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Message #47863
Event Capture - Search for an event in all Events of the selected Program
Actually when I make a search in the Event Capture window, the search is
limited to the only visible page of the events for the selected Program
(for the specific OrgUnit).
Probably the search is made on the client side.
It will be very useful if the search is made on the server side and the
output of the search are all events in the selected program, which meet he
search filter, not only in the visualized page.
For example, when an verification audit is done and some strange value is
found by the statistics, we have to find the event with this value to
correct or examine it.
When the events in the program are not too much, we can scroll the pages,
or make a biggest page with more than the default 50 events (200, 500). But
when the events are more than 10 000 or 50 000 it is inconvenient.
It will be more useful and faster to make the search as a query with the
search filter to the server and than visualize the output result of the
query on the Event Capture window.
[image: Immagine incorporata 1]
[image: Immagine incorporata 2]
I created an issue with the new JIRA for issue tracking, I hope I done it
DHIS2-254 <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-254>
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Eng. Antonia Bezenchek - CIO - ICT Engineer