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Message #52093
SMS inbound web api not functioning properly
Hi devs,
Just trying out the inbound SMS web api. If I use the following parameters on https://play.dhis2.org/2.29 and https://play.dhis2.org/2.30, then I see a log of my incoming message in the View Received SMS UI (Mobile Configuration App), and I can view the newly submitted data in Data Entry properly (Org Unit Ngelehun CHC, Data Set “Mortality < 5 Years”, Period October 2018).
However, using https://play.dhis2.org/dev, I do not see any log of my incoming message in the View Received SMS UI (Mobile Configuration App), and the SMS Command UI itself looks a bit different. My POST still responds that all is OK, as shown below. I also see this same behavior when running the master code line locally.
Can you help me understand the issue?
Many thanks, Gretchen

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