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Expected reports based on org unit opening and closed date in 2.24


Dear Team,

Thanks team for this inclusion of this long awaited functionality, however
we have just been analyzing the functionality at HISP Uganda and realized
it solves the big problem national implementations have been facing but not

It solves the addition on new and closing facilities moving forward in
implementation and expansion, but not the problem of upgrading and down
grading facilities. For example when a facility is upgraded say in terms of
services, it will be added an extra dataset that will affect reporting
rates before and when its down graded it will affect reporting rates going
forward and will be more than 100%.

May be we may have to think around time stamp for dataset
editing/assignment and removal.....


Prosper Behumbiize, MPH
Global DHIS2 Implementation| HISP Uganda/University Of Oslo
+256 752 751 776 | +256 776 139 139
prosper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <ptb3000@xxxxxxxxx> | prosper@xxxxxxxxx | Skype:

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