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Foreign Key constraints for same columns on the same table


Dear Dev,

We have noticed on numerous DHIS2 databases that there sometimes are
multiple Foreign Key constraints on the same table for the same column. On
Sierra Leone some examples:

categories_categoryoptions FOREIGN KEY
fk_categories_categoryoptions_categoryid categoryid
categories_categoryoptions FOREIGN KEY fkf453b3bdd24076b3 categoryid
categorycombos_categories FOREIGN KEY fk731150b827f29ff categorycomboid
categorycombos_categories FOREIGN KEY
fk_categorycombos_categories_categorycomboid categorycomboid
indicatorgroupmembers FOREIGN KEY fkf01275498be51834 indicatorgroupid
indicatorgroupmembers FOREIGN KEY fk_indicatorgroupmembers_indicatorgroupid

organisationunitattributevalues FOREIGN KEY fk601dda02b8e4fd1
organisationunitattributevalues FOREIGN KEY fkcoo6svgtx8pre5fabnjuyhgpf
organisationunitattributevalues FOREIGN KEY fk601dda0fb4caaad
organisationunitattributevalues FOREIGN KEY fk7utgogpv8n5r4yxm41lhd70i0
orgunitgroupmembers FOREIGN KEY fk55fa7022b8b57b9d orgunitgroupid
orgunitgroupmembers FOREIGN KEY fk_orgunitgroupmembers_orgunitgroupid
programstageinstancecomments FOREIGN KEY fk5323f083fc199ca1
programstageinstancecomments FOREIGN KEY fkki1hrag24gcjuq78oafhuk1wh
programstageinstancecomments FOREIGN KEY
reporttable_organisationunits FOREIGN KEY fk4b7becf027251155 reporttableid
reporttable_organisationunits FOREIGN KEY fk4b7becf03aab0439 reporttableid
reporttable_organisationunits FOREIGN KEY fk4b7becf0cc2046c1 reporttableid
Are these "duplicates" a matter of concern and should this be maintained
regularly by removing them? Do these "duplicates" add to the database
overheads/performance degradation?

Best Regards

*Ant Snyman*

*Cell: 0824910449*

*Landline: 028 2713242*

Health Information Systems Program - SA


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