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Message #48171
Re: [Dhis2-users] AttributeOptioncombo field in datavalue table
Just NOTE that when you set up a data set with a catcombo (which gets
stored as attributeoptioncomboids), the assumption is usually that you have
several SEPARATE set of values, with each set linked to as specific
catcombo (e.g. as source of funding).
Example: you have a facility with three equal sources of funding for HIV
counselling and Testing (HCT). Let us say they counsel 6,000 patients, test
5,700, and 900 test HIV positive. If you capture that data as 2,000
counselled, 1,900 tested, and 300 tested positive three times, each time
selecting a different source of funding for the data set catcombo, then
that's technically OK and totals are correct (might be
conceptually/politically messy, of course, with each funding source
claiming "their share" of all HCT clients). The three reports add up to the
total. This is typically the situation where each donor demand separate
reporting for "their share" of the funding. It also typically results in
significant double-counting, because facilities report the same patient
cases multiple times.
On the other hand, you might have one data reporting stream (i.e. less
chance of double-counting), but where the funding is coming from different
sources. Using the data set catcombo option, you would then capture the
same data three times but with different catcombos (funding sources).
Technically that could become messy, and it might be difficult to avoid
erroneous totals. In such cases it might be better to capture funding
"shares" as comments, or - if you need to report separately - as separate
annual or quarterly data element values. You can then use such "shares"
(i.e. fractions) via indicators to generate reports for each source of
The above is mostly technical consideration around data break-downs etc.
Strategically/ideologically, analysis by source of funding tend to inflate
the importance of donor funding and reduce the importance of government
funding (because it's generic under "salaries" and "drugs" and "utilities"
and "construction costs" etc) and eliminate the importance of work done by
families and communities (because those are often not even monetised). Just
mentioning it to keep things in perspective ;-)
Regards from Norway - snowing for a second day!
On 4 January 2017 at 10:39, Elmarie Claasen <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Randy,
> If you create the attribute options and then add them as categories and
> category combinations and then assign them to the *dataset* under
> category combination ref ART monthly dataset in SL demo then the data
> entry screen allows the data entry clerk to choose the attribute combos for
> which to capture data and those are then stored in the data value table
> based on the selection made.
> Regards,
> *Elmarie Claasen*
> [image: Hisp logo]
> Project Manager
> Health Information Systems Program
> Tel: 041-367 1027
> Cell: 082 374 2209
> E-mail: elmarie@xxxxxxxx
> Skype: elmarie.claasen52
> *From:* Dhis2-users [mailto:dhis2-users-bounces+elmarie=hisp.org@lists.
> launchpad.net] *On Behalf Of *Wilson, Randy
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 4, 2017 9:56 AM
> *To:* DHIS 2 developers <dhis2-devs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
> dhis2-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> *Subject:* [Dhis2-users] AttributeOptioncombo field in datavalue table
> Is there any documentation available on how to populate the
> attributeoptioncomboid in the data values table through the data entry
> screens? We would like to use it to store source of funding as the
> categoryoptioncombo is already being used for another purpose.
> We're using version 2.24.
> --
> *Randy Wilson*
> *Team Leader: Knowledge Management, Data Use and Research*
> Rwanda Health System Strengthening Activity
> Management Sciences for Health
> Rwanda-Kigali
> Direct: +250 788308835 <+250%20788%20308%20835>
> E-mail: rwilson@xxxxxxx
> Skype: wilsonrandy_us
> <http://www.msh.org/>
> Stronger health systems. Greater health impact.
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Calle Hedberg
46D Alma Road, 7700 Rosebank, SOUTH AFRICA
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