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Message #50505
Getting more info about why data values are ignored during import
I am sending bulks of data to DHIS2 using the API specifying value, dataElement, catOptCombo, orgUnit and Period (attrOptionCombo is always empty). An example of the json payload can be found below.
"dataValues": [
"dataElement": "f3650e9e3b6",
"period": "2013W01",
"orgUnit": "098b208aabf",
"categoryOptionCombo": "412b32f973f",
"attrOptionCombo": "",
"value": "5"
"dataElement": "26d0e2dd673",
"period": "2013W01",
"orgUnit": "098b208aabf",
"categoryOptionCombo": "412b32f973f",
"attrOptionCombo": "",
"value": "4"
"dataElement": "e638c648d6b",
"period": "2013W01",
"orgUnit": "098b208aabf",
"categoryOptionCombo": "412b32f973f",
"attrOptionCombo": "",
"value": "10"
"dataElement": "f1ee1df0b4f",
"period": "2013W01",
"orgUnit": "098b208aabf",
"categoryOptionCombo": "412b32f973f",
"attrOptionCombo": "",
"value": "3"
"dataElement": "94448a0b819",
"period": "2013W01",
"orgUnit": "098b208aabf",
"categoryOptionCombo": "412b32f973f",
"attrOptionCombo": "",
"value": "3"
So far I imported 100000 records in DHIS2 and got 818 ignored (response below). I have queries to check and validate that all references used in my data values exist and can't find any missing reference. I also made sure there are no zero values... So I can't figure out the reason why those 818 records are ignored. In there any way to get a response from DHIS2 with more info about ignored records? Thanks
"responseType": "ImportSummary",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"importOptions": {
"idSchemes": {},
"dryRun": false,
"async": false,
"importStrategy": "CREATE_AND_UPDATE",
"mergeMode": "REPLACE",
"reportMode": "FULL",
"skipExistingCheck": false,
"sharing": false,
"skipNotifications": false,
"datasetAllowsPeriods": false,
"strictPeriods": false,
"strictCategoryOptionCombos": false,
"strictAttributeOptionCombos": false,
"strictOrganisationUnits": false,
"requireCategoryOptionCombo": false,
"requireAttributeOptionCombo": false
"description": "Import process completed successfully",
"importCount": {
"imported": 99182,
"updated": 0,
"ignored": 818,
"deleted": 0
"dataSetComplete": "false"
Best regards / Cordialement / Vriendelijke groeten / Atentamente,

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