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Re: GIS App Does Not Load and Just Hangs



Do you have any suggestions for this issue? We're currently blocked and not
able to use the GIS app on this instance.



On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 12:00 PM, Lorill Crees <lcrees@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> In a separate thread "GIS Google Maps Error" I had mentioned we are having
> an issue with one of our instances where the GIS app will not load and just
> hangs.
> After much investigation, we have tracked this down to one of the api
> calls that DHIS 2 is doing when loading the app to retrieve option sets.
> When viewing the browser network JS console, there is a call to
> /optionSets. It takes too long and times out (it gets cancelled). I've
> pasted the api call below. The result is that the GIS app just hangs and
> never loads.
> Further investigating, it looks like EXTJS has a default timeout of 30s
> which explains the timeout from within the DHIS 2 code. Performing the
> request outside of the DHIS 2 app returns OK, although the call takes
> almost 80 seconds to return.
> By the way, the instance has the DHIS 2 server setting of "no cache", I
> have used the Browser Cache Cleaner within DHIS 2, and also manually
> cleared the cache in my browser.
> I have also made a copy of the database locally, and am running the
> instance directly via Tomcat (no NGINX). I can sporadically recreate this
> as the return time for the call to optionSets is close to 30 seconds.
> Please see my two screenshots with the same url locally:
>    - when /optionSets returns under 30 seconds, the GIS app loads properly
>    - when /optionSets returns over 30 seconds, the GIS app hangs
> One odd thing is that the api call being used locally for optionSets is
> slightly different than the one on the server, although they are both
> running the exact version / revision of DHIS 2 and I am calling the same
> url.
> We are using 2.22 R 22089.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Lorill
> ------------
> *On Server:*
> url: https://[server]/dhis-web-mapping/index.html
> /api/optionSets.json?fields=id,displayName|rename(name),vers
> ion,options[code,displayName|rename(name)]&paging=false&_dc=1470939760248
> *(*Cancelled at 30.00s) See screenshot
> When loading this url directly, it takes 79 seconds to return and the
> response is very large
> *On Localhost:*
> url: http://localhost:8090/dhis/dhis-web-mapping/index.html
> /api/optionSets.json?fields=id,version&paging=false&_dc=1470934124633
>    - app loads when api call returns in 22.25 seconds
>    - app hang when api call cancelled at 30 seconds
