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Mailing list archive
Message #48686
Period name based on startdate or enddate?
We are running SQL code to output data from the SQL View module. We get the
following table for an organization unit accross multiple periods
containing results with *startdate* and *enddate*. We have set up the
period to "*Monthly*".
In order to output the Period name (i.e. January 2017 or 201701), shoud we
consider the sartdate or enddate (from period table)? Here in this example,
we could observe the month repeating both for startdate and enddate. In our
understanding, each value for each category should be unique for each
month. Or is there another table containing already the period name that we
have to base the SQL query?
[image: Inline image 1]
Thank you for your support!
Kind Regards,
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