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Re: Info on GIS development


OK are you running the latest source code from trunk, at least the
dhis-service-importexport and dhis-web-importexport modules?

The file you sent imports beautifully here.


2010/7/17 John lewis <johnlewis.hisp@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hi Lars, I tried to import the GML file using the import option. I dont see
> any error in the log but in the screen it says "No import process
> running". I am attaching the GML file of Orrissa which Jan have converted
> and given to me.
> John
> 2010/7/15 Lars Helge Øverland <larshelge@xxxxxxxxx>
>> We are in the process of changing the GIS module in terms of how the
>> geographical information is persisted and presented.
>> In the snapshot version we now store the coordinates in JSON format
>> directly in the database on the OrganisationUnit.coordinates property. This
>> gives us a lot more flexibility in the way maps are presented.
>> Previously maps had to be registered explicitly either in the form of
>> GeoJson files or Shapefiles. Then the user had to select a map together with
>> indicator and period. Now the user can select an orgunit from a tree and the
>> children of that orgunit at the level below will be displayed in the map.
>> In large countries in India it is impossible to display a single map at
>> the lower levels (eg. for thousands of districts) as the map will be too
>> heavy and slow to load. Registering and managing maps for every e.g.
>> provinces will also be too cumbersome. With the current solution there is no
>> more work of registering and selecting maps - only the one time job of
>> importing geographical data/coordinates into the database.
>> Importing is a 4 step process:
>> *1.* Convert your shapefiles (or whatever format you have) into GML.
>> The recommended tool is FWTools, http://fwtools.maptools.org/ . The
>> command for converting shapefiles into GML is
>> ogr2ogr -F GML output.gml input.shp
>> (make sure you stand inside the folder containing the shape files)
>> Check available formats with the command ogr2ogr
>> *2.* Make sure the XML element inside the GML file which contains the
>> orgunit name is called exactly *ogr:Name* (use search and replace if
>> not), e.g.
>> <ogr:Name>Badjia</ogr:Name>
>> *3.* Import the GML file into DHIS through the regular import interface
>> (no need to zip it)
>> *4.* In the GIS module, make sure the Administrator - Map Source setting
>> is set to *DHIS database*.
>> In the Polygon Layer screen, you can then select the orgunit from the tree
>> which appears by clicking on the Parent orgunit field.
>> Caveat: Shapefiles tend to have duplicate orgunit names, at least at the
>> lower levels, which will cause the import to crash as DHIS requires unique
>> names. This will have to be taken care of in the GML/shapefile manually for
>> now, will see if we can handle this better in the future.
>> Feedback on this is appreciated as we hope to release soon. Using the
>> module with GeoJson as map source works as before.
>> Thanks to Jan and Bob for great work on GIS / import so far...
>> Lars

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