dhis2-devs team mailing list archive
dhis2-devs team
Mailing list archive
Message #49666
Right scrolling arrow on dashboard disappear on spanish translation
Hello Team,
We are currently using DHIS2 2.27 build 5c148f4 (same as demo server) and
we noticed that the right scrolling arrow (used to navigate through the
dashboards) on Dashboard app is missing when you configurate spanish as the
system language (or any laguage with terms. I attach some images to explain
myself better.
- When you create a dashboard with english as system language the right
arrow works fine:
With spanish as system language the right arrow disappears, so you cannot
navigate through the list of dashboards:
Tell me if I should report it on Jira.
Sergio Valenzuela
Fundación EHAS
Telemedicina para países en desarrollo -* www.ehas.org
E.T.S.I. de Telecomunicación A.101-9L. Ciudad Universitaria 30, 28040
Madrid - España
Tlfno. (+34) 91 488 87 41: (+34) 687 67 17 62

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