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The DHIS 2 Tracker Academy - Goa 2017 is coming up. Register now!  


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20 - 24 February


DHIS 2 Tracker Academy - Goa 2017


We are pleased to announce the "DHIS 2 Tracker Academy, Level 1 - Goa 2017" to be held at "The International Centre, Goa" from Feb 20-24. This five day Tracker Academy will focus on emerging needs for case based reporting, disease registries, disease surveillance and event reporting.

Register Now! https://www.dhis2.org/india2017-home<http://uio.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d86b474ea589b655ce766f7f3&id=8a73ca15b9&e=f14550500a>

We would like to invite you and other staff from your organization engaged in HIS design, implementation and use to participate in the workshop. We invite  both new and experienced DHIS 2 implementers to participate, although it would be preferred that you have had some prior experience with DHIS 2.

HISP India is one of the pioneers in the design, development and implementation of DHIS 2 related projects for over a decade, and has worked with important partners both in India and globally. For more information: https://hispindia.org<http://uio.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d86b474ea589b655ce766f7f3&id=2896e66fa4&e=f14550500a> <http://uio.us10.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=d86b474ea589b655ce766f7f3&id=72fd58c127&e=f14550500a>

The focus on Tracker is in response to the heightened demand for case based information systems, especially relating to disease control and surveillance. The Academy will cover key functionalities of the Tracker, approaches to their customization and we will provide real life use cases where the DHIS 2 Tracker has been customized for innovative and scalable applications.

The conference is being hosted in Goa, the touristic land of extreme beauty. This will provide the opportunity for participants to participate in the festivities of the Carnival following the workshop.

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful city of Goa in February, where we can combine both learning and leisure.

Reach out to us with questions at india2017@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:india2017@xxxxxxxxx>

See you in Goa!

The Organizing Committee



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