dhis2-users team mailing list archive
dhis2-users team
Mailing list archive
Message #00784
need some assistant
Hi all,
As you are aware we have been using the DHIS1.4 in Liberia since 2008
and we migrated to DHIS2 in February 2011. Since than we have been
using the DHIS2. Some questions have been posed to me and I have
decided to seek your technical assistant.
1. Can the DHIS1.4 data be imported into the DHIS2?
2. Can data elements in the DHIS1.4 be match with the new Data
elements in DHIS2
ex. In DHIS1.4 we have data elements called
Antenatal 1st visit 1st trimester under 18 years
Antenatal 1st visit 1st trimester 18 years and older
Antenatal 1st visit 2nd trimester under 18 years
Antenatal 1st visit 2nd trimester 18 years and older
Antenatal 1st visit 3rd trimester under 18 years
Antenatal 1st visit 3rd trimester 18 years and older
And in the DHIS2 we just have ANC 1st visit.
Is it possible to have those data in those data elements imported into
this so that we just continue the trend?
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