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Message #50643
Re: Program indicators export to another system
Agree very much on having a GUI/app for mapping.
For example, I am currently setting up an instance with simplified
geometries for the whole world based on GADM - with the hierarchy down to
admin level 1, 2, 3, 4 created based on the shapefiles and using the codes
from GADM for admin1 and admin2
It would then be great to be able to link the GADM orgunits with
names/codes used by existing MoH data collection setups (whether Excel,
Access, DHIS2 or other). Would be good to preserve the mapping for later
also, perhaps as an attribute.
On a side note, I heard that someone created an app which can import such
mapping between a shapefile and an exciting orgunit hierarchy in Excel,
which is also not a bad solution.
On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 11:02 AM, Calle Hedberg <calle.hedberg@xxxxxxxxx>
> Knut
> I did that for IDSR/Malaria in order to "map" local IDSR program
> indicators to the WHO aggregated malaria data elements.
> It is, frankly, a painful and "expert" approach to the problem, and in my
> opinion very difficult to maintain.
> The presumably simplest solution is to expand the "Data Value Set"
> download option under the pivot table app to incorporate the optional use
> of CODES or NAMES. While some might argue that using the same code or name
> for a Program Indicator as for an aggregated data element is not "purist",
> it should work.
> A more sophisticated solution that would be useful for any type of data
> import is to introduce data element and organisationunit "mapping" during
> import - similar functionality has been available in DHIS v1 since time
> immemorial.
> Users can then define/store/use two lookup field values: uid (or
> code/name) INCOMING, and uid (or code/name) IMPORTING. So incoming
> uid/code/name will automatically be replaced by the equivalent/correct
> value before the system start POSTing records.
> Regards
> Calle
> On 1 February 2018 at 18:07, Knut Staring <knutst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Elmarie,
>> This is an important issue, and I expect others will have a better
>> answer, but one approach could perhaps be to replace the UID for the
>> Programme Indicators with the desired data element UID. I suppose that
>> would have to be done either directly in the database or through the API,
>> but if it were to be a recommended way to link databases it should also be
>> possibly to do this kind of mapping through the user interface
>> Knut
>> On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 4:59 PM, Elmarie Claasen <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Any response to this question?
>>> Regards
>>> Elmarie
>>> On 30 Jan 2018 12:11, "Elmarie Claasen" <elmarie@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We create Programme Indicators and would like to export those to other
>>>> systems with different data element UIDs than the created Programme
>>>> Indicator UID.
>>>> If adding a code to the Programme Indicator which is same as the Data
>>>> Element code will this allow matching on import?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> *Elmarie Claasen*
>>>> [image: Hisp logo]
>>>> Project Manager
>>>> Health Information Systems Program
>>>> Tel: 041-367 1027
>>>> Cell: 082 374 2209
>>>> E-mail: elmarie@xxxxxxxx
>>>> Skype: elmarie.claasen52
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>> --
>> Knut Staring
>> Department of Information, Evidence and Research
>> World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
>> Office: +41 22 791 3683 <+41%2022%20791%2036%2083> Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931
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> --
> *******************************************
> Calle Hedberg
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> *******************************************
Knut Staring
Department of Information, Evidence and Research
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Office: +41 22 791 3683 <+41%2022%20791%2036%2083> Mob1: +33 6 4434 2931
<+33%206%2044%2034%2029%2031> Mob2: +47 9188 0522
Skype: knutstar
