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metadata import in 2.27 much slower than in 2.26


I am getting really large import time discrepancies between 2.26 and 2.27.

I stand up a blank DHIS2 locally with postgres 9.5. Import one very small
file (attribute definition used in org units, and one level 1 and one level
2 org units). That takes under one second in both.

Then I try to import a hierarchy that starts at level 3 and has 14458 org
units. This is the call i make on both versions of DHIS2 to import is:

curl -u 'admin:district' -H 'Content-Type:application/xml' -X POST '
--data-binary @import.xml

2.26 takes under 30 seconds. 2.27 takes over 15 minutes. Is this normal? I
know it's not a small hierarchy, but more than 30 fold increase between
versions seems a bit much.

I've tried multiple times each, and get consistent results.

This is the log from 2.26:

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:53:10,602 (admin) Import:Start
(DefaultMetadataImportService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-7])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:53:10,788 (admin) Import:Preheat[REFERENCE] took 0.18
seconds (DefaultPreheatService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-7])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:53:11,178 (admin) Import:Validation took 0.31 seconds
(DefaultObjectBundleValidationService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-7])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:53:11,191 (admin) Creating 14458 object(s) of type
OrganisationUnit (DefaultObjectBundleService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-7])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:53:35,991 (admin) Import:Commit took 24.81 seconds
(DefaultMetadataImportService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-7])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:53:35,994 (admin) Import:Done took 25.39 seconds
(DefaultMetadataImportService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-7])

This is the log from 2.27:

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:56:59,099 (admin) Import:Start
(DefaultMetadataImportService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:56:59,265 (admin) Import:Preheat[REFERENCE] took 0.16
seconds (DefaultPreheatService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:56:59,912 (admin) Import:Validation took 0.36 seconds
(DefaultObjectBundleValidationService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])

* INFO  2017-08-24 15:56:59,925 (admin) Creating 14458 object(s) of type
OrganisationUnit (DefaultObjectBundleService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])

* INFO  2017-08-24 16:12:41,690 Cleared Hibernate caches
(DefaultHibernateCacheManager.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])

* INFO  2017-08-24 16:12:41,721 (admin) Import:Commit took 941.80 seconds
(DefaultMetadataImportService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])

* INFO  2017-08-24 16:12:41,723 (admin) Import:Done took 942.62 seconds
(DefaultMetadataImportService.java [http-bio-8080-exec-4])



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