dhis2-devs team mailing list archive
dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #46979
Use of Enrollment date and Incidence date in Program and ProgramStage setup
Hi all,
I have a question which is probably due to lack of clear understanding but
hopefully someone can assist.
If you set up a program you select whether to show Incidence data and
Enrollment date and then able to name these dates.
If a program is set up to only show Enrollment date then why does both of
them appear on the dropdown on the program stage setup screen on Report date
to use?
Wouldn't it make sense for the Incidence date not to be listed under the
dropdown for Report Date to use in the Program Stage if in the Program setup
you chose not to show Incidence date.
Elmarie Claasen
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Project Manager
Health Information Systems Program
Tel: 041-367 1027
Cell: 082 374 2209
E-mail: <mailto:elmarie@xxxxxxxx> elmarie@xxxxxxxx
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