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attributeCc and attributeCos



this is in 2.24 and 2.26

I've been trying to get all active events back for a program from the API
and so far I've been unable to get any results unless I
specify: attributeCc and attributeCos. I looked through developer manuals
for 2.24 and 2.27 and noticed there is no reference to the above two
variables. Would it be possible to get back all events regardless of
attribute option combo if attributeCc and attributeCos are not specified?




*Timothy Harding*
Sr. Systems Analyst, BAO Systems
+1 202-536-1541 | tharding@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx | http://www.baosystems.com | Skype:
hardingt@xxxxxxxxx | 2900 K Street, Suite 406, Washington D.C. 20007

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