadata of that
> particular element along with change in sharing settings.

I'm not able to replicate this, was able to download objects, and change
sharing settings (without changing anything else on the object), could you
tell me more about the object you have been testing? could be specific to a
particular type maybe

> - When we create Custom attributes and make them mandatory and assign to a
> data set (for example) and sync them to local instance, we get a run time
> exception stating that attribute for dataset not given any value. This is
> because even if it is mandatory we are not changing the dataset to set the
> value to attribute.

You mean you are making a metadata attribute as mandatory, but not
providing a attribute value for it? that should fail of course, but what
kind of run time exeption do you get? It should have been caught by the
import validation routines

- Data set - when updated with a data approval workflow - does not sync to
> local. Everything syncs and association is not syncing

We do not support any data approval types at this point (at least nothing
has been done to try and support them, it's untested)

- when we updated the existing program with adding combination of
> categories and synched.

This should be fixed now

- while updating attributes in the program with registration.
> * ERROR 2016-06-21 21:23:24,325 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique
> constraint ""programtrackedentityattribute_unique_key""
>   Detail: Key (programid, trackedentityattributeid)=(255, 240) already
> exists. (SqlExceptionHelper.java [taskScheduler-6])
> * ERROR 2016-06-21 21:23:24,385 Exception occurred while trying to import
> the metadata. could not execute statement (MetadataImportHandler.java
> [taskScheduler-6])
> org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute
> statement at
> org.hibernate.exception.internal.SQLStateConversionDelegate.convert(SQLStateConversionDelegate.java:112)"Error
> on Edit Program Stage page. Press cancel and exception is thrown. Analytics
> Export Error. Process failed. null.

Please try again, I have done several fixes related to issues like this (at
least similar issues)

- Charts, pivot tables, Report Table/ Pivot Table, Event Report, Event
> Chart, Validation Rule
> Metadata Sync failed for the above metadata With the below runtime
> exception.
> --- Exception occurred while trying to import the metadata. object
> references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance
> before flushing: org.hisp.dhis.dataelement.DataElement
> (MetadataSyncTask.java [taskScheduler-9])

This should be fixed

- Admin user when added to dashboard item is not syncing with metadat sync.

Will look into it

- When deleted a legend at HQ and synced to local. The legend at Local also
> is deleted on UI (exists in DB). Also, legend is getting duplicated with a
> different UID in DB.

Will look into it

> - Metadata Filter (Import-Export --> Metadata Detailed Export)
> modification to properties like name, description is successfully synced
> but the selection is not synced, the payload also have the details of the
> updated data when synced.

Not sure how much time we should spend on this, the metadata filter
functionality should be replaced in future releases (it's not very stable,
and has not been updated to support new types etc)

- custom forms are synced properly when created, but while Updation of
> custom form not reflecting on UI. However, payload has the full information
> of updates.

Will look into it, is the issue present for both data set and program


> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> Nalinikanth M
> Quality Analyst
> Email nalinim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Telephone +91 9052234588 <+91+9052234588>
> [image: ThoughtWorks]
> <http://www.thoughtworks.com/?utm_campaign=archana-chillala-signature&utm_medium=email&utm_source=thoughtworks-email-signature-generator>

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